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Write Queen Takes A Trip

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Write Queen Takes A Trip

As I told you in a previous newsletter Jason is a wonderful tour guide. Let me tell you about the last “tour”.

Normally we take our sightseeing after church on Sunday. This time, however, Jason and Jennifer had business in Guntersville that had to be taken care of on a weekday. Saturday morning we piled into the car, and headed for Guntersville, which is one of the originally settled areas in Alabama and is surrounded by lakes.

The business didn’t take long and we headed up the steep hill out of town to have lunch at a place called O’Charley’s. If you’re ever in Guntersville you absolutely must try O’Charley’s potato soup. It is to die for.

After eating we started our “tour” which was to include Guntersville State Park. Pennsylvania is my native state, and hills and trees remind me of home. Even though I lived in Florida for 23 years if you wanted to see hills and woods you had to travel north, way north.

We probably traveled 30 minutes before we came to our destination, but what a destination it was. We stayed at the lower levels where there were scads of people. We stopped often so Jennifer and Linda could take pictures which I hope to put a selection on my computer so if I can learn from Jennifer how to send them, and if I can learn, watch a future article to contain them.

After a complete tour through the parks, going only five or ten miles an hour because of the large amount of children, we headed up the mountain where we saw some beautiful homes with eye-popping views and those for sale had mind-boggling prices – for example $1,500,000 and another one for $672,000.

We admired them, kept on going, passing an under-construction lodge which will house a 5 star restaurant. All of a sudden we were to a look-out point where we stopped for more picture taking.

We went still higher where there were rental abodes. I can’t call them cottages and I most definitely would not call them camps. They would, in my mind, be classified as lodges. Guess what? They had two which were handicapped accessible. We decided that would be an excellent place to go for a weekend retreat, rent a lodge and eat at the 5 star restaurant. We are all going to start saving our money to do that, and we have a Florida family friend we’re going to invite.
Sounds like fun, wouldn’t you agree?

We spent a little more time in the state park, and headed home, where my cat and their dogs were glad to see their human family again.

Freda Douglas, P. O. Box 155, Eva, AL 35621,,
Phone 256-796-0651 (can-spam)
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BONUS : Write Queen Writes About Nothing And Everything

I am a sentimental human being. I cry at funerals. Normal. But I even cry at weddings, and I had two wonderful marriages. I guess you could say I loved them to death since both of them preceded me in death.

I was reading an email from Simple Truths on the computer that lead me to their website about a boy with Downs Syndrome who made a lot of customers in a store happy with his acts of kindness. Yes, I cried when I read the story and I’m crying as I write this. I told you I am sentimental.

The story was told by Barbara Glanz, and as I perused the rest of the website ( ) I noticed Barbara had a book available “The Simple Truths of Appreciation” and right then I had an inspiration or as some people would call it an ah-ha
moment. I picked up the phone and ordered the book for my best friend in appreciation
of all the little things she does for me every day.

The book came today, and of course I had to read it first before I give it to her, Reading it made
me think. How many times do we think to say to the bag boy who carried our groceries out to the car “Thanks. You were a big help.” If it was hot out today, did you think to offer your mail carrier a glass of cool water to drink? If you played golf today, did you think to give your caddie a pat on the back AND a smile for a job well done. It wasn’t his fault you boogied that hole on the ninth.

How long has it been since you invited an elderly neighbor to church with you? The next time you bake cookies why not share them with a shut-in? Do you have a neighbor in a convalescent home? How long since you visited and caught them up with neighborhood news?

Those of us who are well or well cared for tend to forget the forgotten, the unfortunate, the lonely, the poor (not necessarily in money), the sick and the sick at heart. A smile, a handshake and a
few pleasant words might make the difference between daylight and darkness for those forgottens in our life.

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