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Web Content Writing

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Web Content Writing

Web content writing is said to be the most easy and relatively straight-forward thing one can ever do. But when you finally sit down for it then you realize how difficult it can be. Web content writing means writing quality yet unique content for the website so that ultimately it boosts the business and your website. But ironically web content writing is chiefly driven by seo and web design. To be more precise web design literally dictates that what font should be used, particular type of wording, perfect layout. This is just for the benefits of the visitors so that they never feel uncomfortable or disappointed while surfing your site. Same happens in the seo as they want the content which is search engine keyword friendly. Thus, in short web content writers have to listen what seos and web designers have to say.

To be honest web content writing is not as easy task and involves a careful process. And this careful process is basically dependent upon the right information, the right style, and the right keywords. All these measure are taken just to attract more visitors, easy for search engines to index, assuring that you achieve a good ranking and are easier for web users to find. Thus, it won’t be wrong to say that web content writing is an art and skill which is to tackle with full ease. Else you will end up loosing your visitors and customers. The sure shot mantra to web content writing is that each and every word should be focused on the reader or visitor. The content should be very engrossing and crisp so that visitor is bound and attracted to read it till the end. As longer the visitor sticks around your website, the better your chance of getting your message across. And in return you’ll achieve your goal for which you actually strived for.

Keywording is the nucleus of any web content writing. It should be done in keeping the needs of seos and web designers. Both have their different needs and requirements and should be catered properly so that none of them suffers. As far as seo point of view goes keyword placing is the most important task involved in it. And for web designers there are certain rules which should be kept in mind. Those rules are as follows:

1- Always use 10 or 12 font size as this font size is best for readability.

2- As far as size goes always use Verdana, Arial, Palatino Linotype, and Helvetica. Reason being all of them are very clear, and well spaced.

3- Avoid the usage of any other color in web content writing. At times it looks very jarring for the eyes and makes it difficult to read.

4- Always use black text on white background as it is pleasant for eyes and also it’s the standard rule.

Thus, try to keep all these mentioned points in mind while doing web content writing and see your online business flourish.
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BONUS : What A New Writer Has To Know About Creating A Character

What is the soul of a story? Some people say the plot, some others say the characters. I say, it’s both.

But now, I’d like to talk about characters.

How do you create a character?

Here are some ways used by writers out there in creating the characters in their story:

• Go with the flow

Some writers begin with the first few lines. As long as they can get something interesting for the first line, the rest will follow. The character’s personality grows at the same time the writer builds the plot. It is not actually intentionally created. Some writers like this method because, for them, the process of writing is full of magic. It seems like it’s their hands and mind working together in their subconscious mind. This kind of method is normally used by professional or experienced writers

• Concept the details

Some other writers prefer to deeply know the characters. They must know the whole details about this ‘person.’ They make a list of all the details about the characters. The list contains name (full name and how you call them), age (time and date of birth), height, weight, skin, hair and eye color, hair style, parents’, spouse, children and siblings’ name, address, phone number, educational background, job, good and bad habits, favorite food, book, movie and music. For the previous type of writer mentioned above, this method might seem boring. It seems like all the excitement is gone with the list. But for those preferring this method, it is a good way to build the story, along with the plot.

• Use someone they know

Some other writers prefer to just use a figure they know. They use all basic information about the model, their life, their job, their personality, etc. This is the less creative way in constructing a character.

Try one of those three tips that you feel most comfortable with. Or, try all three then decide which suits you most.

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