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One Dimensional Writing Using First Person Perspective

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One Dimensional Writing-using First Person Perspective

When an author decides to write fiction one the primary methods of storytelling is through a first person perspective. For many writers this is the most comfortable manner of storytelling.

In a first person narrative the reader is allowed to relate to the story one dimensionally. The story is presented to the reader from the viewpoint of a character in the story. The narrator might be the main character attempting to relate their own story. The story might also be told from the perspective of a bystander who may not be overtly involved in the storyline.

In the movie, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, the story is narrated by a deeper male voice. It is only at the end that we discover the story was related by one of Willie Wonka’s Oompa Loompas. This is an example of first person storytelling.

This type of story telling is well used in cinema. Many early filmmakers used first person narrative to present their stories. The reason this type of format was used is primarily due to early filmmaking technology that required some help in the transition between scenes. Narration provided that transition. Film noir and other detective dramas relied heavily on first personal narratives to further their storylines.

Today’s authors are more adept at relating a story from other perspectives such as second or third person which will be dealt with in other articles.

A first person narrative allows you to understand the specific character of the narrator. You are likely to find yourself identifying with the storyteller in a variety of ways. You will either love or despise their mannerisms, but it is their character that provides the strongest connection to the storytelling process.

Because your narrator is finite they will never have all the details of the story they are unfolding for you. Sometimes this creates a unique perspective because the story can sometimes become more about the narrator (at least for awhile) then about the actual storyline. This can occasionally provide a comedic touch to the novel or at the very least some rabbit trails to follow just for the fun of it.

Interestingly some first person narratives are actually related from the perspective of a consortium. The premise is that a group of individuals are relating the story. This is identified by the use of ‘we’ or ‘us’ as part of the narration.
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BONUS : One Thing That Improves Salescopy, Newsletters & Articles

We've all been there, sometimes it's tough coming up with new things to write about. Depending your topic, it may even be an area that rarely has any new spice to it.

If you're like most you have no time to do comprehensive research before writing your next newsletter or article.

What If you knew one secret that top online marketers already know that puts tons of fresh content at your finger tips with little time investment?

A swipe file can do all this and a bit more for you by giving you a place to turn. What's a swipe file?

It's a place to store all your resources on a given topic in one place, they can prevent writers block, give you tons of facts to quote, and pull new ideas from.

How do you go about aquiring one?

Whether you use an electronic swipe file using a folder on your computer to search thru, or a paper one, they all have the same benefit.

A paper swipe is as easy to start as grabbing an accordian file from a local office supply store (ask one they all know what they are).

What goes into my swipe file?

* RSS Feeds
* Press Releases
* Other People's Newsletters
* Photos
* speeches
* Brochures
* articles
* stats
* Newspapers
* Magazines
* Promos
* Salesletters
* Reports / Stats / Studies

But how do I know if something should go in my swipe file or not?

It Grabbed You..
Things that grab your attention like good headlines, testimonials or a good story.

It Inspired You..
This can be things that establish good credibility, a great warranty, good testimonials or strong benefits.

It Shocked You!
Some things that could do this would be good statistics, a huge promise, a shocking picture.

Any thrown together swipe file no matter how loose, or organized, has benefits. Remember, they're always a work in progress and there's no right way to organize it.

In my recent book, I even talk about creating a completely electronic swipe file that adds all these content types on it's own from all over the web
based on keyword phrases you choose.

Build your own swipe file and just watch how often you refer to it!

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( Affilié : pascalien.pascalien ) Les Fameuses Vidéos de James Colin © Juin 2024 - Faire un lien