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Writing Articles How To Attract The Audience To Visit Your Websi

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Writing Articles-how To Attract The Audience To Visit Your Website.

Writing Articles and submitting them to article directories have become extremely popular in recent times.
The question that is uppermost in the mind of an author is "Will my article be picked up by other webmasters and published in their website?" "Will the readers click the link in the resource box and visit my website?" If this does not materialize then the time and energy spent on writing articles will be in vain.

On the other hand if your article had the right recipe to attract huge numbers of visitors to your website then you have certainly succeeded in your exercise and the benefits will be tremendous.
Here we are not talking about Keywords and Search Engine Optimization but just "what is it in an article that will attract the audience to your website?"

1. Captivating and Catchy Title:

The most important thing in the article that can immediately grab the attention and imagination of the audience is without doubt your title. The title should be such that it must compel the reader to stop for a moment and have a quick glance at your article. If you can succeed and you must, then the major part of your battle is over.

2. Excellent Content:

Now that the title has played its role it is the content that has to retain the attention of the reader. While writing articles the title should not by any means mislead the reader of the article because this will mean that he will loose faith in you, your website and your products. Writing excellent content displaying your knowledge and expertise is the best way to retain the attention of the reader. Having read an informative and interesting article his curiosity will naturally be aroused and he is bound to click through to your website. He will want to know more about you, your website and your product and services.

3. Sub Titles and Bullet Points:

Sub Titles are a great way to help the visitors to identify at a glance the important aspects of your article. This makes it easy for the visitor to know the author's perspective regarding the article. It has to be handled well to retain his interest further.
Bullet points and numbers make your article stand out even more thus helping the visitor to enjoy reading the article.

4. Sincerity of Purpose:

In today's context when many articles are written purely to obtain high link popularity, your article should stand out as one written sincerely with the sole purpose of educating the audience. This will no doubt add much value to your article. Writing articles sincerely from the heart has its rewards. You automatically connect with the audience thereby hitting two birds with one stone. The audience not only appreciates the article but also the person behind the article. Your reputation will soon grow as a trusted author with a dependable website and products thus bringing in more customers and sales.

5. Simple Language:

When writing articles the best way to connect with the audience is to use simple words with an easy flowing style which the vast majority of them will be able to understand. It will be wise to keep the technical jargon to a bare minimum and use them only when necessary. Articles with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes will downgrade your article and confuse the audience who will want to click off as fast as they clicked in.


Writing articles is considered to be one of the best ways to get targeted visitors to your website. An interesting and informative article sincerely written will induce the reader to click on your link in the resource box and land in your website, to be your guest the very next moment. The visitor is a very important guest, so treat him as such and it is up to you to provide him what he is searching for.
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BONUS : Writing Articles: Pinpoint Accuracy

This may not be a politically correct analogy, but if you were to shoot off a cruise missile from 200 miles away you would want it to hit your target, am I correct? The same can be said for an article writer -- the substance of any article is very important, but an article misses the mark if it doesn't do what you intend it to do: that is, bring about a call to some sort of action, i.e., buy my product, sign up for my newsletter, etc.

Most web based articles are very precise. They have to be. Start off with an attention grabbing opening, followed up by three or four main points, and then tightly wrapped up with a conclusion that invites the reader to take some specific sort of action is the way every successful web content article should be written.

Anything less than what I have outlined is like a cruise missile gone astray. Aim for your target and make certain that you hit it each and every time, no matter how far away you start. Although cruise missiles are prone to go astray, at least you have the luxury to write, examine, and rewrite your articles before they are delivered to your target, i.e., your customer.

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