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Tips To Help You To Write With Success

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Tips To Help You To Write With Success

Writing is something that everyone can enjoy! Writing is freeing and fun and exciting, if you really let your imagination go writing can take you to places that you have never been before. The world would be a sad and empty place without good writer to cheer it up!

If you are having trouble starting to write all you need to do is sit down and do it. Do not worry about writing well, just write anything that comes to mind. This kind of free flowing thinking is a great way to get the old writing muscles working. You can always go over things and edit later, or just throw out that bit of writing but it will get your imagination flowing like it needs to in order to be a successful writer.

It is also a good idea to forgo the idea of using a computer or typewriter. Try writing by hand at first. Things tend to flow out much better when you are writing by hand. This is the perfect way to deal with any blocks that you are running into when you are writing.

You may also want to take some time to pick up some great online writing tips. The internet is the perfect resource for just about anything including writing. You can learn from some of the best writers in history if you use the internet the right way. They have all kinds of great tips posted online so start looking them up today.

If you need to do some research for your writing then you will want to take a trip to the local library. The library has books on any and every subject in the world so get some ideas or info there when you are stuck.
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BONUS : Too Much Sitting Can Cause Disaster

Most writers have dangerous issues they pay little or no attention to until it’s too late—their health! And yet, health can be more of a problem than Writer’s Block, complications of concentration, writing anxiety, daily output frustration and editor angst. What I’m talking about is sitting related diseases.

It took me five years to write my novel, The Mayor’s Wife Wore Sapphires, and all during that time, I had to work at keeping healthy. First of all, I was gaining weight. Then came cold feet with tingling sensation, mental fog, stiff shoulders, headaches, loneliness and depression. I knew I needed a routine of loving me to ever finish this novel. If you don’t believe me see by bio: I share how I had to love me enough to be energetic and in good health when my novel was finished.

Sitting from three to five hour stretches at a computer naturally causes obesity, unless it is counterbalanced with an hour of walking, running, stretching, or aerobics. Obesity alone brings along body break down—poor circulation that causes heart disease, hypertension and mental fog, diabetes, heart failure, and thus kidney failure, stroke and don’t forget sagging skin.

Each hour you sit at your computer causes another part of the body to break down, atrophy, cells to die, muscles to sag. Those are just the results you can see. The body was wired to move. When it doesn’t move it rusts inside, and rust (oxidation) causes health problems. As simple as that.

Now that we’ve identified the possible disasters, let’s talk about how to keep the five-hours-a-day work at your computer from rushing you away from this earth, or debilitating you. Begin by bargaining with time to enjoy and promote your great American novel, or that famous nonfiction book—without a potbelly, hunched shoulders, or wrinkled face when you get on Oprah—if you’re able to walk onto that little stage.

Brisk Walking—This is my favorite. You need no partner, no special time, and no expensive gear. All you need is a will and a habit. Now if you go out at the same time every day for thirty days, you’ll have the walking habit. Brisk walking brings oxygen into lungs that help rid the body of that great destroyer—oxidants. It’s also a weight-bearing activity that keeps the back strong, the neck and legs improving in performance. It pushes blood through your body and washes out harmful things we ingest.

Running—That’s my next favorite. It gives you the sped-up version of brisk walking.

Dancing—I like dancing because it causes physical and social healing. It moves every part of your body. It gives you interaction with other people to laugh with, make a fool of yourself with and potential new characters to write about. It makes you feel happy.

Yoga— This exercise stretches every muscle in your body and sends blood flowing to your face and brain. Yoga is the only exercise that systematically exercises all of the internal organs of your body—liver, spleen, heart, pancreas, thalamus, and intestines. All three of the above are free, and you know writers often need FREE.

Gym—usually people pay for this, but won’t drive there to exercise. I live in a condo complex and it has a free gym. It’s great for cold days. There are machine and weights for every part of your body. I love the weights and pull down machines that relieve my shoulders of computer hunching tension.

Drink eight glasses of water per day as an antioxidant…to wash all the poisons from your system—stale indoor air, that fatty snack you took when you left your computer. Oh, by the way, just stock the fridge with green stuff, carrot and celery sticks. When you don’t have any bad stuff to eat you won’t eat it.

Move from your computer every hour. Do something physical. Vaccum, cook, exercise.

Eat lots of green stuff—spinach, greens, cabbage, okra, peas

This is your best bet for being alert and looking strong and healthy when you go on Good Morning America for the entire world to see. Now if you decide you don’t want to choose this lifestyle, or some other daily exercise program, then don’t blame your nurse when she sticks you with a needle or your doctor demands that you have a stay in the hospital. It’s all left up to you.

By the way, I did finish my novel with aplomb, got 5-Star Reviews, and I’m working my way toward the Oprah Show!


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Martha “Marti” Tucker

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