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What S Wrong With The Big New York Publishers
What's Wrong With The Big New York Publishers?
The traditional marketplace for book sales is shrinking. The six largest publishers are shipping more books and selling less than ever before, even though the distribution chain is saturated with copies that will eventually be returned. The basic laws of supply and demand are being ignored and no one is trying to do anything about it. What's wrong with this picture?
Reports show that book sales are falling and have been for almost 15 years. In response, the six largest publishers in the country are romancing retail bookstores to take as much inventory as possible, often more than they can handle.
Experts say more than 800 new titles are published independently and traditionally every single day in the US. That's over 290,000 new titles per year and the growth rate for the next ten years is predicted to be near 10-15 percent. With a growing number of new titles being published and forced into a shrinking marketplace, the difficulty of marketing and selling books is obvious.
This growth of new authors and books is the direct result of new digital technology, and the ability to print books inexpensively and on demand. This has spawned a new book making industry and a different kind of "publisher," one whose business model is based on charging writers for printing and marketing, as opposed to selling books to readers.
This turn about in the industry has accelerated the growth of new authors, new books, and the print-on-demand publishing model. These companies make their money by printing books and selling services to writers. The problem with this new kind of publisher is that authors absorb all the cost and pay dearly for an opportunity to market and sell their book in the traditional marketplace.
If you are an Independently published author and your marketing efforts focus primarily on finding shelf space in bookstores, you should refocus your attention, save your money and your time. There is a better way!
There are two major factors that create the perfect ingredients for success of the Independently published book. (1) The only area of growth in publishing today is from the Independent author, and (2) The future for global book sales is the Internet. The key is how to utilize both facts with the creation of a single, online marketplace.
It's time for the Independent Author to unite behind one goal, to market and sell more Independently published titles  an online platform where you can profile yourself and your book, a place where readers can discover voices never heard and stories never told. The goal is to help the author create that personal connection with their audience, easily and inexpensively. Where readers can find titles they will not find in a typical bookstore right in one location.
This is ideal for writers who are tired of playing a marketing game controlled by the largest publishers in the world. It's time for Independent authors to unite behind one goal and that is to market and sell more Independently published titles.
The first step toward total independence in the marketplace for bookselling is joining together as Independent writers and authors.
BONUS : What To Expect At A Book Signing?
One of the most thrilling moments for an author is when they are invited to participate in a book signing. This is often the stamp of approval many writers need, especially with their first book.
Most bookstores see a book signing as a means of increasing foot traffic and promoting a sense of connectedness with the writing community. Most bookstore owners are open to the idea of providing time, space and promotion for a book signing.
From a writers perspective this should be a gold mine in promotion. Bookstore owners will often post notices announcing the book signing; many will also provide announcements in regional newspapers that are designed to promote the book signing.
Bring comfortable shoes and your favorite pen. Then enjoy your moment in the sun.
However, unless you are a well-established author there are a few things that you should not expect from a book signing.
A waiting line.
The sale of a significant amount of books.
Writer's cramp.
The truth is a book signing will likely result in a few friends, family and an assortment of curious others who have come to have you personally sign their purchased copy of the book.
So, if that's all there is to it, why do it?
Well, primarily because as a writer you should consider yourself a 'word farmer'. What I mean by that is a book signing can be a wonderful time to visit with the general public about your book, its subject matter and why you chose to write the book and be willing to wait to see the seed sprout.
In many cases, positive contacts with those who do not purchase your book may ultimately find these patrons returning to purchase the book at a later date.
A book signing isn't about 'hawking your wares' it is about good will and being an ambassador for the craft of writing.
If you have been invited to participate in a book signing do so with good grace and with an eye toward the long-term goals you have in writing. A book signing is simply one small step toward your ultimate destination, enjoy the step, but don't make too much fuss over it.
There is some form of ego in every writer, but a book signing isn't a good place to don a prima donna persona. Remember the people who come to see you want to leave with something positive to consider - not an author to avoid.
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