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Why Do Play Dirty

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Why Do Play Dirty?

There are a lot of things nowadays that we don’t really want to talk about. These are everyday things that we do and don’t even think about what we are doing exactly. We get so focused on our everyday routine that it never occurs to us how dirty we sometimes play. Society has always been competitive, but today life is perhaps more competitive than in any previous era. Since childhood children are taught how to show that they are the best, the strongest, the smartest the very best. This is where from competition starts. And we continue to compete against each other every hour to prove somebody something that we really don’t have to prove. People are used to think that their lives, possessions, belongings are the best, the biggest the most attractive. That keeps us wanting for more and we never stop thinking that it will be enough for us to be satisfied. But no, we continue to jump higher than our heads and push ourselves to that point when it doesn’t matter how fair you play, you just play to get whatever you need. Why is this happening? We swear that we have overcame that animal instinct in us and are now to call ourselves very civilized and very educated. But never the less we continue to get our teeth into each other’s necks and rip muscles apart. I guess, there is nothing that can be really done to those instincts that we were born with. It’s true if to speak about any person. Race, financial, or social status doesn’t matter. When we are accused of playing dirty, everybody tries to prove the jury wrong even if jury is them. A human being is a unique personality that has never been before and will never again exists. It is a matter of time when he discovers that he also possesses that curse of the humans that and can not be a master of it. Every day one gets up, takes whatever needed and goes out into the open.

No matter what is one occupied with, what is essential for him, he follows his instinct not thinking about what it may turn into. Psychologists get deep into their researched topics and field to find the answer to the question why people are likely to cheat, lie and fight in difficult situations. Human nature will be the answer. Since kinder garden we are taught how to differentiate between good and evil. Loyal teachers read a lot of books and teach how to be a good citizen but, going out of the building start a new line of the day, which is full of that dirt that is considered a taboo for children. At school they make up different essay topics to be sure those children are aware of how to behave properly. The main essay topic is “Love and Peace on Earth”. With some corrections of course but the aim is one and only, to show how we are to behave in society. But when school and essays are over, young generation forgets about the moral aspect of life and plays the same dirty game that their ancestors had played hundreds of years before.

Everybody knows the decipher of the famous “SOS”. Save our souls, it says and that means do everything you have to do but save the mind and body you possess. So that is exactly what we are doing, going up using other people’s heads as the ladder. No one can say why it is so important for us to be on top. Is it the basic instinct of survival, or is it just the desire to satisfy inner ego and let others down by own example. We try to keep to the positive, but it is impossible to do under the constant influence of others pushing you to the middle of nowhere, teaching you the laws of survival that you have to accept, and knowing that you have no choice but to go with it. No one is to blame for the destructive attitude that we possess during doing business. But there is always hope for us to get better and correct mistakes. Human conscience is another curse of ours that makes us rewind all we’ve done during the day and let the bad go. It is quite natural that humans should look for a positive result in everything they do, even if it is created with wrong attitude. We’ll continue to play dirty and be competitive. But now we at least think before playing dirty and every time we hit under the belt, our conscience gives a powerful blow to our brain to remind that there is always a control freak inside that will never drop the smallest fault of yours. And that’s how we live, in an eternal struggle between angels and demons of human soul.
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BONUS : Why Do So Many Lawyers Write Novels?

Ever wonder why so many lawyers write novels? And very successful ones at that? Just think of John Grisham and Scott Turow, both of whom have written exciting, entertaining stories that grab hold of us until the very last page.

Both men have had active legal careers in the criminal courts. Every day, they have dealt (literally) with life and death issues. Every day, they have witnessed the brutal effects of crime upon victims, families and upon the lives of the perpetrators and their families.

Often crime is a matter of fiery emotion erupting into the apparent ‘normality’ of everyday life. The law tries hard and does much to maintain that ordered calm Yet, while we prize that peaceful vision, every one is tantalized by the prospect of what lies beneath it. The eruption of its opposite fascinates us. ‘Madness’ we call it. Of course, it exists in others but never in us, so far as we are aware.

Now put a lawyer into the situation where he or she is dealing with these highly emotional stakes and is at the same time is trying to maintain some sort of order. What effect does this exposure have on a human being? Of course, it can lead to burn out or the choice of another occupation. Some lawyers harden themselves and just get on with the job and hide the effects upon themselves in some dark dungeon of the psyche.

Other lawyers see this as an opportunity and undoubtedly, it fulfils a need. In fact, law practice gives him or her a wonderful window on humanity. Every day, the lawyer deals with murder, theft and fraud. He sees the worst of human nature and strives to find the best and achieve a balance. How can that lawyer not think about and comment upon that? How can she not draw conclusions from what she experiences and learns from such dramatic situations?

Most of us go from day to day in the ‘normal’ tangible world, acting as if that is all that exists. We have our families, our houses and our cars. We go to the office, the mall, the movies and out to restaurants. But deep down, we recognize somewhere in us that there is much more to life and human nature than meets the eye. Every day, the newspaper tells us so. We read that last night, a man raped an elderly woman and stole ten dollars from her purse and a mother took the life of her child. There must be a whole other dimension to life, but not ours.

I like to think that there is much more to human life than meets the eye. Joseph Campbell, an author (a mythologist, not a novelist) I greatly admire said that “The latest incarnation of Oedipus, the continued romance of Beauty and the Beast, stands this afternoon on the corner of Forty-second Street and Fifth Avenue, waiting for the traffic light to change.”

Oedipus? You know, the one who lent his name to the mother complex. What on earth could Campbell have meant? Simply this, that each and every one of us (whether or not we are conscious of it) is acting out all the great mythological themes and dramas in our lives. And the lawyer has a front row seat on the action. How could they not write about it? Such work is tremendously popular because we like to glimpse that side of human nature from the safety of an armchair.

Now, I am just an estates lawyer. I have never had a murder or rape trial. But, in my practice I have seen the inmost workings of families. For example, when a parent dies, I have learned that there is often far more at work than just a tidy accounting. In other cases, I have seen almost every variation upon elder abuse, whether it is physical, financial or emotional. This is just another form of murder or rape.

An estate lawyer is witness to and participant in every conceivable human relationship and interaction at a highly volatile time. And so, that has been my window on the world and the inspiration for three novels: Conduct in Question, Final Paradox and A Trial of One, all part of the Osgoode Trilogy, in which I like to explore the effects of this dark side of humanity on Harry Jenkins.

Who is Harry? He is an estates lawyer and the protagonist of the trilogy, in which there’s plenty of murder and fraud in estate distribution. Indeed, I’ve thrown plenty of questions at him, such as how much money is enough? Can love and forgiveness be found amid fraud and deceit and must you be selfless to be compassionate?

And so, the question is really, how can a lawyer not be inspired to write especially when he or she is witness to so much of human relations?

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