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Writers Block Writers Resources To End Writers Block

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Writers Block: Writers Resources To End Writers Block

Writers block is one of those mysterious ailments that is blamed for late assignments, missed deadlines, and failed dreams. Some people claim it is merely a myth while others find it plagues their writing.

As someone with more than two decades of professional writing, editing and teaching experience I feel quite strongly that in 99.9 percent of reported cases of writers block are nothing more than a chimera. In my opinion, far too many would-be writers spend far too much time and energy on finding the right computer, program, paper, pen, location, mood-setting music, and the like before they can begin writing when that time and energy would be much better spent on simply getting down to the business of writing. These would-be writers treat their muse as something delicate and breakable, something as elusive and fleeting as smoke.

I know from years spent in the hurly-burly of newspaper reporting and snatching moments to write between deadlines and dinner dishes that a muse worth keeping is made of much tougher material and in fact may benefit from some abuse.

Most often writers block, or what is commonly referred to as writers block, is caused by one of three problems--lack of preparation, lack of training, and lack of development. Lack of preparation is often caused by not creating an individual writing process that can take advantage of your writing strengths and help overcome your writing weaknesses. Lack of training is similar to athletic training--you need to warm up and work out on a regular schedule to keep your writing muscles in top condition. Lack of development simply means that your particular idea may need more time to percolate or perhaps you are not ready to tackle that particular topic at the time.

I have three recommendations to help you work through writers block. First is to simply write through it. Give yourself permission to write garbage and focus on simply creating a really rough draft. Often once you stop worrying over all that is wrong with your writing the words will begin flowing again.

A second method of dealing with writers block is to get moving. Take a walk or hike. Do something physical away from your office or desk and do not let yourself return to the scene of the crime (or writers block) until several hours have passed. You might be surprised what your brain works out in the interim.

Finally, exercise and challenge your writing muscles with writing prompts and exercises. Sometimes simply changing the pace of your writing or your subject matter can be enough to help you work through your difficulty.

Remember, every writer experiences some form of writers block from time to time but you do not have to make a mountain out of a molehill. Working out an effective strategy to circumvent writers block when it strikes is one of the most important skills a real writer can develop.
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BONUS : Writers Make Money Online

When you think of making money writing, you often think of freelance writing, ghost writing, and writing novels... all of which you can do on the internet. However, I'm wanting to talk about the hidden opportunities for good writers in internet marketing (no, forget blogging).

Information is the key to the internet, whether selling tangible or digital goods. To answer your question, yes, people buy ebooks all the time. They don't even mind paying for those physical books bound together by a wire. This is because it's all about information. People are starving for it.

If you can write well, you can make money online. As for internet marketers, the way we run our entire operation is with the written word. We set up our websites with content, we drive traffic to our websites by submitting our articles in mass, and we write sales copy for our products and reviews for other hot products. We even write series of e-mails that are automatically sent via an auto-responder.

The big hype over the past few years has been on blogging. Writers are slaving away at their blogs as we speak, as 1 is created every second according to Technorati. Truth is very few bloggers are making any kind of serious money while many internet marketers who can write are banking. Instead of slaving away at blogs, most of us write articles and submit them massively throughout the web for backlinks.

If you're not a great writer, however, you should take up blogging while at the same time studying internet marketing, so you can hone your craft. If you have writing skills, immediately begin IM. I suggest diving in at the forum that's been online since 1997,

For the rest of this article I want to reveal 5 things you can do with writing skills to make money online just to prove my point.


Write a review of a product, join the maker's affiliate program in order to earn commissions, buy webspace and PHP redirect using your affiliate link, spin your review article, and submit the spun versions to various ezine directories on the net while using your link to your website in the resource boxes.


Buy private label rights material on a hot subject, edit it completely and create an ebook with it inserting an affiliate link within, create a website to promote your ebook, use some of your PLR to write articles then massively submit them to ezines.


Buy webhosting and a short punchy .com domain name, find a free template by searching Google, buy 25 PLR articles and rewrite them to make them unique, put the articles on your site, and sell the website along with its contents at Sedo.


Write content, put it in a zip file, and sell private label rights to your content at your website over and over using PayPal.


Write an ebook, create a squeeze page at your site, register your ebook at ClickBank, drive traffic to your sales page and squeeze page with articles and affiliates, market your ebook through a series of emails via an auto-responder.

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