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Overcoming Writer's Block
Do you suffer from writer's block? Is there a pending project you are putting off because you lack the inspiration to even get it started? You certainly are not alone. At various times you will go through extended periods of energetic writing as well as lengthy dry spells. Here are some tips you may want to consider to help you keep those slow times to a minimum.
Idea Mining If you do not have a specific topic in mind, start brainstorming to come up with a variety of topics. I get plenty of my ideas when I take a thirty minute brisk walk through my neighborhood. Watching rabbits eating clover, observing colorful roses, and listening to the sweet conversation of cardinals puts me at ease. When I am relaxed, I can think much more clearly. It sure beats sitting in front of my computer fretting about my work! Find something that brings out the inspiration in you.
Get Interested Writing on a topic that interests you is much easier to do than when you must write about a topic that you either: a) do not find interesting, or b) you are not particularly knowledgeable about. You can raise your interest by researching the topic. Read other online articles, go to the library and read a chapter or two in a related book, or contact someone familiar with the subject at hand (an enthusiatic expert is best). After a certain amount of research your curiosity should be piqued which will help fuel your interest in the topic.
Make an Outline Write a topic sentence and then "bullet" three or four key points that you want to make. Expand each point into one paragraph each; collectively these points will comprise the body of your article. A brief conclusion (summation) tying all the points together at the end of the article will bring things "to a wrap."
Sit on it No, I am not being obscene. Rather, once you have written your article put it aside for a day or two and then come back to it. A fresh perspective has a way in helping you craft a better article. More than likely you will catch grammatical errors, locate incomplete or unclear thoughts, or find errors in punctuation by stepping back for a period of time.
You can overcome writer's block by following the above steps. If you find yourself hindered by the "paralysis of analysis" when it comes to selecting a winning topic, then you must step away, regroup, and come back only when sufficiently inspired. Writing with clear purpose and enthusiasm will happen once you put your writer's block beyond you.
(c)2005; Matthew C. Keegan, LLC
BONUS : Package Information Creatively For Fun And Profits
Got knowledge? Got an enthusiastic target market? Then there's no reason to stick to books, ebooks, audios and videos to convey your expertise. Many more creative options abound, and give you the chance to entice an unsure buyer to make an initial purchase as well as have something appealing for followup sales.
Creative packaging also gives you a significantly better shot at magazine and web publicity. Years ago, for example, I reformatted the contents of an audiotape as a 10-installment seminar on colorful postcards. Entrepreneur Magazine thought it was cute, and ran a little story about my inventive new product, “The Procrastinator’s Penpal,” with a photo and my contact information.
For each creative packaging option, IÂ’ve provided links for resources or examples.
1. Reminder Cards
Imagine colorful, well-designed “cheat sheets” that lots of people would find it useful to refer to often, and you have a product. Years ago I repurposed a sidebar from my book Persuading on Paper into a proofreading checklist. I printed it out on one sheet of good quality paper, both sides, laminated it and included it as a component of an information product kit.
Bankers Online sells a colorful, postcard-sized reminder card on the telltale signs of bogus IDs in packs of 50 for easy reference by tellers and other bank employees. The more highly designed such items, the less temptation buyers will have to snitch your idea and duplicate it on their own. YouÂ’re best off going with a printing company that specializes in postcard production for this printing this type of card cost-effectively in large quantities.
Laminated Reference Guides - http://www.barcharts.com/
P.L.E.A.S.E. System Reminder Cards - http://www.bankersonline.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=397
2. Posters
Posters are as popular today as they were when you were you were in college and for the same reasons – they can decorate a wall and convey a message better than anything smaller. They can also serve as larger-than-life-sized reminder cards. Nearly anything amusing or educational can be made into a saleable poster.
Special poster printers can create full-color posters for you in bulk for resale, while Cafepress and Zazzle are suitable for creating posters in ultra-small quantities or on demand.
Cafepress - http://www.cafepress.com/cp/customize/product.aspx?clear=true&no=54
Zazzle - http://www.zazzle.com/design/
3. Puzzles
Just about any kind of puzzle you can buy ready-made, you can also commission as a puzzle containing content that you specify. That includes jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, word-search puzzles, RubikÂ’s cubes, mazes, word jumbles, cryptograms, etc. Sell thematic puzzles with insider clues or content one by one or in a collection.
Crossword Compiler Software - http://www.crossword-compiler.com/
Custom Jigsaw Puzzles - http://www.jardinpuzzles.com/jppuzpic.htm
4. Stickers
Stickers in your product line can be humorous or practical. The category includes bumper stickers, stickers intended as labels, warning stickers, name tags, promotional messages, indicators of credentials or affiliations, reward stickers for kids, business reminders and more.
Custom Made Stickers - http://www.websticker.com/
Personalized Bumper Stickers - http://www.timsbumperstickers.com/
These ideas just scratch the surface of the possibilities! There are at least 97 more options for creative product and service formats in which you can package and sell what you know.