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Resume Writing Hot Tips

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Resume Writing Hot Tips!

Most job seekers have the same problem when writing their resumes: they feel overwhelmed when it comes to presenting themselves in such a concise format. If you're suffering from this problem, you might want to work with a partner, a friend, a fellow job hunter, a counselor, or a professional resume writer, someone who can ask you probing questions and provide objectivity.

Gather and Check All Necessary Information - Learn to write a resume by writing down information under headings. Write your resume example that embraces your education; experience; honors; skills and activities and make a list of your training and education relating to your job choice.

Match Your Skills and Experience with an Employer's Needs - Choose a target job/title that works best and write a good resume by matching your wishes with positions that are actually available.

Highlight Details That Demonstrate Your Capabilities - Learn to write a good resume by selecting details of your information that best matches the employer’s needs. Results need to benefit your employer and make you a viable candidate for the target job.

Organize the Resume Effectively - You write a resume by organizing your Personal information followed by a Summary of key points, Education, Experience, Honors and Activities. Write a good resume chronologically listing primary jobs held, including unpaid work that fills a gap or that shows you have the skills for the job. Write your resume example and compare with other like-positions resumes and create a draft based on the resume format you choose. References are a separate entity and may not be included, but always have solid reference available if requested.

Consider Word Choice Carefully - You write a resume that accurately describes you – your skills, talents and expertise. Write a good resume by utilizing active verbs (in many forms) such as achieve, analyze, adapt. Learn to write a resume that describes you positively and accurately. Write a good resume using adjectives and nouns such as analytical, resourceful, capable.

Ask Other People to Comment on Your Resume - We at Houston Job Search will help you write resume and then we will critique it. Remain open-minded when you write a resume and with our constructive criticism, the final resume will achieve its objective. Ask your friends and trusted colleagues to review and critique your resume.

Make the Final Product Presentable - A resume should be printed on a high quality (24 lbs stock or more) paper using a laser printer. We at Houston Job Search can provide the resources.

Use dynamic action verbs such as: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc. Do NOT use the subject I, use tenses in the past.
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BONUS : Resume Writing Tips

When you are ready to step into the professional world, one thing becomes your mirror, in which every employer see you and gets to know about you. This mirror is known as resume. Writing resume is an art and tips for writing an effective resume are indeed too essential for you.

A resume is a very important document which plays a major role in letting the employer decide whether he will hire you or not. Your resume tells him about your profile which includes your experience, objectives, interests and capabilities. A professional employer, on an average, spends about 20 seconds scanning your resume. In those 20 seconds he takes his decision whether he should call you for the interview or not. So it becomes important for you to carefully design your resume to create the big first impression.

There are some essential things that you must cover in your resume with utmost rationalization and logic. Perfect resume writing consists of 5 essential components:
Career Objective
Work Experience
Additional Information
Personal Details

Career Objective
Career objective acts as a window which illustrates your professional goals and where you would like to see yourself in the years to come. Career objective also explains how you would like to develop and hone your skills.

Your career objective should be based on the realistic goals and logic. It should not be full of subjectivity as you want to succeed or grow. There should be an element of concrete basis and belief about what you exactly want to do in life.

Your career objective provides the perfect opportunity for you as the employer can analyze your determination and attitude via your career objective. A little creativity and logic can lead you to create a good and professional career objective.

Work Experience
This section is the most important component of your resume. The section describes your accomplishments and work experience in the field you are applying. This section also includes the work experience that you have in different fields as well.

Your work experience
provides the employer with the information related to your worth. Your work experience let him know that you are an experienced person and capable of doing things. In the work experience if you mention your projects and role played by you in achieving them, it would further enhance the image of your capabilities in the employer’s eyes.

Your work experience should be lined up in a reverse chronological order. It should include all the necessary description of the company you worked for, your job title and job role and your projects in each company. You should order your work experience in accord with the type of job. You should edit all the unnecessary information from the work experience.

This section involves your educational background. Some employers are typical about certain educational levels like bachelor’s or masters. You should write your education level in a right sequence, starting with the recent educational level on the top and the lowest in the end.

Additional Information
Additional information refers to description of your achievements in extra curricular activities, your interests and key strengths. This section enables the employer to know your abilities and talents. The description should be kept precise and to the point. It should not look like self boasting, but should seem like representation of the facts.

Personal Details
This section should be included last in your resume. This section mainly deals with your personal details such as:
Father’s name
Date of birth
Phone number
Martial status

Resume writing is an art. A good resume enhances your chances of being selected where you want to work.

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