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The Easy Way To Write Your Own Articles

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The Easy Way To Write Your Own Articles

Writing Articles pertaining to Your Home-based Business Oppurtunity is one of the most profitable, inexpensive and longterm Internet Marketing Strategies of all. Most people feel they aren't capable of writing articles; But think of it this way, if You can talk--You can write articles. Why do I say this? Because writing is simply a matter of organizing Your thoughts. Once You're capable of writiing Your own articles about Your Home-based Business'products or service , they can be submitted to an Article Submission Service and broadcast all over the Internet; On other peoples websites and in ezines and newsletters at no cost to You. In other words, no cost advertising since it is mandatory for whoever publishes Your articles to include Your resource box which points to Your website.

The first step of this process is to create a title that will compel readers to read Your article and explain the subject of Your article. Then make an outline of three or four points that You can briefly expand on in the body of Your written article.. The outline You have created will be the capsule form of the first paragraph. The last paragraph is the conclusion , briefly solving the problems or telling benefits of the three or four points You have made in the body of Your article.

The title of Your article is extremely important since it should draw Your readers in and make them want to read. In most cases, Internet Marketers write articles to provide their readers with information. Therefore, the how-to approach is best when educating on Your chosen subject., which deals with a specific aspect of Your product or service. Another compelling approach is to ask a question relating to how Your product or service can benefit Your readers or solve a problem that it might present. Whatever title You choose to introduce Your article with, remember to be specific so that the reader knows exactly what they are going to read about.

The next step is to make an outline of three or four points about your product or service, or more important , the subject of the article. These points are the basis of Your first paragraph which is set up with a subject line leading on to the points that will be expanded on in the body of the article. The body of the article should deal with each point you have made in the first paragraph. If you made three points of view, You'll generally have three paragraphs in the body of the article, each paragraph expanding on a different point. One rule to keep in mind when writing the body paragraphs of Your article is to stick to the point that You're trying to make, don't ramble on or skip to another point in that specific paragraph. However many points You have presented in the opening paragraph doesn't really matter, as long as each point is good information, specific to the subject of your article.

The last paragraph of Your article is the conclusion, which pretty much reiterates the first paragraph. The difference being, it briefly describes the problems solved or benefits gained for each of the points You've made and discussed in the body of the article. The concluding paragraph is merely a summation of the entire article and brings your discussion (in writing) to an end.

So, You see that writing your own articles can be easy and rewarding in that it gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. The main benefit in writing Your own articles is that it's a no cost method of advertising and only costs a little bit of your time. Just by creating a compelling title, You can have thousandss of people froom all over the Internet readiing your articles in a very short period of time. Remember to make an outline of the points You want to expand on in the body of your article as this will be your guide as You write. The points of view that You convey to Your readers should solve problems or present benefits of the product or service that You are writing about. ...And last of all is the concluding paragraph where the points You've made are summarized as well as their solutions and benefits that You had previously described about Your product or service. This is the easiest approach to writing articles, You just write how You would talk to someone, in an organized fashion, and it will prove to be more personable too.

You can submit your articles at no cost to You by signing uup for the Affiliates Program at Your articles will be published on other peoples websites, newsletters and ezines to create one of the most powerful Internet Marketing Strategies of all.
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BONUS : The Exercise Of Emulation

A writing exercise that is helpful in learning a very specific style of writing is called Emulation. This is done to match the style of a specific author.

In essence, you create an entirely new passage using an existing passage as your guide.

For example if you wanted to try to write in the same manner as the Psalmist you might copy a passage of Scripture…

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

This would be an emulation example…

Lift your voice to the Lord, everyone. Sing to the Lord with triumph; come to His throne with humility. There is none like our God. It is He who sustains us, and He knows us; we follow Him as the least in His Kingdom. Gratitude arrives before us as we proclaim His greatness; show honor by singing praise because the Lord is awesome and His love does not diminish, He will be faithful to your grandchildren’s grandchildren. (Modeled after the Psalmist in Psalm 100).

While this may not be a perfect example, the idea remains intact; stay as close to the form and function of the passage you are emulating as possible so anyone familiar with the work will quickly recognize the similarities.

This is an exercise that is easy in concept, but somewhat difficult in execution. In a perfect emulation you would replace every word with another word. In a perfect emulation a noun is replaced with a noun and an adjective with an adjective and so on.

Emulation teaches you to creatively rewrite and reexamine the mechanics of what was written. In my emulation sample, I used a thought for thought emulation style, not word for word. Emulation doesn’t need to be about the same topic either; it simply needs to match up with the literary style of the original author.

If you are a looking for a writing exercise that is a challenge and remains a great learning tool, consider the use of emulation as a means of discovering more about the structure the author used and, secondarily, how you respond to that structure today.

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