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Three Article Writing Tips That Can Explode Your Readership And

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Three Article Writing Tips That Can Explode Your Readership And Trrafic.

Thousands of articles are being churned out everyday but how many of these are ever read. If your articles are not going to be read then you are not going to reap the benefits of writing your articles.

Webmasters and others visit article directories, article banks and article announcement sites mainly for two reasons. Firstly to read articles written by experts to learn from them about business strategies, article writing tips and other useful Tips and Ideas so that can adopt and implement them. Secondly to obtain useful topic related good content for their websites.

Why should the reader choose to read your article in preference to several others?

It is here that these three article writing tips if properly implemented, will have a tremendous impact on the reader and compel him to read your article.


Visitors to article directories have numerous articles to choose from. They will scroll down, stop and click on the title that grabs their attention. Grabbing the visitors’ attention should be your main goal. If you miss out on this then you have missed your opportunity. It must now be obvious that the Key to open the door to your article is your Title.

Much time and thought should be spent in constructing a Striking, Powerful and Compelling Title that will grab the reader’s attention, stop his scrolling and compel him to click on the link and see how good and useful the article is.

If you succeed in this then you have set the ball rolling. It is very important that the title should never be misleading. The principle to follow should be "Be smart but don't mislead." A few misleading titles from you and soon you will be dumped by the readers.


The reader will next want to have a quick glimpse at your introductory passage.

Many authors do not place sufficient emphasis on this aspect. Their perception is that if the article is of quality and educative, people are bound to read them. This is true in the case of articles written by outstanding authors and experts and if their name are displayed alongside. Again how will a newbie ever recognize the names? Hence an impressive paragraph is important. The reader should with the help of these few sentences get a quick glimpse and visualize the quality and what this whole article is about. Here too the author should give a true picture of what is in store for the reader. The introduction should never mislead the reader.

Resource Box:

Having read the article and if the reader is captivated by the content and your expertise, his natural tendency will be to know more about you, your products and possibly read more articles written by you.

To begin with he will go to the Resource Box and gather more information about you. The resource box should display your name, a brief glimpse of your profession or expertise that can attract him and the URL of your website. How well you display your resource box will impress the reader further to click on your URL to visit your website. The main objective of writing articles and attracting maximum readership is to lead the reader to visit your website and promote your business.


Writing articles with proper keyword placement, optimizing for the search engines and submitting them to article directories is one thing but getting the audience to read the articles is a different kettle of fish altogether. You have got to grab him and get him to read your article. The rest will follow. Successful implementation of these three article writing tips will result in an explosion in your article readership statistics, visitors to your website and increased sales.
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BONUS : Three Steps To Better Writing

Do you hate to write? Does it take you a long time to get the words on the page? Usually when people struggle to write, it's because they are trying to edit as they go along. There is an easier way to write and be more creative!

Step 1 - Write

It's hard to be creative if you're editing at the same time. When you begin your writing project don't think about word choices or punctuation. Just write. Don't read your work. Just write. It will be difficult at first because you will be tempted to make changes. Resist the temptation! Just write. You'll find that thoughts and ideas start flowing once you stop editing. When you've finished writing put it away for a couple of days. When you take it out, become the editor and start making your changes.

Step 2 - Edit

Read through your work, then mark the parts you want to change or revise. Focus in on the paragraphs, sentences and words that need revision. Get more specific with each round of edits. Read the piece again, then focus in on specific passages, sentences, paragraphs that you want to shape up. When you're finished, read the entire piece again.

Now would be a good time to use the spell checker. However, don't depend on it to catch all of the errors. If you write "your" and you really meant "you're" the spell checker won't catch it. It's not a misspelled word. Unless your spell checker points out commonly confused words, it won't find the problem.

Step 3 - Listen

Satisfied with your changes? Read your work out loud so that you'll be more likely to catch missing words, incorrect tenses or repetitive phrases. It will also allow you to catch places where perhaps a word can be changed to a more appropriate one, or a sentence can be reworked so that it flows better. Make additional revisions and read it again.

If time permits, put your work away for another day or two. Give yourself some distance from the work, so when you read it again you'll be less likely to be filling in words or meanings that aren't there. You'll be able to see it as though you were reading it for the first time. If possible have someone else read it and give you feedback. Perhaps another "pair of eyes" will find that a thought or concept isn't coming across as you intended.

You know what you want to say, but that doesn't mean that your readers will get it. Having someone else read the work will give you another perspective. In fact, it would be better to have a few people read it, especially if your work will be presented to a large audience. Take the feedback and determine what makes sense and what doesn't. For instance, if the majority of your feedback mentions a specific issue, pay attention.

Allow yourself to write whatever comes to mind without editing. Let your ideas flow and you'll see how easy it is to get your words on the page.

Copyright © 2007 Deborah A. Bailey, Writing Services Central, LLC

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