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Writing Good Articles Article Submission Tips And Writing

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Writing Good Articles - Article Submission Tips And Writing

It is no secret that a good way to gain publicity and visitors for your website is to submit articles on quality sites. At the same time I strongly believe that submitting your articles on sites which share the same niche (or category) as yours is a better way to indicate search engines about the category of your article. For example it does not make a lot of sense to publish an article of travel or tourism on a finance website or a technology blog. The visitors of a travel website are likely to be in a mindset of vacation ideas, hotels, airline deals, events and travel attractions. Now if a visitor comes across your article on a travel site, it not only provides a reference link back to your website but most important the person is actually interested in that niche.

We will briefly put together a few points which one should consider while submitting their articles. We have selected travel niche as an example for these article writing tips.

1. Basic strategy of writing articles:
Your article should be written in simple English and easily understandable my most users. It does not need to be too long but usually recommended no little than 300 words, preferably more around 500 words. Clearly state what the travel article is about, use short paragraphs and bullet points. Always provide true facts, good or bad. Consider using use numbers and figures in the text in your articles wherever applicable.

2. Title:
Always use good attention-grabbing titles which not only contain your main keywords, but also give the brief idea to the users that what your travel article is about.

3. Keyword density:
Well if your article is about New York tourism then we recommended that you should have it in your title and multiple times in the body of your article. There are several free tools available on the internet to evaluate your article's keyword density.

4. Link to your site:
If you have a website, then you should certainly provide a link back to your site, if this article is about a section inside your site then consider giving the inner link over your homepage.

5. Bookmark your article with Sites: Once submit travel article and it is published you should consider it book marking using Delicious, Reddit, Digg and Stumble upon. Since these are social bookmark sites, this will also deliver significant traffic to your website. Similarly subscribing to the RSS feed using sites like bloglines and netvibes has similar advantages.

6. Write often: People and search engines are always looking for new articles. You will not only have more links pointing back to your site but also real organic traffic.
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BONUS : Writing Help: Improve Your Writing By Not Writing

Every writer needs some help with their writing. Every writer can improve their writing. One simple technique you can use to improve your writing and better develop your writing process is to spend less time writing and more time thinking about your writing.

Many writers struggle with their early drafts simply because they have not allowed an idea enough time to simmer. Giving yourself time to brainstorm, sift and sort through ideas, and to both have and build upon creative inspirations is one of the keys to becoming a successful and productive writer.

It is best to work on this when you are away from your desk, your computer and any writing equipment (even something as simple as a paper and pencil) however that is the only rule about location. You can sit yourself on a park bench or in your car, you can take a walk or a jog, or you can perform some mindless household task such as vacuuming, folding clothes or washing dishes. There really are not rules as long as you can focus the majority of your brain power on your writing without the distractions of friends, family, or co-workers.

Even with today's hectic, busy days there are moments when we are alone with our thoughts and if you want to improve your writing then you should set aside at least a portion of those moments to focus on your writing. In fact, you might find that not only does this improve your work but it also allows you to multi-task by completing some other mundane task (or simply getting in your exercise for the day). I promise you that once you have focused your brain on your writing that you will see an increase in your productivity. You will actually spend less time in front of the computer (or notebook) but will deliver more quality writing in that shorter time.

It is important once you are set on a specific project that you focus your thoughts on that goal. If you are writing something short then focus first on the introduction, for example. If you are writing a novel or book then focus on one scene or section of a chapter. Create a movie in your head, and because it is your movie, do not overlook the sounds, smells, and textures that go along with it. Put yourself in the shoes of the characters of your movie so you can identify with them and feel their emotions. Play with words and sentences in your head. Get a feel for the rhythm of the language. Does it match the "movie" you created?

The more you work these elements over in your head then the easier it will be when you sit back down to write. Use your head to make writing easier for you and more effective as well.

The more time you spend thinking and planning your writing before you set out to work on your latest project the better.

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