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Anyone Can Write An Essay

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Anyone Can Write An Essay!

“I’ll figure that out . . . when I get the time.”
“I really don’t know how to start!”
“I really should write my essay!”

This common dilemma is expressed over and over again by many people everywhere. The good news is that anybody can write an essay!

There are three main reasons for essays:

1. To help you to cohesively construct an argument and defend it on paper.

2. To help you develop good written and oral communication skills.

3. To help you to figure out how to find information.

Not knowing how to write properly can make your academic life disorganized, stressful and chaotic. By improving your writing skills, you can confidently and quickly finish assignments and write properly throughout your professional career.

Writing an essay can be very simple when you follow these basic steps: choose a topic, define the scope of your essay, create the outline, write the essay and -- proofread, proofread, proofread!

The Essay Topic

The first step in writing an essay is to select a topic (if one has not been assigned). In order to define a topic, you should think about the goal of the essay. Is the purpose of the essay to persuade, educate, or describe a topic -- or for something else entirely? It is generally helpful to brainstorm ideas by jotting down favorite subjects or thinking of a topic that may be interesting to you.

Define the Scope of the Essay

The next step is to define the scope of your essay. Is the subject matter very broad, or will the essay cover a specific topic with detail-oriented examples? Thinking about the overall topic and scope will help you to begin the writing process.

Create an Outline

The next step is to create the outline. You may think that an outline is an unnecessary, time-consuming task -- but this step will actually help save time! An outline will help keep you focused while writing your essay, and help keep you from wandering aimlessly in conducting your research. It should be composed of the main idea of the essay or thesis statement, and the arguments that support it. The outline is often numbered and organized by paragraph, but more abstract outlines will also help to organize and focus your ideas.

Writing the Essay

The subsequent step is writing the essay. The introduction paragraph should begin with an attention grabber. This is a statement the lures the reader into wanting to read the rest of the essay. The next few sentences should be very broad in topic, and should lead to the narrow focus of the thesis statement, which is usually the very last sentence of the introduction paragraph. There are typically three body paragraphs, and each one starts by tackling one of the main ideas presented in the thesis statement. The following sentences should describe and elaborate on the main point. Details of specific examples should be included to strengthen your main ideas. The conclusion paragraph summarizes the essay and provides a final perspective on the main topic. It often begins with a paraphrase of the original thesis statement, and sometimes includes a future prediction based upon the viewpoint presented in the essay.

Proofreading Your Essay

The final step in writing a thesis is proofreading. Proofreading is actually the most important part of writing the essay and is often skipped. A few items to consider when proofreading your essay are the order of the paragraphs, the flow of the sentences, grammar, spelling and the instructions for the assignment. Questions to ask yourself include:

• Does your essay make sense?
• Does each sentence flow to the next sentence well?
• Are there any points that can be made stronger or clearer?
• Are there words that are used frequently?
• Are there any run-on sentences or fragments?

The proofreading process sometimes takes longer than the actual writing process, but this is what makes the difference between a concise and well thought out essay, and a bad essay.

When the process of writing an essay is broken into pieces, the process seems more manageable and easier to complete for the beginner. The process consists of thinking about a topic, creating an outline, writing the essay and proofreading the essay. This makes essay writing an interesting learning experience, and helps the writer express his or her thoughts more clearly, concisely and with more validation.
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BONUS : Appearances Are Deceitful

People’s eyes are attracted to beauty and it’s quite natural. We look at flowers, landscapes, pieces of art, and gracious movements of a ballet dancer with admiration. We understand why it is beautiful and the sight of the above-mentioned things brings us pleasure. People also think of a man’s/woman’s appearance as of a masterpiece of nature and enjoy it as much as a landscape in the Alps. But is the essence of this beauty the same?

Landscapes are parts of nature, pieces of art are created by gifted people; these objects are not alive, don’t possess an intellect, so it is much easier to define the essence of it’s meaning and purpose. Humans have divine gift of speech, abstract thinking and freedom of action. We can’t but agree that it’s very difficult to define, what is hiding behind good looks. Our mind is used to assume that beauty contains only good things. We forget that beauty can also be dangerous. This rule can be applied to some people that use their appearance to harm others for their own profit. Good looking people are called lucky and others that don’t fall under that category are extremely jealous as usual. “Why is my mark “unsatisfactory” if I worked on my term paper topic a lot? My friend didn’t even do a research and got a “good”. This is all because she is pretty”. No matter what your term paper topics are and how well they are worked at, there still will be someone, who is way more successful than you are. That is a usual way to think. In most cases those who complain are right. But we want to draw your attention to the fact that “pretty” doesn’t necessarily mean “good”. This statement can be easily proved.

What we have to do is just a little psychological research. People are in the habit of using everything they possess in order to reach success. Pretty face and nice figure can also be used. There’s nothing bad in it, of course. We see famous movie stars and celebrities doing it every day. The story is totally different in everyday life. People who are attractive get used to the attention and admiration. They get proud and think that everything that they reach is due to the way they look. People who are attractive use their looks to get a job, to be promoted, to be excused from doing something they don’t want to. The only inconvenient thing for them is authority that they create. The atmosphere around them can not be ruined in any way. Once the reputation is ruined, nice looks will not help any more for they don’t matter from no on. But there are people who are equally pretty inside and outside. Such people are pride of the society and are respected greatly. Every one of us knows a lot of examples of above described phenomenon; there’s no need to do it here. It is quite possible that people can change so appearances won’t matter anymore. The article is meant to help those who suffer from such discrimination to improve their situation, and those who want to start a new life forgetting about their past abuse of own appearance. Beauty is meant to serve to greater good, so a person always has a choice. And it is: to be good and respectable, but use fair ways that sometimes can be hard, or to go the easy way of manipulating people by using your gift, such as appearance. As for those, who suffer from being “one out of the crowd”, one can advice to show that you are special in a different kind of way. There must be a special talent that makes you a credit to your parents. Anyhow, we are to celebrate beauty, if it deserves it and to try to get it on the right track if its direction is messed up.

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