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What Inhibits Our Learning

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What Inhibits Our Learning?

Our behavior is formed under two desires: to be rewarded or to avoid punishment. If you have a stimulus to learn your potential will endlessly grow. The process of learning involves a lot of other including habit development. There is a way to speed up this process and that is to create a situation for where you have no choice but to succeed. Don’t be afraid to go into details to get what you wish. Put yourself into the circumstances where victory is the only solution. We are learning only when we have desire to improve. To be successful in this you have to train our brains. All the distracting moments should be pout aside. Concentrate on the main goal and slowly but surely move forward. Eliminate irrelevant issues and forget about the volume of information. The quantity is not important the only thing that matters is the quality of knowledge acquired. Do not be afraid to go back to what you have learnt and go over it once more.

While learning we seek facts that appear to be supportive to our statements. If there is a controversy, we seek for more details to eliminate it. We are young discoverers throughout life and nothing brings more pleasure than the fact that you have learnt more. But there are several obstacles one has to overcome. The first one is laziness. No human will be willing to do something unless he or she is provoked. The next barrier is fear. The volumes of information overwhelming a person makes him feel lost and confused. The unknown is likely to scare, create many more obstacles. The way out is will. Focus just on the task and break the barrier. The process will reduce fear and grow self-confidence. No one is insured from making mistakes. This is what we learn from. This process is unavoidable and the fear is a barrier until it is ignored and bound by strong will.

There are more complicated things to overcome. It is strange, but there is a false belief that the person may become all-knowing. Knowledge is an abstract noun that can not be derived without thorough research. None knows the limits. It is a spiritual universe where everything is possible and there are no restrictions. Knowledge can not be assessed or counted. It is impossible to know everything when you are not even willing to know yourself. This is the truth expressed by most philosophers and the truth that has been washed with tears and blood. No further proof needed. Open your heart to knowledge and become wiser by admitting how little you know and how much more you are willing to.
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BONUS : What Inspires You?

Wow this is a truly hard questions; to start with what gives me the inspiration. I have to say it's the characters themselves that inspire me. It depends on who they are what's happening in their life, one heroine may have had tender feelings for the hero for a long time and impending doom could set it in motion or maybe she will never see him again. It all depends on what's happening to the hero and heroine. Since it is the characters that determine why and how the scene takes place it is also up to them on what will become of it.

I have found inspiration in music, depending on what I am writing at the time, if it's Celtic and this the music I listened when writing Fay's Wish, well I have a collection of Celtic music. With La Roe's it was Creed. It truly depends on the story itself. As far as what I am trying to capture, it has and always will be the beauty of the act of making love and the emotions surrounding it. The caresses, the sweet words, the tender care before and after, it is Love itself I try to portray.

I can say my husband and the love I feel for him, has inspired me a lot. I would not be where I am today without him.

I have said many times before that when I connect with my character I feel as though I am telling their story and as such it is what they need that inspires me the most.

As some of you may know I write in 1 P.O.V. mainly and my focus is always in the heroines point of view, what makes her tick, essentially what truly inspires her. I have noticed when it comes to writing romances that many of todays heroines have as much gusto as the modern day woman making her mark in the world.

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