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What Is Freelance Speech Writing?
Freelance speech writing is the champagne of freelance writing; it offers a high degree of creativity, a high-profile clientele, and the chance to have your work heard among elite people. Of course, there are downsides as well: your style is restricted to that of the speaker, and the pool of jobs is substantially smaller than many other forms of freelance writing. But on the whole, the advantages make it very attractive to pursue gigs as a freelance speech writer.
Speech writing is one of the oldest forms of communication. Much of what we consider good rhetorical practice today goes back to the Romans and Cicero. Until the previous century, long rhetorically-polished speeches were a central (and enjoyable) part of serious literature, from the hieratic diatribes of Shakespeare's Lear to the long burlesque flights of Dickens's heroes and grotesques. Today, speech writing is mostly confined to large formal parties, serious events, and political careers, but something of the dignity of the art's long history still adheres to people's ideas about roaring good speeches. Speech writing is the art of making people appear both persuasive and dignified, of turning ordinary people into sources of entertainment and wisdom. As expected, writing speeches effectively can be difficult to do well.
The key to effective speech writing--as well as the key to effective writing in general--is to know one's audience. In speech writing, the audience is a literal one: an employee pool, a group of wedding guests, or a rural electorate. The speechwriter should, before setting even one word to paper, find out who the speech is intended for and take this into account when structuring the work.
Once you know your audience, know your speaker. As Bernard Shaw once said, it's impossible to make a silk purse from a sow's ear -- or at least, people don't want to believe it's possible. If the CEO you're writing for is known as a good ol' boy, down-to-earth businessman, it won't ring true if your speech contains a number of high literary allusions and elaborate rhetorical constructions. If you're writing for a museum curator, opening with an off-color joke and referring to "the folks back home" is not necessarily the best way to go.
You not only have to know about your client's perceived character, but about his or her actual speech rhythms. Interview your client if possible, or if not possible, try to get access to videos, tapes, or other recordings. This should give you some idea of voice, and some understanding of how best to express your ideas in the "client's words." If a speech doesn't sound natural coming from the client's mouth, the speech won't work and you won't develop a good reputation that leads to more assignments. So put in the time, get a good idea of the client's voice, and use it exclusively in your work.
Framing your speech around the subject matter can be tricky, but fortunately all the prep work you've been doing will make it a much simpler proposition. If you know your audience, your client's speech style, and your client's public perception, you'll have a decent compass for navigating your speech through possible dead areas, out of dark, depressing moments, far to the lee of excessive frivolity, and generally on an even course from the first attention-getting moment to the conclusive point. It's difficult to know exactly how a speech will play before it's actually delivered, but you can get a rough idea by reading your drafts to a friendly audience (spouse, friends, children), or by tape-recording yourself delivering the speech into a mirror. A good speech doesn't have dead moments, doesn't bore, and reaches a series of short, conclusive points to keep the audience's attention from wandering over time. If you do plenty of revision work and get a real idea of how your speech sounds when read aloud, you can fine-tune appropriately in order to ensure a successful speech, and a satisfied customer.
Of course, getting customers in the first place can be tricky: the speechwriting market is usually fairly small and fairly exclusive, since only the very wealthy can usually afford to have professional speechwriters work for them. The Catch-22 here is that the very wealthy typically only want established, proven speechwriters, a difficult preference for novice speechwriters to deal with. You can establish yourself and build a reputation, however, by advertising heavily in local papers, club newsletters, and anywhere likely to need a speech writer at some point in time: wedding planners, local organizations, startup corporations in your area. This may not be the best-paying work, but it's essential to building a proven reputation as a good speechwriter. Once you have some gigs under your belt, start upping your level of advertising to include corporate newsletters and trade journals, and make sure to network at every event where you've written a speech. Word gets around, and eventually, if you promote yourself well, it'll get to the right people.
In any case, it'll be some time before your speech writing is well-known enough to command high prices, and to allow you to make it the exclusive focus of your freelance writing career. Keep up some other freelance jobs, write speeches whenever you get the opportunity, and keep up the self-promotion among the right circles. If you're talented and you're fortunate, you can make the switch to the champagne of freelance writing, and achieve that most satisfying of jobs: you can become a successful freelance speech writer.
BONUS : What Is Freelance Technical Writing?
Technical writing requires the ability to write clearly, plainly, and accurately about extremely complicated material. If you can do thatand quicklythen becoming a successful technical writer is well within your grasp.
The most common clients for freelance technical writers are educational firms, training companies and manufacturing/electronics/software companies. All of these demand a high volume of documentation-style writing, and thus a high volume of technical writers to produce that writing. However, the nature of technical writing indicates there aren't many opportunities outside these industries. Tech writing is only warranted when there's something sufficiently complex to explain in a standardized way, and a mom n' pop software company may not have the money or the need to hire even an entry-level tech writer. So if you want to freelance as a tech writer, you'll almost certainly wind up working on contract for one of the bigger companies.
As with copy editing and journalism, a high degree of familiarity with as many style guides as possible is mandatory for any good freelance technical writer. Technical reports are frequently only a small part of a company's wider technical literature. Writing all of a company's documentation in the same style is a good way to ensure consistent quality and readability over a long company lifespan. The most commonly used style guides are AP (Associated Press), MLA (Modern Language Association), and Chicago. Strunck and White, although older, is still a classic, and commonly in use with certain firms. Pick up a copy of each and familiarize yourself with them. Knowing the popular style guides will improve your technical writing and you'll become more marketable to a wide variety of clients as well.
Once you know which style guide your client works with (and once your own style is clear enough to write effectively), you'll need to start thinking about how to approach your material. Contacting and interviewing SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) is often a huge part of effective technical writing. Without good technical information supporting your work, you won't know what you're writing about. Engineers, technicians and professionals who have to use the work you create won't know what you're writing about either. This leads to a severe loss of productivity and of money, and probably to the loss of your reputation at the company as well. So make sure you have enough data to write your report, and make sure you understand it as thoroughly as possible before you start planning your articles. No one expects you to know as much about, lets say, a supercollider as a nuclear physicist (especially not on a deadline), but knowing the basic theory and how to use most of the technical vocabulary is beneficial.
The one principal rule of good writing in any field is "know your audience." This statement is truer of technical writing than any other form of freelance writing. Your audience, in technical writing, is going to use the processes, machines, and equipment you write about. If your audience can't understand what you're saying or follow the flow of your argument, you've failed as a tech writer. Clients likely won't hire you for future contracts.
Think carefully about whom you're writing for. Do the users have a background in the theory behind the machine, or do they just need to know how to pull the levers and push the buttons in the right order? Will the users have ready access to troubleshooting facilities (i.e. assembly line workers with a machine shop on the factory premises); or will they have to go to some lengths to fix any mistakes they might make in operation (i.e. people who've bought a new operating system and have to drive an hour to whenever their computer needs service)?
Take some time to think about your end users, their likely qualifications, their questions, and their overall needs. Structure your articles to follow their probable concerns in the order they'll come up. If you need to, talk to some of your prospective end users and ask them questions about what they find problematic in their jobs. It'll help you think of their problems more when you're structuring your work, and that'll make your work that much better.
Once you have your basic structure and some idea of the logical flow of your report, all that's left is the description. Be as clear as possible while still keeping a readable style, and be as accurate as possible. Don't be afraid of footnotes and additional informationunless it's specifically prohibited by your client's style policy. As long as you're thinking of your audience, and you've done the appropriate research and structuring work, this part should be straightforward.
If you can synthesize information from SMEs, keep your audience well in mind, and describe complicated processes clearly and simply, then you have the basic skills to be a successful freelance tech writer.
Watch the classifieds and make inquiries at engineering and training companies. You have a skill that's in high demand. If you keep yourself in the marketplace (and are willing to accept a "trial period" with lower pay, in some cases), it's only a matter of time before you establish yourself as a tech writer. Over time you can develop a reputation that'll win you contract after contract and keep your technical writing career alive and thriving.