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What Does This Inexplicable Tutor Want

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What Does This Inexplicable Tutor Want?

Many students around the world face in their opinion with insurmountable challenges- to design and successfully complete their writing assignments. Whatever task you face whatever type of paper you are assigned with and whatever program you are enrolled at, one should always remember that your imagination, creativity and original, unique vision are indispensable elements of well-written term paper.

Let us take for example a psychology term paper. So many students around the nation do not know how to start writing this kind of paper. One can examine this process. First, you should make acquaintance with some famous psychologists in order to understand how their ideas have shaped modern psychology.

Second, investigate the problem from psychological point of view. Try to explain why people, behave this way and not another, what ideas, thoughts and events guided them. Third, try to find out how other psychologist interpreted similar acts or behavior of individuals. But be very cautious in citing and certainly do not try to put out ideas of other persons as your own. Remember that if you violate this well-known rule, you commit plagiarism – a very serious crime. You may learn more about psychology term paper here.

You might use similar methods in the writing of philosophical papers. However, remember that in this type of paper- the most important point is to show your ability to criticize and analyze, rather than paraphrase or write some platitudes. The tutor would like to teach you how to analyze critically, argumentatively and impartially. One should always produce enough evidence for each contention made in an essay. Remember that your essay will be much weaker if you just provide your reader with the list of simple and vague assertions, without backing them up. Another vital element of this type of an essay is your clear statement of your point of view on the subject researched. The reader should understand where you stand. One can learn more about it here - philosophical term paper.

Certainly there are just two types of the term papers that you may be asked to complete. There are different methods and ways that should be applied to research other subjects. Despite many differences all term papers and custom essays have a lot of common features as well. Before you start designing any paper (whether it is a one page essay or one hundred pages dissertation) you should follow several well-known, yet at the same time frequently forgotten steps: 1) Critically evaluate the subject, 2).One should gather relevant material on the topic, 3) Outline and make preliminary draft of your paper, 4) Design ad complete a preliminary draft 5) Edit the draft.

Yes, certainly it is a time and energy consuming process, but do not forget that it will pay off later on. The most important point is to learn how to organize, analyze, express your opinion in writing and produce well-argumentative research Learn more about it here - Custom Essay Writing Service
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BONUS : What Does Your Main Character Have To Lose?

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If your story has nothing big to lose, it’s not worth reading. I did say “Big.” I’m not talking about a nice pair of earrings, a car, designer dress, or even your home. I’m talking about something that matters greatly to more than your main character. It’s bigger than her, him, or it. It takes hold and drives your story to the end.

This crucial thing is bigger than a personal love spat, or even a trip to the hospital. It takes over a life, a family, a city, the community, or an entire nation. In popular women’s novels, that thing is not the community, city, or nation; it’s your character’s personal desire. Did she get the man? The career? The family she wanted? It’s all about the protagonist’s unrequited desire. It might not seem big at all, except that the heroine’s creator has infused her with such unrelenting intensity that the reader feels her desire just as strongly as murder, the city, the country, the family she wanted.

That particular element in your novel is called STAKES. It’s believed that a threat to LIFE is the highest stake. Bestseller-kind-of books have high stakes of some kind. STAKES simply means the biggest thing you have to lose—the fortune, friend, life, city, a country, a world, a dream.

If you don’t believe me, let’s explore a few bestseller-kind-of-books that have stood the test of time and see what really drives them and how it plays out.

The Godfather—what does he have to lose? Justice in America. Godfather wanted justice so badly that he had to take getting it into his own hands. He just couldn’t afford not to have justice when his father was murdered by the mob in Italy, and his mother was shot in front of his face while she begged for her son’s life. He was never going back to that kind of injustice. He was shipped off to American, and here he faced another kind of injustice. So he turned to crime, while wanting his son to become a legal senator. The search for justice drove the story all the way through a multi-million dollar best selling book and three movies. The don lost his life but the stakes were so high that they transferred to his youngest son, Michael. He had to kill five mafia heads to become semi-laundered when he moved to Vegas.

GONE WITH THE WIND: Scarlett’s love was at stake. Many people think it was Tara, the plantation. But no, it was love. This was no ordinary love. The writer knew the normal kind of love would have fallen flat on its face “Well if you don’t love me back, forget you. I can have any man I want. See?” She said, looping her arm in one of the Tarlton boy’s arm.

No, this was an obsessive love that burned with the heat of determination and passion. It was Ashley Wilkes or nobody. This strong, bold, uncompromising love drove the story because her love was at stake. It could be lost or consummated at any moment and the reader didn’t want to miss it—all the way to the end. That’s why we followed. If Ashley had given her the time of day, there’s no way I would have read 700 pages about the Civil War. But with Scarlett’s thirst for true love, her raging fire for consummation, it absorbed the culture, the complexities of war, and life on a plantation that no one wanted to see and all of the reader’s tiredness. Love was at stake and it drove that story for years and years.

THE MAYOR’S WIFE WORE SAPPHIRES—a search for respect drove the story. Indigo did everything possible in this world to grab some respect for herself, her family, and her city. If she could sneak her husband into congress, she could obtain it. The story opens with her trying to make that happen. When her plan falls through, she schemes every possible means of making that predominately African-American city a Camelot—a place so incredible that the residents would be trained to manufacture and market their wares, and people from all over the world would come and buy from them. Indigo had knock-off clothes tailored for all of her parties, and hung with the “right” crowd to gain that elusive respect. She fought off the International drug cartel to save the city from its ugliness and ruin. All for respect. She lost lovers and friends, but the need for respect still drove that story all the way to the White House and back.

What is at stake in your novel? It can be physical or emotional. Write it down now.

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