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Write Your Perfect Resume

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Write Your Perfect Resume

Writing a Resume

Not that long ago, the easiest way to get a job was to visit the company you wanted to work for and ask for one. Today, however, it's not quite that simple. Most companies require you to submit your resume to them before they'll consider you for a position. So the resume has become a great deal more important, because it's the first, and possible last, chance you have to make the right impression. That's why it's so important to get it right!

First off, you need to start writing a resume by being clear about what you're trying to achieve. Which company are you planning to apply to? What type of job are you hoping to get? The answers to those questions will give you a direction for your resume. Remember, no matter how good your resume is, if the person reading it doesn't think you’re suitable for the job, you won't get any further. So make your resume good, but don't spend countless hours stressing about making it perfect; you're probably wasting your time.

It's a good idea to keep your resume short and simple. The person reading your resume probably has dozens, if not hundreds more resumes to read through, and rather than waste time reading your lengthy life history, will put your resume aside and read somebody else's. Work out the types of things the employer is most likely to want from an employee, and make sure your resume shows you have those skills or qualities. For example, if the job is likely to require attention to detail, mention your ability in that area. Summarize your past job responsibilities with a focus on skills requiring attention to detail. Give your prospective employer plenty of chances to see how your skills could benefit their organization.

Perhaps you've never had this type of job before, and so don’t know exactly what the employer will be looking for. That's okay; just spend some time researching the industry. If possible, ask some professionals in that industry what type of skills or qualities they'd look for in a person holding the job you're applying for. Look at job advertisements, searching for clues, particularly if they mention certain qualities they're looking for. Check out newspapers at the library, or search on the Internet. Even better, look at the website of your potential employer, if they have one. Learn as much as you can about the business you're trying to join, so that you have a better chance of targeting your resume correctly. That knowledge will pay off in an interview, because you can show you know something about the employer's industry.

One word of warning - never make the mistake of writing a general resume, hoping that you'll hit all the right buttons. That almost never works.

Now that you have an idea what sort of direction you need to give your resume, start putting it together. Most resumes contain the following sections, although they can vary a little depending on the industry. Still, you should always try to cover these areas somewhere in your resume:

- Employment history
- Positive personal characteristics
- Computer or technical skills
- Educational background and results (include GPA if it's over 3.0)
- Any other relevant accomplishments, such as a public speaking award

Once you get the hang of it, writing a resume really isn't hard. All you have to do is put in everything you can to show the prospective employer that you can add value to their business, and take out anything that doesn't.
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BONUS : Writer's Block

Writer’s Block – this is probably the biggest enemy of all the writers in the world. Writer’s block is simply a condition wherein you can’t put any of your thoughts into words. It’s a horrible condition. It comes at the worst possible times like when you have to submit before the due date. They can happen any time. They can happen before you even start, or smack in the middle of your work, or worse, in the ending. Also, it’s so hard to get over a writer’s block. Some writer’s blocks last for only a few minutes but the worst ones last for days, even months. There have even been cases of writer’s blocks lasting for decades.

Causes of Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is primarily caused by lack of inspiration. Of course, if you’re not inspired, it’s so hard to write anything. For example, you’re supposed to write about how ‘good’ the government is. But you know quite well that the government isn’t good. So, you’re not inspired to write about it. It may also be caused by lack of creativity. Let’s just face it. Some people have the talent, and some people simply don’t.

Sometimes, we experience writer’s block because we simply don’t know what to write or how to write it. Some people can put their thoughts into words better than other people. Some people have to struggle with their thoughts before they can put it into words, and these people are usually the ones who suffer writer’s block. Depression can also be a cause. If you’re depressed, you usually have no motivation to do anything. It is also extremely hard to concentrate on what you’re writing if you’re depressed.

Overcoming Writer’s Block
Overcoming writer’s block can be hard. But it is not impossible. There are actually a lot of things which you can try so that you can overcome writer’s block.

Nature is the creative soul’s haven. This is why most writers love living near lakes, forests, or beaches. Nature is a great source of inspiration for writers. It can also invigorate the spirit. So, when you’re having writer’s block, you can try taking a walk or a swim.

You can also try to write whatever comes into your mind in a piece of paper. Don’t worry about form, creativity, grammar, or even spelling. Just let your hand and your mind loose. Just write whatever enters your brain. It’s a great way to let your thoughts out.

A story is one of the hardest things to write. Writers often forget what they are supposed to write next. Sometimes, they can veer away from the plot and completely ruin the story. So, it would be helpful if you write an outline of the plot first so that you won’t get sidetracked.

If nothing works, and your writer’s block is still there, don’t fret. Maybe you’re worrying too much and you just need to relax. Don’t force yourself to write. This will only worsen your writer’s block. Take a break. Maybe your brain just needs to rest.

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