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Young Writers

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Young Writers

If you are between the ages of 8 to 18 and love to write, be it short stories, plays or poems, then you are a young writer. For the writer nothing is more satisfying than finishing a story, play, poem etc. In fact some young writers decide to make it their career of choice. This is not always an easy path but if you have a passion for it you will ride out the difficult times. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Read widely,a good writer is one that reads constantly and widely. This helps you to get a good idea of how the language is to be written and exposes you to several different styles of writing. Reading is an excellent way to develop good grammar. You shouldn't just stick to modern works of fiction but you should also read classic authors, study their work and the way they developed their characters. Your aim as a writer is to create characters that your readers care about, once they care about the characters readers keep turning the pages.

2. Write everyday, this may be in the form of journal writing or adding to a story, poem or whatever you may be writing. Make it a routine. You have heard that practice makes perfect, well this is true for writing as well. You might want to have a special desk or area in which to write, many writers have a favorite spot in their house in which to write, being in that space puts them in touch with their creative side.

3. Editing is important. It often surprises me as a writer, how many times I revisit and review and rewrite a piece. You may think it's perfect but a few days later when you approach the work with a fresh eye you may find there are more flaws than you saw before. So be prepared to edit a lot. You might also consider showing your work to a trusted friend, who could proof-read or help you edit. Don't let the number of edits you have to do discourage you or let you question your ability. You might write something today that you think is brilliant and a few days later you hate it and just throw it out. That is part of the process.

4. It is often said that you should write what you know. This certainly makes writing easier and more believable. It is also true that writers should be researchers so whatever you don't know you can always find out about through extensive research and then it will become something you do about. Live vicariously as well, remember you can learn a lot from others especially those who are older than you. Listen to their stories, they may inspire you as a young person to write something great.

5. Share your writing with others by joining groups and entering writing contests. This gets you into the habit of putting yourself and your work out there. These experiences are valuable as it provides feedback that you can use to evaluate your writing.
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BONUS : Your Book Arrives From Your New York Publisher!

A large box arrives from a New York Publisher. It’s here—YOUR BOOK! You hurriedly rip it open and take the first book out. There it is…YOUR NAME as the author of your first book. You forget to breathe and your heart skips a beat in excitement.

You caress the spine and read the title and your very own name again. The cover looks great. You read the back cover and study it carefully. Even though you saw the proofs, it’s like you’ve never seen it before. Your excitement builds. There is nothing like the thrill of holding a book you authored in your hands—except the exhilaration of growing rich because of the business you build around it!

You hold the book and feel its heft in your hands. All your hard work … researching the needs of your intended audience … reading about other books in your topic … looking for the needs that only you can fill … writing your book … creating “buzz” in your book before it ever made it into print … has paid off.

You hold the book to your nose and smell it. There is nothing like that new book aroma of paper and ink– when you’re the AUTHOR!

Who will you tell first? Your spouse? Your best friend? Your mother? Or maybe the person or people who tried to squash your dream? You made your big dream come true despite all the negativity the dream-stealers could throw at you.

Because of everything you learned in the Entrepreneurial Authoring program, your book is already creating a stir on the internet and around the world. You are receiving offers to do interviews, be a guest on podcasts, and appear on live broadcasts. You are getting hit after hit on your website because you have wisely peppered the net with your articles and special offers. You are becoming the go-to expert in your area…

And you are helping thousands and thousands of people solve their problems…

And they are all coming back to YOU to help them continue to solve their problems.

And they are telling all their friends about your book…

And you are getting interviews and notoriety for your book…

And you have established tremendous credibility by providing value to people…

And your book is getting lots and lots of attention…

And you are growing a thriving business...

And you are growing RICH!

If this is your dream, take action right now and it will become your reality. Don’t keep telling yourself you’ll start writing that book “someday.” Make it a priority to start now! Get out a pad and pen and get started today!

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