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Thesaurus Word Roulette

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Thesaurus: Word Roulette

There is some beautiful literary styles that thrive on the repeated use of words and phrases. The language is poetic and beautiful. This, however, is not an article that encourages the use of repeated words.

Unless you are writing in a style that demands the use of repetition it may be in your best interest to read through your text and determine if a word or phrase is overused.



The purpose of this exercise is to find the purpose of the repeated use of a word and then purpose not to use that word so much.


The purpose of this exercise is to discover the objective of the repeated use of a word. After which you resolve not to use that word continually.

Both sentences said the exact same thing, but one was infused with different, but related words that allowed a more readable flow.

Many writers work on a first draft by simply attempting to lay down the ideas in a coherent fashion. It is only after they toil through their first draft that they begin to notice a repetition of phrases or words.

Many writers utilize a tool that provides a benefit in saying something a more unique fashion – that device is a thesaurus.

A thesaurus can be used to take a sentence like the following and transform it into something new.


Taking part in the school play was hard for Tammy because she was so shy and awkward.


Participating in the theatrical production at school was challenging for Tammy since she was so reserved and self-conscious.

Many word processors provide a tool function that allows you to highlight a word and it will provide a list of word choices that you can use to replace an overused or ill-fitting word.

If you have a greater interest in writing longhand you should consider the purchase of a thesaurus that may assist you in your writing. You might be surprised at how a thesaurus can help open up new avenues of creativity and expression in your writing.

Sometimes a word will have more than one meaning and a good thesaurus can help provide words in context of the original meaning giving you flexibility in the application of any given word.

So the next time you stumble across a word that has seen lots of appearances in your writing, break out a thesaurus and expand the possibilities.
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BONUS : They Are Just Afraid Of WritingÂ…

Sometimes, students as well as scholars are afraid of designing and completing new project, one of the most difficult in their turbulent student life, one of the longest during their short period of study, and one of the most important as well. Why are so many people afraid of the writing assignment? Why so many students afraid of dissertations? Apparently, they have too many questions and too few answers.

Let us, answer some of them.

First, remember that it is not always necessary to make your own research. Certainly, when you are assigned to undertake some research in your instructions than you should perform it. In the majority of cases, however, you can use available statistical data.

Second, the data mentioned can be found relatively easily.
There are plethoras of publishing sources that contain the data you are interested in. Even, if you do not have data on some specific problem (for example media coverage of the war in Iraq), you have the possibility to conduct the research and analyze available publishing sources.

Third, there are other sources that can be researched. For example, if you are assigned to complete the assignment on geography, then you should visit library to conduct your research, or visit geographical society, if your research pertains to some regional topic.

Fourth, both quantitative and qualitative data can be used in your research. Certainly, what type of the research should be used depends on the type of your assignment. Needless to say, it is imperative to use quantitative methods in the writing assignments of technical subjects, but even in this case you should indicate why the particular method has been chosen. When you need to back your research up with statistical data, the use of quantitative research is indispensable. Qualitative date is frequently used when you would like to find out the psychological or social reasons of a particular event or trend. You can either use your own date, or use data from other sources.

Fifth, in your dissertation project you are expected to analyze your data, both the one collected by yourself from your own research or from other sources. You should answer such questions as why does this trend continue, what makes it grow or fall, why is it changing? You could explain how particular methods are applicable to the process that you research. One should reveal oneÂ’s own understanding of the vital elements of the concept mentioned and their influence on the process that you research.

Fifth, you dissertation can be written on some literature. In this case it would be a literature-based paper. If you are assigned to conduct the research on particular book, you should emphasize some important topics of the book, which in your opinion make this book distinctive. This type of dissertation requires some research on literature criticism; however make sure that you use literature criticism, after you have read a book.

Certainly, we have answered only part of the questions that concern students. Undoubtedly some questions still remain unanswered. If you would like to lean more about dissertations and the steps that should be taken to complete them, you are more than welcome to visit Custom Essay Writing Service.

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