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Self Marketing Techniques For Writers

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Self-marketing Techniques For Writers

One of the most effective ways to present your work to prospective clients is by having an online presence. As the world shrinks through the use of the worldwide web, you will find clients on an international basis may be interested in your work and in your ability to work for them.

First Step

By creating a website you have the opportunity to place testimonials, pricing structure, examples and a list or services you provide.

Because most writers have problems with self-marketing it is important to remember you are not necessarily marketing yourself, you are marketing the time-honored skill of writing. In many cases this assists writers in understanding that they don't need to be prideful they have been given a skill. Writer should be careful to make wise use of their skills for the mutual benefit of writer and client.


The use of blogging has become a highly prized self-marketing tool. A blog will allow visitors to see you as a person and enjoy your personal approach to passing along information.

A blog can allow you to pass along services you can provide. You can also use a blog to pass along success stories and provide general examples of recent work you have accepted. You don't want to be too specific and should keep client confidentiality uppermost in your thinking.

Discover Your Strengths

If you are especially gifted in one type of writing make sure you list it as a specialty service you can provide. Never stop learning and improve on even your greatest skills.

Improve Your Weaknesses

If you are weak in an area of writing you can do one of two things, 1) give up and tell clients you can't do the work or, 2) learn the skills needed to become proficient in the skill.

Your clients don't want to hear excuses, they want to perceive you as their go-to writer who can get things taken care of in a professional and timely manner.


Never be afraid of research. In an indirect way research can be used as a marketing tool. This tool can provide information on writing styles and markets to pursue.

Final Word

A writer should never stop learning. Understanding the usefulness of self-marketing is a means of learning a skill that will allow you to write with confidence knowing the skills you possess are connecting with others and fulfilling a genuine need.
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BONUS : Self Publishing: Is This The Way To Publish Your Book?

Self publishing might be the best way to publish your book. There are several advantages to self publishing that you might not have considered.

First, and most important, self publishing places you firmly in control of your book. When someone else is paying you to publish your book then they make many decisions regarding the editing of the manuscript, the cover, the title and the marketing that can impact not only how well your book will sell but also how it will be received by the reading public. For example, my second book ended up with the title "Kentucky Kisses" simply because my publisher's marketing department reported that books with the word "kisses" in the title sold well. I felt the title was rather frivolous for the content but my wishes were ignored.

Self publishing is also faster than traditional publishing. With my novel, Kentucky Kisses, it took me over a year to find a publisher interested in buying and several months before we went to contract. Then after the contract was signed it was another 18 months before my book was released to the public. That is a long time to wait.

Self publishing also allows you to retain all the profits from your endeavor. While you may have to put some money up front (depending on the method you use to self publish your book) you will not have to wait for months or years to see income as a result. Most publishers only pay royalties once or twice a year and then those royalties are only a small percentage of the book price. When you self publish your book then once you have covered any publications costs everything you earn is pure profit.

Finally, it cannot be overlooked that self publishing offers you an opportunity to break into print that might not be otherwise available. The simple fact is that traditional publishing is highly competitive and many worthwhile manuscripts (and authors) cannot find a publishing home although there may well be an eager and receptive audience for that book.

It should be noted that self publishing may not be for everyone. If you are still struggling with your writing and voice, or your manuscript still needs polishing, then you should continue to work on your book and perhaps bring in the assistance of a critique group or professional editor. Self publishing a book that is not yet ready for publication could be a costly mistake. If your manuscript has been polished and well received by several critical readers then you should at least consider self publishing your book.

Not only does self publishing offer you the advantages of complete control, faster publication, and higher profits, it is easier and less expensive than it has ever been before thanks to modern technology. Self publishing could be your big break as a writer.

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