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Make Money With Writing Books On Spirituality And Self Help 10 G

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Make Money With Writing Books On Spirituality And Self Help: 10 Great Reasons To Become An Author Today

It was the first time I overheard someone whisper "she’s the author", as I walked into a book signing, that I suddenly realized that I had achieved something very special. Not only had I managed to get my book published, I now received respect and admiration from total strangers. Being an author even it today’s digitized world, is still an awe-inspiring accomplishment.

In 2005 USA TODAY reported eighty-two percent of Americans say they plan to write a book someday. I think the critical word here is 'plan'. If you want to be someone who really does write a book, you can begin right now by understanding how being an author will improve your life.

Here is my top ten list why you should become an author today, especially if you are a spirituality, self help or personal growth expert:

Authors are recognized as experts by virtue of having a book with their name on the cover
The media loves authors (i.e. experts) and uses them often, on all levels
Being an author improves your chances of getting paid speaking engagements
While you may not become a millionaire from writing a book, you can certainly improve your chances of increasing your income
When you go to your high school reunion, you can finally shove your book under the noses of all who snubbed you in your teenage years
If you ever felt that you weren’t 'smart enough', writing a book will certainly go a long way in curing that.
Being an author gives you a stronger sense of self-esteem
Your book will open doors and create business opportunities you wouldn't have received without it
Having a book gives you a platform for teaching workshops and seminars
Being an author is a great icebreaker at cocktail parties. (Hint: authors are often considered VIPs or celebrities! It’s true!)

When I started writing my first book, it wasn’t because I was sure I wanted Bill O’Reilly’s producer to have my name in his Rolodex to call whenever he needed a 'mystical' New Age expert. (In fact I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted that at all!) I didn’t devote hundreds of hours to stories of couples finding one another through magical, mystical ways just to impress strangers at a cocktail party. And I can definitely tell you I didn’t write six books just to tell my old high school classmates about it.

I wrote because I had to. I had a story inside of me that wouldn’t rest until I put it onto the page. The benefits of actually finishing the book and becoming a bona fide author and the other "reasons" were simply an afterthought.

I can do everything short of putting a cattle prod under you to get you started on writing your self help book, but, at the end of the day, writing has to be something you want to do. Sure, it’s hard to sit down day after day and stare at a blank computer screen. I know how hard it is to tell your mom or your husband that you only typed two pages in an entire day. I can tell you hundreds of great things about being an author, but not a single one will really get you to the finish line.

What will get you down the home stretch is the satisfaction of knowing that you’re being true to yourself. You dreamt of becoming an author because you had to. You envisioned title ideas and chapter outlines because they came to you and wouldn’t go away. You told your friends you wanted to write a book because you could and you will.

You are an author, and you always have been. All you need to do now is make it happen. It might not be scintillating cocktail banter that puts a finished manuscript in your hands, but keeping your eyes on the prize can’t hurt.
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BONUS : Make Money Writing Online - Writers Needed: No Experience? No Problem!

The Internet and the information revolution continues to grow by leaps and bounds. There are many ways that you can participate. Recent developments now make it easy to make money writing online. There is a shortage of content writers; more are needed, no experience required.

If you are a native English-speaker or are first-language fluent in English, and can write simple, clear, understandable test at a 6th-9th grade (school) level, then you can make money writing online...

On the Internet, almost everything is communicated in written form. Someone had to write every page of every website on the World Wide Web. The explosion of Internet activity and the number of new websites has created an opportunity for almost anyone to make money writing online, creating the content the Net requires.

In Internet terminology "content" is anything of possible interest that fills up web pages. Content can e pictures, drawings, artwork, graphs or text. Text content consists of written words, which requires writers to generate. By "writers" they mean people who can produce simple, understandable, unique text in conversational form.

Making money writing online does NOT require experienced writer/authors with literary credentials! It only requires first-language fluency in English and the ability to write at a 6th to 9th grade in school level in normal everyday English. (As a point of reference the Reader's Digest is written at the 6th to 8th grade level of comprehension.)

The first-language fluency requirement means that this work cannot be outsourced to China or India! The text must be clear and easily understood, thus only native speakers of English can make money writing online generating unique content.

Writers are requires because to count, website content must be unique, different, not published elsewhere. The Internet is based on computer technology. Computer-based "spider" robots crawl the Web making copies and measurements. Any text can be compared to millions of pages, finding all duplicates in seconds.

People go to search engines to find things on the Net. If a website's content is found to be a duplicate, it is deemed to be unimportant by the search engines and won't show up on Google, Yahoo, etc. searches. To be counted as possibly important, their content absolutely must be unique, not published anywhere else on the Net.

Only people, communicating as writers, expressing themselves in their own words, can generate intelligible unique text. If you can express yourself in conversation, you can do the same in written form. If you can express yourself in written form at a 6-9th grade level, you can make money writing online.

The Internet is a free market for writers of unique content, with many buyer-users and producer-sellers and no one big enough to control any part of the market. The challenge is to get buyer-employers and seller-writers together. How do writers get started doing their thing and making money writing online?

You could do like everyone else and start with the search engines... Got a question? Go online and "Google it"!

Or you could follow the links below for more information on making money writing online...

"97 Conseils Pour Ecrire Un Roman"
de La Griffonnière

"545 Conseils Pour Ceux Qui Ecrivent Des Romans"

"Comment Ecrire de Bonnes Pages de Vente Internet"
de Christian H. GODEFROY

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