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Online Dictionary Your Source For Greater Knowledge

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Online Dictionary: Your Source For Greater Knowledge

An online dictionary is very useful for many people. They can be used to look up words in a convenient manner without having to have a heavy bound book lying around. Using an online dictionary is as simple as going to a website and typing in the word. They are also very convenient for people who write for a living or who are responsible for communicating using the written word often in their job. These handy tools are easily accessible and you will not have to step away from the computer to find the printed dictionary. Children and college students will also find a dictionary that is available online quite handy.

An online dictionary is also quite important as it gets updated frequently. As language evolves, dictionaries need to be updated. The dictionary you may have this year may not be complete next year. Technological advances add words to our vocabulary that can not be found in older dictionaries. There are also slang words that evolve and become a part of our vernacular. These items will show up on a regularly updated online dictionary but will not show up in printed dictionaries that are older. Instead of having to buy a new dictionary each year to keep up with changes in language, you can simply use an online version and get the most up to date information available. The same holds true for word meanings. Often a word is used in a new way that begins to catch on. Older printed dictionaries will not have a complete definition of the word, while online versions will.

Dictionaries are used every day by numerous people. Nowadays, people use the computer almost exclusively for all their writing needs. They write term papers, correspond via email or write articles and business documents. The convenience of using an online dictionary is unparallel. You will get the most current words available as well as updated definitions to established words. Most online dictionaries also have a thesaurus function which is very useful for people who are writing and need to find another word to replace one that was used too many times in a paper.
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BONUS : Online Writing - Is This The Perfect Title?

With online writing, an article title has to accomplish many things. It has to make it easier for the reader to find the article. It has to tell the reader what the article is about. It has to entice the reader to read the article. It has to be acceptable for submission to article directories. How do you accomplish all this in one title?

Sometimes you can't. Still, you try to include as many elements of a good title as you can. The "best" or "perfect" title will be a different combination of factors for each unique article. Let's look at what makes the title of this article work.

Online Writing Is About Keywords

They won't read your article if they can't find it. How do they find it? Most often now, readers use search engines. If you don't have the keywords they are searching for in the title, it is less likely it will show up in their search results. In this case, there is good traffic for the keyword "online writing." That is why it is in the title and will be repeated in this article a few times as well.

Don't Fool The Reader

You can get cute with article titles, but if you don't also let the reader know what the article is about in the title or description, you'll have problems. A searcher may just pass on your article because he doesn't know what it is about. He may click-through to read the article, then get annoyed when he finds that he was mislead. He won't be likely to click over to your website then, will he? This article, by the way, is clearly about online writing.

Titles That Grab Attention

Questions involve the reader, and make it more likely they will go beyond the title to the article. They want the answer, of course. That's why I use a question for this article. The fact that you are reading this article hopefully shows that this was a good strategy. There is more than one way to grab someone's attention though. Other good titles include words like "How To," "Top Ten," and "Easy Ways To," as well as "You," "Your," "Free," "New," and "Best."

Formatting Issues

Titles for online article-writing need to be acceptable to the owners of the directories, websites, and newsletters where you hope your article will be published. Good keyword optimization helps - you're not the only one hoping to get traffic from that article. They also need to be a reasonable length, so they don't look awkward on a page, or take too much room in a newsletter. Three to seven words is ideal although more words are okay if they are shorter, and perhaps fewer is better if they are longer.

Finally, you should always deliver on the promise of the title. You want the reader to not only read the article, but to feel like they got what they were looking for, and so can trust you. After all, the whole point of online writing is to get that reader to read right through the article to the resource box, where they can click-through to your website.

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