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Writing An A Resume For Teachers

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Writing An A+ Resume For Teachers

When you think of a teacher, you think of someone who is very well educated and knows how to pretty much do everything. They know how to read well, draw well, deal with kids well, and deal with parents of kids even better. Most importantly they know how to write well. The idea that a teacher might have a problem writing cover letter is unthinkable. Lo and behold, you’re a teacher and you have no idea where to begin with your cover letter.

First, try not to panic. Essentially a cover letter for teachers serves the same purpose as a cover letter for someone applying to a job at American Express. It is there to get your foot in the door for that interview. A teacher’s cover letter just needs to have a little more flair than your average cover letter. Having an A+ cover is the key to getting your resume read. The cover letter won’t get you the job, but it gives your resume a chance to be read. Read on to get some points on writing an A+ cover letter.

Writing an A+ cover letter for a teacher is a little more challenging than writing a cover letter for any other job. These cover letters need to stand out a little more than the norm because of the stiff completion for teaching positions. Teaching positions are limited, so when one does open up it’s like the mall rush on black Friday. Most of the time a teaching position arises once a year like Christmas. Usually you will only get one shot at a job. These cover letters have to really prove you are better than all the rest and have a real passion for what you do.

So what makes up an A+ cover letter? First and foremost it has to be grammatically correct and have no spelling errors. While it’s a good idea for any cover letter to follow this, it is essential for a teacher’s cover letter to implement this. Second, make sure you are accurate on the name of the person whose attention the letter goes to and make sure you has the school’s name in there. Take it a step further and research that school. Include points about the school and say why you want to be employed there. This works wonders because it shows you have a real interest in the school.

To write an A+ cover letter for a teacher, another one of the biggest things that needs to come across in your cover letter is how skilled and capable you are at shaping young minds. This should be included because let’s face it; this is going to be your job. A teacher is one of the most important jobs out there. It’s also one of the toughest and your cover letter needs to reflect that you are up for that challenge. Your cover letter should also include how passionate you are about your work and what impact you are having on the future. An A+ resume can include your emotions. Especially how passionate you are about your career and how much it means to you.

Lastly, you have to have creativity. While with an everyday cover letter, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to fancy fonts, page styles etc etc. When it comes to a teacher’s cover letter these details can be the difference between your resume and the one after you. Your cover letter’s style should be adventurous, bold and even a tiny bit daring. Take the initiative of being creative. You want to grab their attention from the beginning and show you how creative you are. When it comes to a teacher’s cover letter, you can go that extra mile and be adventurous, be bold, but know where to draw the line. You do not need to have pictures of stars all over your cover letter to get noticed.

Lastly, please don’t forget that the whole point of the cover letter it to get your foot in the door. So don’t forget to give them an easy way to reach out to you. How can they bring you in for an interview if they have no way to get in touch with you? You can take it a step further and reach out to them. Offer to follow up with them in a few days and make sure you follow up. Again, you are taking the initiative and that is a key characteristic in teachers.

Being a teacher is such demanding yet fulfilling career. You can understand why schools are so picky. If you have a great resume, and the determination to be a great teacher, why risk having your resume passed over? Having an A+ cover letter is a surefire way to get your foot right into that door.
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BONUS : Writing And Walking – Beating Writer’s Block

Writing and walking are a seemingly odd mix of topics for an article, but they go well together. Particularly if you write during breaks in your walk.

Writing Journals

Whether you are writing articles or the great American novel, you will inevitably suffer from writer’s block. A good way to defeat the block is to go for a walk or hike in a park or open local area. Walking gives you a chance to think through things, let your mind wander and clear out the riff raff.

As you walk, your subconscious will be working and kicking out ideas to get you going again. You don’t want to lose these ideas, which can be a problem when you are a few miles from home and your computer. Frankly, nothing is more frustrating than getting an idea and then losing the thread while you hustle home.

I primarily write information articles for web sites. Unlike a novel, the pure volume of articles is problematic. Coming up with hundreds of unique topics can be maddening, particularly if the subject matter is rather dry. Just imagine trying to write 100 articles on tax issues! One tends to end up staring at the wall for hours on end.

I come up with my best ideas while walking on the beach here in San Diego, California. While the beach and tax articles might seem an odd mix, the ghosts of IRS agents apparently congregate on the beach and ideas become plentiful. I’ve tried two methods of keeping track of ideas while walking.

I first tried taking a dictation machine with me, but it didn’t really work out. You would be surprised how loud the ocean is on the recording. I also found it difficult to pick up the thread again when I sat down to listen to my ramblings. Fortunately, writing journals turned out to be a better option.

An author friend of mine that publishes novels suggested taking a writing journal with me on the beach strolls. He apparently had great success working out plot twists for his novels while hiking around Palomar Mountain, a good hiking spot to the east of San Diego. I gave it a try and the rest is history.

I prefer writing journals to dictating for a few reasons. Initially, it is easier to just sit down wherever you are and write out an idea and story lines. I also find it easier to pick up the thread when I plop down in front of my computer to actually start writing.

Writer’s block is a problem for every writer, regardless of the type of writing. If you’re having problems with it, you might try going on a walk and taking a writing journal with you.

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