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When Getting Stuck Goes Amuck

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When Getting Stuck Goes Amuck

Many of us have always wanted to write. We have all gotten writer’s block. What happens when we are stuck? Can we go to a doctor for having writer’s block? Are there any "writing doctors" that prescribe medication to overcome what to write about or how to stress our premise?

Having writer’s block is normal and can occur in many different fashions:

* Having a lack of focus (Lacking a clear topic and premise to write about)

* Trying to do too many things while writing, such as talking on the phone and doing the laundry

* Being distracted by others while trying to write

* Lacking time allocation to writing

Don’t worry. Writer’s block can be overcome. What are some exercises to help overcome writer’s block?

One way is to get outside of your head and interrupt your dormant pattern. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Take a leave from your present writing environment

Taking a leave does not have to be measured in days. Sometimes only hours or even minutes are necessary to shift your mode into creating what you want to write. Here are some methods that have worked for me.

a. Write while watching television

There are always many images and thoughts that come on TV. I wanted to write a nonfiction book about historical inspirational people. I was tired of just looking at a computer screen and opted to watch TV to interrupt my dormant pattern. I took a notebook and pen with me, turned on the television and began to surf the channels.

I wrote one of my chapters from my book, "Inspired to Achieve," while watching television. I was watching a biography on Abe Lincoln. There were so many great things that I did not know about him that I was inspired to write about his many accomplishments. I took many notes on Lincoln’s accomplishments and incorporated many points that I wanted to parlay to the readers.

b. Write while surfing the web

I wrote a chapter about Charles Lindbergh from "Inspired to Achieve" while surfing the web. I knew even less about Lindbergh than I did about Lincoln. After finding out about all that Lindbergh did to make his historical flight, I was inspired to write the entire chapter that night.

Of course, there are many ways that you can take a leave from your present writing environment. Other ways to generate great ideas and overcome writer’s block can be while you’re doing one of your hobbies, exercising, on vacation, eating lunch, talking on the phone, listening to music, etc.

c. Write while finding "your" quiet place.

Find a space with just you where your thoughts can flourish. That place can be found in numerous places.

* A part of your home devoted to your writing focus and privacy

* A library

* A restaurant or café, particularly during non-peak hours

* A coffeehouse

* A bookstore, such as Border’s or Barnes & Noble

* An empty classroom at a school

* A park or a playground

* A museum

Your writing place is sacred. Your writing place should inspire you to write your best. Your writing place should make your writing flourish. Your writing place can occur in more than one place. Of course, where your best writing occurs will be up to you.

Just interrupting your dormant pattern can overcome writer’s block. You will be able to get a new perspective on what you want to write. A temporary change in environment can be one of the best ways to generate new and fresh ideas.
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BONUS : When To Say Thank You In Writing

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett

When I first started tracking the information preferences of people visiting my Writing Help Central Web site I was surprised to find how many folks were seeking information on how to write thank you letters. In fact, “thank you letter” information and sample templates are the fifth ranked destinations at that Web site.

However, I caution you to be careful if you conduct a “thank you letter” keyword search using an engine such as google or yahoo. Those top 10 or 20 search results will definitely give you the wrong idea about thank you letters in the broad sense. Looking at those results alone you’ll find that the vast majority of “so-called experts” seem to think that there is essentially only one kind of thank you letter – one written after a job interview.
However, that is just not the case – by a long shot. In fact, there are many different types of thank you letters.

The purpose of this article is to tell you the whole story on when to write “thank you letters”, as they apply to a wide variety of situations — both personal and business…

In reality, that common belief that “thank you letters” are mostly employment-related, is a very narrow view that fails to recognize the literally dozens of real-life situations for which these letters are often warranted. I believe that this proliferation of references to “employment-related” thank you letters is simply a reflection of the massive number of Web-based businesses involved in the online career and job hunting services industry.

The purpose of a thank you letter is self-explanatory. Write one when you want to formally thank a person, company or institution for something they have done for you or your organization; normally, something which you consider to be out of the ordinary.

Simply receiving a contracted service as requested does not normally warrant a formal thank you. However, service provided to you above and beyond your normal expectations can often call for a special thank you letter. Normally, it should be a clear case of “above and beyond the call of duty”, as the saying goes.

And yes, thank you letters can also be important follow-up mechanisms in certain employment-related situations.

Generally speaking, there are two main types of thank you letters — business thank you letters and personal thank you letters.

Business Thank You Letters
There are many situations in business that can warrant a thank you letter. Here are a few generic examples of thank you letter situations for businesses and institutions:

• Appreciation for any type of special consideration extended by another organization.
• Thanking a speaker for a presentation at an annual board meeting.
• Customer appreciation letters – thanking them for their patronage.
• Thank you letters to employees for exceptional service or performance.
• Thanks to an individual or organization for a customer referral.
• Commendations to volunteer service workers for their personal contributions.

These are just a few typical examples. I’m sure you can think of many more situations that might demand a thank you letter from a business or institution.

Personal Thank You Letters
As with business situations, there are many instances in day-to-day life that can warrant a formal thank you letter. Following are a few typical situations that often require a personal thank you letter:

• As a follow-up after a job interview and/or job offer.
• To a company or institution in appreciation for exceptional customer service.
• Letter of appreciation to a teacher for a positive influence on your child.
• To friends and/or neighbors for their exceptional support during a difficult period.
• Thanks to a service club or agency for support given to your family.
• Social occasion thank yous, for a wide variety of social situations.

Again these are just examples. New situations similar to these arise on a regular basis in our daily lives that call for a formal thank you letter.

Sending thank you letters when appropriate is important in both business and personal life. Individuals and companies that do not send thank you letters are seen as ungracious and perhaps not worthy of future good deeds or special treatment.

So, whenever it’s warranted, make sure you send an appropriate thank you letter. Invariably, thank you letters are very well received and appreciated by recipients, and the sender’s reputation is generally enhanced in their eyes.

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