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Universal Advice For Successful Passing Of Exam

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Universal Advice For Successful Passing Of Exam

Exams are an essential part of life of any student, but still there are discussions over their necessity. Exams cause strain, various complications and make students feel nervous and worn out. But exams on the other hand are a good school of life. Nothing can be more helpful in the future than a recollection of your behaviour under pressure. The situation reminds about a typical exam. Exams stimulate students to study and though they do not keep this information in their heads for long, the impression will remain and be useful in the future. This article is to show all the possible ways to improve and implement to the process.

The exam is not a simple test of your knowledge; it is a test of you nerves, your self-confidence, your manners and your honesty. Passing an exam you have a possibility to create a sensation among committee members and get respect of classmates. This experience may lead you to successful future. Exams are much more difficult than any of the written assignments. During the exam you have to improvise, be prepared for additional questions. As you have already understood exams are not only about knowledge, but also about temper, willingness, manners and other skills that help you in communication. Use your imagination not to draw pictures of failure in your head, but to come up with something to favorably impress the committee. Calmness is your first armor. Calmly look at what you have in front of you. Study it carefully and should you have any questions, address the committee members. Work form the easiest to the most complicated. If you like to generalize and build your answer on facts, try to broaden the horizon of your answer by adding some details. Preparing for the exam, build your scheming strategy, dividing information onto sections and then making separate parts of the section so the information you are about to present is graphically represented. I good idea is to establish a plan for each of the answers and follow it in order to save time. If your biggest fear is to be mistaken, you might want to focus on each task and check it right after completion. Do not cross and double-cross the answers, your doubts are caused by pressure, develop confidence in what you say. You might also take a talisman with you to calm you down: some piece of spiritual significance to you. Be proud with what you have accomplished so far and do not let anybody make you feel uncertain. Never trust cheating or your neighbor, for such assistance you might get into big trouble. Better focus on your future plans and your intentions. If it is difficult for you to process large amounts of information, it is better to divide it into smaller pieces and learn systematically every day.

If you feel that you are well-prepared, you will fall in the sound sleep with no problems. Even if you omitted some of the details, there is no need to be stressed out, you might be lucky enough not to have to answer these questions. Behave naturally with no acting and insincerity. If you feel like you are getting lost in your own answer, this is quite time to gather thoughts together by looking away at the other point of focus and spend a second concentrating. There is no urgency in any of the exams, speed is not a virtue, but quality is. You have a fixed time for completing all the tasks and there is no need to turn the paper in beforehand. Make sure that you have answered everything and no editing is required. Proofread everything and only then you may consider your work to be finished. There is always a possibility of failure. No need to think that you are going to be a victim of it. If you are ready and confident, nothing is going to happen and success is guaranteed.
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BONUS : Use Real-life Templates For Writing Success

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett

At some point along the way, most of us have used what are commonly called "fill-in-the-blank" writing templates. We might have used them to write a letter, format an essay, or set-up a resume or CV.

You know what I'm talking about here. It's those form letter templates that you see in many writing texts and workbooks.

For example, in the case of a letter, a "fill-in-the-blank" template would look something like this:


This is to advise you that your probation period in the position (POSITION NAME) expired on (DATE).

The (NAME OF REVIEW COMMITTEE) met on (DATE OF MEETING) and determined that your probationary appointment was successful, and that you should be immediately appointed to (NAME OF POSITION) (NAME OF ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT).

Accordingly, this is to inform you that effective (DATE OF APPOINTMENT) you are officially appointed to the position of (NAME OF POSITION) for an initial period of (NUMBER OF YEARS/MONTHS). Terms and conditions of your employment are covered by (OFFICIAL CONTRACT NAME/NUMBER).

Would you please report as soon as possible to (NAME OF OFFICIAL), (TITLE OF OFFICIAL) in the (OFFICIAL NAME OF HR GROUP) so that the details of your appointment may be properly documented.

Congratulations (NAME OF APPOINTEE). All of us at (COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION NAME) look forward to working with you in the future.



Although this "fill-in-the-blank" approach can work, it has a number of shortcomings as follows:

- Because of their generic nature, they tend to generalize so much that they look like a computer generated form letter.
- They don't provide specific information on how a professional would properly fill in the required information (BLANKS).
- They don't provide mental stimulation or show how a professional might word the letter in a specific real-life context.
- The content is typically watered down to try and cover every possible situation.
- Thus, they are virtually useless for 98% of real-life situations, since they lack real-life content.

On the other hand, here's what a "real-life" template would look like for a similar situation:

Dear Jessica:

This is to advise you that your probation period in the position Customer Service Agent (Temporary) expired on November 30, 200X.

The Staffing Review Committee met late last week and determined that your probationary appointment was successful, and that you should be immediately appointed as Customer Service Agent (Ongoing).

Accordingly, this is to inform you that effective December 1, 200X you are officially appointed to the position of Customer Service Agent in the Customer Support Group for an initial period of 36 months. Terms and conditions of your employment are covered by the Customer Service Group Employment Agreement.

Would you please report as soon as possible to Jim Jackson, Chief of Human Resources so that the details of your appointment may be properly documented.

Congratulations Jessica! All of us here at MedWay Systems Inc. look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.


Sharon Smithson
Manager, Customer Support Group

Clearly, the "model" that most of us would rather work with, if we had to write a similar letter, is definitely the second one, the "real-life" template.

You can relate to them. They talk about real-life people in a real-life situation that you can identify with. And, you get to see exactly how a professional worded it.

There are other advantages to "real-life" templates:

Fully-Formatted Final Versions
"Real-life" templates are fully-formatted as final documents so that you can see exactly how they looked when they were sent out in a "real-life" situation. They don't look like some kind of "draft" form letter.

Content With Value
Working with "real-life" templates, it is much easier to adapt them to YOUR actual situations because they give you visual and intellectual cues that you can relate to.

Naturally, when you see how a copywriter or consultant has dealt with a "real-life" scenario, in terms of word choice, context, and punctuation, it is much easier to adapt to the real-life situation that you are writing for. In that way, the actual content has value.

Easy To Work With
"Real-life" templates are just as easy to work with as other templates. You simply load them into your word processing program and edit and adjust them to fit your own specific situation. Presto! You have a fully formatted real-life letter ready to be printed and sent out in the mail.

You also have the comfort of knowing that what you are sending has already been used in other "real-life" situations.

Real-Life Content
With real-life templates, it is much easier to find an adaptable "fit" for the situation you are writing for. Not only do they give you the final format of a document, their content provides an excellent real-life sample and gives food-for-thought to assist you in the writing process.

Think about it. Would you rather work from a "fill-in-the-blanks" generic template or an actual letter, based on a real-life situation, with a fully-formatted "real-life" template?

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