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Write A Novel Out Of Your Dream
Write A Novel Out Of Your Dream
Everyone might have a dream, but what would you do when you get up in the morning? I'm sure almost everyone forgot about as soon as they washed their face in a bathroom. What's so important about your dream? The answer is easily made, because I'm sure that you sure had an great experience in your dream something like adventured in the deep jungle, chased by terrific monsters and anything else. And I know that not all of you could remembered all of your dreams. Yes, me too, but I have got some techniques to dig your dream out of your unconscious mind and it will give you a new nice idea for your new novel.
Writing a novel is really hard. It hard to find a new idea to write it in your book. So, I recommend to use your dreams. Why your dream is gonna work, because I believe that what inspired (or terrified) you can also inspired the others. But the difficult things is to remember your dream. Almost everyone forgot their dream right after they wake up. Someone can still remember what they had dream but not very exactly.
Let's me tell you something about the "dream" that some of you may don't know. When we sleep, our eyes will move very rapidly, this is called REM (Rapid Eyes Moving) period and when our eyes will not move, this is called no-REM period. Our body will change from REM to no-REM from time to time. I'm not sure about exact periods time but it's about one hour and a half. When we are in REM mode, we will begin to dream. This theory can explain why our dream is not continuous and change very differently in one night. The other things about the dream is beyond the scope of this article and you can find more detail on the net.
Now, how can i write out my dream? you may ask. The answer is simple, grab a pen (or pencil) and write. It may be sound ridiculous but to write something at the moment you wake up is difficult. You have to practice to write after you wake up. Here are some tips:
1. Find some pen (or pencil) and some paper or notebook and put it right after your body before you go to sleep.
2. When you wake up, try to write down anything you can remember as much as possible. For example, when you dream of a monster that had chased you in the forest. Try to write down the very detail of that monster, does it has a horn?, does it has a crawl?, what color is it?, what detail of the forest you were running? Try to write down the detail of anything you can remember as the detail will help you recognize the other part of your dream.
3. After you finished you daily cleansing (or anything) sit down and revision what you wrote.
4. Repeat the process.It will take a bit time to practice until you can remember all of your dreams. Don't give up !
Lastly, I want to say that don't underestimate your dream. Dream can be a warn from the future, can be a new innovative creation, can be a new technology. And I'm sure it can be a new bestseller novel, too!.
Enjoy writing
BONUS : Write A Winner Book Fast - 8 Ways, P1
Have you given up on getting your book out of your heart into the hands of your readers? Don't give up. There's an easy way to do anything and a more difficult way. The easy way usually includes getting helpful advice from someone that's been there and done that. The author has written five of those ten books that were stuck in her heart a few years ago. Here's eight steps that will speed you on your way to getting your book out now:
1. Setup a regular writing schedule.
Think about your priorities right now. Can you fit 7-10 hours a week in? If you have to let something go that is not high on your priority list, do it. Now is your time. Later is not better. Set yourself up
for a successfully written book this year by committing to a regular schedule. After it's done, remember to reward yourself.
2. Plan a short book first.
Many aspiring writers overwhelm themselves with goals of a 365 page book first. Shorten your book to 25-90 pages the first time or divide your large book into a smaller book one and two. Though you shorten it, still fill it with useful information by using the question and answer format for each chapter. Using the same format and length for each chapter and answering all your readers' questions will not only speed your writing process but it will result in a successful book.
3. Let your passion lead you to a topic.
Passion will not only stir your readers when your book is done but it will keep you motivated to do the work involved. Yes, I did say work. Passion will make your work easy. Passion will lead you to develop all the profit centers (seminars, articles, or consulting services) your message deserves.
4. Choose what's interesting to you.
If you are interested in what you are writing about you will happily write all you know and research to know more about your subject. You will easily spice your writing with interesting tid-bits that will delight your readers and keep them reading until the end of your book.
Get your book out of your heart to paper fast. If you wait you could be this time next year with the same desire to get your book out. Use the eight easy steps of committing to a regular writing schedule, planning a short book first, choosing a
passion-led topic, picking an interesting to-you subject, getting to know your reader first, developing a plan for each chapter, designing your book's top market spots, and choosing your non-fiction topic first to become a successful author sooner. The world is waiting for your important message to answer their questions and help them become successful.
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