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Making Your Site Explode With Article Marketing
What is Article Marketing?
The act of writing one 300-400 word article and submitting it to various sites--is the surprise online marketing medium of the past year. For a couple years, new marketers have been advised to promote their businesses by writing and distributing articles.
This worked so well that recently article marketing has hit the mainstream. Sites like ArticlesBase.com have helped to create perfect conditions for article marketing. Far from being an underground or little noticed way of marketing, article marketing has come into its own as a leading form of marketing on the web.
What's best about this marketing form is that by far and large it's free to use. Simply write an article, visit a resource site that holds a list of directories such as www.Articles-Blog.com and go ahead submit your article.
What are the benefits of Article Marketing?
Free Backlinks - A link from a site that you're not linked back to has more value than one where you may be required to link back to, simply because changes in the way search engines rank sites now include an adjustment for exchanged links.
Increased Traffic - Your article gets published on multiple web sites that pull free content from the major article directories. People then read these articles and visit the website you are promoting.
Expert Status - After writing many articles on a certain subject you will be recognized as an expert in the matter, you will be surprised how many people will be contacting you with questions.
In conclusion, article marketing online represents one of the most essential ways many internet home business owners use to market their internet business programs online.
BONUS : Managing Your Business Wisely
If you are a writer, especially one who charges for your services, having a business plan in place is essential. Never mind that a business plan can help you run your business more effectively, but a plan should be one that passes IRS scrutiny as well as meets all state and local government requirements.
Sometimes it is nearly impossible to figure out what steps you should take in order to even meet the myriad requirements. You are an excellent writer; that doesn't mean you are an expert at business administration!
My local technical/community college is offering on Tuesday nights this year to help business owners. Some of the topics they are offering include:
Establishing Your Mission and Vision for a Small Business
Protection  Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, Intellectual Property
Show Me the Money: Prosperity Principles for Your Small Business
I plan on taking several courses this year as I want to make certain my business passes muster. Naturally, I want to concentrate on the writing aspect of the business, but the remaining "stuff" is necessary too. Check with your local continuing education office for a list of upcoming seminars. Many courses are free or require a nominal fee. In any case, you have nothing to lose, but a business to gain!