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Articles Seo

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Articles Seo

Need content for your website well then look no further, Articles are here and the way to go. Articles provide many different things, daily content for your site, a way to voice your opinion or the opinion of others, the biggest thing is traffic to your site, and then however comes returning visitors and visits provided by other links. All of these things are a part of Articles and how you can use them to provide a great and informative way to bring people to your site.

The Pros
The biggest pro of Articles has already been mention, traffic, returning traffic to be more specific. No website can survive without people making there way to it, and returning for more. Also lets not forget the Search Engines, AOL, Google, and Yahoo, in alphabetical or and only providing the names of just a few. These Search Engines use keywords to direct viewers to different websites. Just like Articles is the keyword for this particular article, Keywords are how the search engines recognize what you are looking for. Say you wanted games you would then type in the word games and wow look at all the hits you get.

The Cons
There are a few problems with Articles. One thing they are a person’s point of view, if the person writing the article is not happy with the Keyword then the article could be damaging to the original site, product, or person. Another con to Articles is the fact they change constantly moving from one subject to another and can make finding the right one difficult.

When writing your Article be sure you do not copy someone else's work, not only is this illegal but also wrong. Make sure you give the original provider of the article their credit and the source link is working properly, not to mention telling them you are using their work. Following these simple guidelines can keep you out of trouble and possibly create a working relationship with the person you got your information from for a long time to come.

To bring all of this to a close you have to consider what you have read today, heard from someone else, or found on your own before, Articles if used properly can bring visitors to your website and keep them returning for more.
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BONUS : Articles Writing And Keyword Density

Articles have been known to be the driving force in driving traffic to a website. Articles are a factor in giving site high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie he gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating schemes as well.

But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; they have certain requirements as well. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article will provide for your site.

Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles. Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make it successful and helpful in making your site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.

An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. As each website visitor goes to a site, there are those who are just merely browsing but actually looking for a specific something. When this happens, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and types in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. Toyota Camry, Meningitis, Tax Lawyer and Etcetera). It could be anything they want.

The Important thing is that you have an article that has the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able t have articles about cars and their parts. There are many tools in the Internet that provides service in helping a webmaster out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly sought out.

Keyword density is an indicator of the number of times the selected keyword appears in the article. But mind you, keywords shouldn’t be over used, but should be just sufficient enough to appear at important places.

If you repeat your keywords with every other word on every line, then your articles will probably be rejected as an artificial articles or spam articles.

Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage of the total word content on a given article.

Suppose you have 100 words on your article (not including HMTL code used for writing the article), and you use a certain keyword for five times in the content. The keyword density on that page is got by simply dividing the total number of keywords, by the total number of words that appear on your article. So here it is 5 divided by 100 = .05. Because keyword density is a percentage of the total word count on the page, multiply the above by 100, that is 0.05 x 100 = 5%

The accepted standard for a keyword density is between 3% and 5%, to get recognized by the search engines and you should never exceed it.

Remember, that this rule applies to every page on your articles. It also applies to not just to one keyword but also a set of keywords that relates to a different product or service. The keyword density should always be between 3% and 5%.

Simple steps to check the density:
• Copy and paste the content from an individual article into a word-processing software program like Word or Word Perfect.
• Go to the ‘Edit’ menu and click ‘Select All’. Now go to the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Word Count’. Write down the total number of words in the page.
• Now select the ‘Find’ function on the ‘Edit’ menu. Go to the ‘Replace’ tab and type in the keyword you want to find. ‘Replace’ that word with the same word, so you don’t change the text.
• When you complete the replace function, the system will provide a count of the words you replaced. That gives the number of times you have used the keyword in that page.
• Using the total word count for the page and the total number of keywords you can now calculate the keyword density.

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