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What Is Holding You Back From Being The Writer You Want To Be

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What Is Holding You Back From Being The Writer You Want To Be?

As a writing instructor and coach I work with writers every day who are not reaching their full potential. What holds them back?

When you talk with struggling writers they generally mention one of three problems:

- Lack of writing skills
- Lack of writing opportunities
- Lack of knowledge

As a writing professional with more than two decades of experience in both print and internet publishing I regularly assure the writers that I work with that none of these three obstacles is insurmountable.


The lack of writing skills does not have to be an obstacle to your writing goals and dreams. It is simply a hurdle that you need to overcome. I have taught students struggling to earn their GED how to write and I have taught many developmental English students how to write. Writing is a skill that can be taught, learned, and mastered just like any other skill.

Obviously there are levels of ability and mastery just as there are with many other skills, but with time and practice almost anyone can achieve competency as a writer. I cannot promise that everyone can be a master craftsman but most can become a good wordsmith.

If you feel that your skills are weak then you might consider taking a course to strengthen your writing however for many writers simply working up a regular schedule of reading and writing will do wonders for improving grammar, vocabularly, and style.


There simply isn't a better time to be a writer seeking an audience. Not only do the standard print mediums still exist in newspapers, magazines, and books there is now a wealth of opportunity available electronically in the form of ezines, blogs, and web sites. There are a plethora of paid opportunities for the experienced pro and there are a myriad of unpaid forums for the beginner looking for experience.

Seek out writing communities, both face-to-face and online, and writing publications, both traditional and electronic, and you will quickly learn about new markets and writing opportunities.

In addition, with the many available print and electronic options available sometimes you can simply make your own opportunities -- create your own e-book, start a blog or electronic newsletter, or self publish your manuscript. The options are limitless.

If you lack writing opportunities then you simply aren't looking hard enough.


I cringe when I hear writers whine that they don't have anything to write about. How can this be? If you are alive then you have something to write about.

Ideas come from a variety of places but the easiest place is to start with what you already know about. Look around the community (or rather communities) that you are a part of every day -- including your home, church, work, and school. There are likely many writing topics there. What are your hobbies and interests? What do your friends and family ask you for advice? You have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share without doing any research -- start there!

It is OK to also write about a topic that you are just beginning to investigate and understand. I often pick topics that simply interest me or that I need more information about. I'm trying to get my son to stop sucking his thumb so I have been reading up on that topic a lot lately!

Now go out and start writing. Don't let these three obstacles block you from writing success. View them simply as opportunities to learn and grow and you will succeed.
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BONUS : What Is Seo Copywriting?

SEO Copywriting or in other words Search Engine Optimization copywriting is the name given to the art or technique of writing search engine friendly content. The technique adopted by SEO Copywriters involves writing certain text made viewable on any web page that is not only interesting to go through but also incorporates specific search terms called keywords or key phrases based on which that web page could be searched on various search engines. SEO Copywriting can be done or various elements of a web page in order to make the page most search engine friendly. These elements include title, alt text, main description as well as keyword tags.

Importance of SEO Copywriting.

The main idea behind writing SEO copy or Copywriting is to enable to boost the ranking or positioning of the website based on targeted search items for which it has been written for on leading search engines. Search Engines are always on a look out for fresh and genuine content pages. So, if your website has genuine content pages incorporated with competitive keywords or phrases in the right position, then your website has a better chance of being positioned in a search engine as well as detected if a search is performed based on those keywords or phrases.

SEO Copywriters experts are of the view that in order to make search engine friendly content on a website effective, targeted keyword or phrase should be mentioned once or twice. These keywords or phrases have to be strategically placed if it has to be detected easily by a search engine. The more number of words in the content the more number of times the key phrase has to be repeated. The ideal keyword density should always be around 3 to 4% otherwise search engines may discard the page altogether.

Effective SEO Copywriting usually works for a website to boost its ranking. If the keywords are strategically placed then the possibilities of having the site ranked further up the list is more on search engines. In case you require optimized pages for your website and are not sure about SEO content to be placed on it, then it is always better to consult an expert or an online company which offers copywriting services. Certain websites like offer a wide range of services to cater to the needs of clients and customers who seek effective SEO Copywriters for their website.

Search engines run on certain algorithms, which keep changing. If you have your website positioned well on certain search engines based on SEO content pages and wish to maintain its ranking there, then it is imperative for you to keep changing the content on your website as search engines are always on a look out for fresh and genuine content. In such circumstances again you would require the services of a professional company like It’s a competition out there and the race to reach the top depends upon a number of factors. Effective SEO Copywriting forms an important and integral part of your online marketing. So, if your website does not have SEO friendly content then its high time that you should turn to a professional company which offers dependable copywriting services.

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