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Writing Articles Tips For Writing Good Articles

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Writing Articles - Tips For Writing Good Articles

Writing articles on the web is the best form of expression in this internet centric era. The power of web has allowed us to reach millions of users surfing internet at any given point, and there is a tremendous potential to put forward your views to this audience. This is a great way to promote your website or blog as well. I personally prefer writing travel & tourism articles and following are a few tips for writing good articles which I follow.

1. Title is the most important part of any any article. A good attention grabbing title will certainly welcome users to your article. For example if you are writing an article on travel tips for Brazil tourism, you may decide to go with a simple title of "Brazil travel tips", but I would personally prefer a title like "Going to Brazil - Important Brazil travel tips", this will grab better attention and interest.

2. Use bullet points or numbers to break your article into several sections. It is a very good idea to bold certain words and sections of your article. Put pictures if you can, for example while writing a travel article, include maps, points of interests and other useful contact information.

3. Length of article: There is no rule but an article between 300 to 500 words is usually considered the best.

4. Search engine optimization: Optimal keyword density, using H1 tags for headings and specifying keywords in meta tags are some of the good rules to follow. Also do not forget to put the ALT tags on images.

5. Submitting your article: Try to submit articles on a website which have the same niche as your article, or at least the article is placed in the section which shares the same theme. For example if you are writing an travel article there is no point in submitting it to a site which has a niche of technology or finance.

6. Submit articles frequently: If you are a website owner then write articles often. This will encourage readers to browse your other posts and eventually visit your site for additional information.

7. Good content: Always publish original content and present facts to the best of your knowledge, regardless they are good or bad. Your article should provide unique information to the user. Specify a date when the article was written.

8. Using examples to describe your point or a situation, is also a great way to present your perspective.

9. If your article gets long, then put headings on the top and provide internal hyperlinks to rest of the article. A great example of this is wikipedia encyclopedia.

10. Social bookmark sites: After your article is published on the web, it is a good idea to bookmark with sites like Delicious and Stumbleupon. This should also help to attract additional web users to your article.
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BONUS : Writing Articles To Promote Your Website

Writing articles is an excellent way for you to get free publicity. The techniques for writing articles are numerous and beyond the scope of this article. That is why writing articles are one of the most utilized Internet marketing media today. Many marketers know that writing articles are great and powerful methods to marketing online. Although writing articles are very easy to do once you know how, getting someone to show you the tricks can be the hard part. Both the press release and writing articles are two important steps on the road to internet marketing success. I think speaking and writing articles are effective ways to keep your name out there. Writing articles are one of the oldest forms of advertising on the internet.

A quality web site should contain at least some original content. Articles make great keyword-rich content for your site. Duplicate content is penalized in the Google search engine results and many other search engines are following. Creating effective web content is a skill that is built over time and experience. Good articles are content rich. The best kept secret of traffic is still the secret of good content. Because content is still superior on the internet, writing articles provides you with a major piece of leverage online. Providing the content the search engines need is a virtual gold mine for entrepreneurs. Content is superior, this will never change on the internet. Writing web content is much like writing articles. Many people don't realize that a website needs good content to work. Try to focus most of your time getting good content for your web site.

Here are some article writing tips. Article containing guidelines and tips for writing articles, online magazines, white papers, tutorials, educational and corporate are excellent articles to write. Here are some other writing tips to increase traffic to your site. If you don't like writing paragraphs, you could make it a 'Tips' article, here is an example, 5 ways to improve your golf swing, then list the 5 good ways. The following are some good tips to master the technique of writing articles. Create a list of keywords your target audience would use to find information on your topic.

Many successful Internet marketers have found out that one of the best ways to drive traffic to their websites is by writing articles. One of the best ways to get traffic to your site is by writing articles and placing the link to your site in the author's bio-box at the end. Nevertheless, there are ways to promote your website and increase your web traffic without spending anything. The second best way to bring free traffic to your website is writing articles. The simple answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. Turn words into traffic is something everyone can do to grow and expand their online business by writing articles. You can get reasonable amount of traffic by writing articles. Ever wonder how some people seem to generate traffic at the click of a button. Don’t forget about all those back links to your website, this is very important when building link popularity. Online articles may be the single best way to get traffic to your web site.

Writing articles are a great way of positioning your online business. One key point to remember, one article will not do it you need to continually submit articles to all of article sites. One strategy to use is to submit one article per week. By the end of the year you would have submitted 52 articles.

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