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Creating Content By Hiring Writers

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Creating Content By Hiring Writers

Internet is all about providing information to people. That's why there is a huge demand for informative articles that other webmasters can use on their sites. But although you can write them yourself, there are times when you need some assistance in order to provide content to your visitors or for other purposes.

You may need to hire a writer because of time restraints or because you are not familiar with certain topics. By hiring a writer, you can focus on other tasks and have your content written by other experienced people.

There are several points to notice to get the proper content you need:

- Find out what kind of article you want to outsource.
Decide the main purpose of the article. Do you want to use it as content for your website, submit to article directory or as newsletter? Is it intended to presell a product or just to get inbound links to your website? Prepare the keywords for the article.

- Look for writers
Visit freelance websites like and browse the profile of some writers. Usually, they provide their past works to show their writing ability. Check out the quality of their work. Don't forget to notice some comments from their own customers. But remember that no one is perfect.

The rate of an article is around $5 to $35, but usually you have to order more than one article to meet a minimum order. The rules may vary.

It is up to you whether you want to invite certain writers or not. Some writers can write a topic in details because of their background. The cost of hiring a writer is variable depending on the level of expertise required, the amount of research needed and the nature of the assignment.

Make sure to tell them clearly about the right you want to have with the articles. If you don't want any restriction of using the articles, tell them now. You may also think to not allow the writer to use his works for other purposes (e.g resell them).

Check the articles after you receive them. Make sure the writer you are hiring follow your guidelines. Make a note of his or her work. Can he provide quality work and respect your needs and deadline?

By outsourcing the writing task, you will have more time to focus on other work you like. You will free up more time for marketing and advertising.

Finally, don't forget to keep up with the latest information related to your industry, too. So you will know which topic is being hot and profitable.

Hiring writers is a great way to provide useful content for your website's visitors easily. So give it a try.
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BONUS : Critical Essay: Step By Step Guide

During your studying process you will be given a large number of written assignments that you will have to complete obligatory. They are supposed to develop necessary skills within you, such as to generalize or to specify. All these factors will increase your salability on job market in the future. Completing such assignments you will learn to develop your own approach to the problem and analyze objectively. You will face the necessity to write a number of papers that will require critics from you towards different matters and objects.

Going through the materials you are required to analyze you can either agree to some of the ideas expressed by the author or disagree with him. You also might partially agree with the thesis statement and do not approve the evidence he gives. It doesn’t matter to your tutor whether you agree or disagree, you should stay critical to the matter you research. You have to be neutral to the subject and depict the situation as objectively as it is only possible. Objective criticism is an inseparable part of any essay. The essay structure should look like this: 1) A brief introduction that includes a thesis statement; 2) The main body that contains all the evidence and arguments relevant to the question; 3) Summary paragraph. Whatever point of view you take, you should support your statement by trustworthy evidence and logical chain of facts. You may support or disagree with the statements provided in the initial material, but you should remember to back every one of your facts up by solid evidence. Your argumentation is a vital part of your written assignment. It is not only critical essay, where you are supposed to show coherent and logical scheme of evidence. This ability is extremely important in argumentative essay. According to my experience, students consider simple statement of the fact a valuable motivator to change an opinion of the reader. It is not so, if to look closer. Argumentation you give should be duly structured and each fact you state should be supported by a reliable source of information. Facts do not appear out of the air, we take them from information sources you analyze.

If you have a choice to make, choose a topic that you are acknowledged with. To get a successful paper you should work on the topic that is familiar to you. It would be better if you avoid discussing modern problems and issues in your paper and do not put them in the center of your essay. It is very hard to find a trustworthy source when there are millions of opinions and none of them is supported by good proof. It is also quite impossible to describe the general state of things in a five paragraph essay, so it is better to avoid modern subjects that appear on the news too often.

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