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Looking For A Resume And Cover Letter Sample

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Looking For A Resume And Cover Letter Sample

There is a lot riding on having that perfect resume and that perfect cover letter. It could mean the difference that perfect job or a mediocre job that you aren’t really that happy at. It’s no wonder that the pressure of writing a good resume and cover letter is a little intimating to job hunters everywhere. Millions of job hunters turn to books promising to provide them with the tools to write that perfect resume. People spend hundreds of dollars on computer software that is guaranteed to produce a resume and cover letter that will get them hired to the job of their choice. For those who don’t’ want to spend money there is a whole network of free samples and articles right at their fingertips every time they log into the internet. Some people actually become obsessed with finding the perfect sample of what their resume and cover letter should be like.

While these job hunters are headed in the right direction, something that needs to be kept in mind is it’s a strong and personalized cover letter that will get them that interview. As great as these samples might sound, people should not be tempted to pass them off as their own cover letters. Each cover letter needs to be customized to the position and the company they are applying for.

A resume can be a little easier to write than a cover letter. Essentially a resume is a history of your work experience. It’s not uncommon to have only one resume on file instead of multiple ones, because let’s face it there is only so many ways you can list your experience. You can use the same resume to apply to company ABC and company XYZ. A good resume simply shows employers that you have the skills and experience that meet their criteria. The key to a good resume is to let your abilities and skills shine through.

However it’s not advisable to use the exact same cover letter for both companies because as we all know, no two jobs are alike. In fact no two companies are alike. Each company comes with its own sets of needs and you cover letter needs to state how you meet their specific needs. Why you might be a perfect match for one company might not hold true to another. Because of this it’s unadvisable to use a sample cover letter that you might find online.

That’s not to say using these examples you find as a guideline or even “tweaking” the samples to make it fit YOUR skills, YOUR personality, and show that YOU understand what the company is looking for is a bad idea. In fact these types of resumes and cover letters are very specific and could help demonstrate that you fully understand the company’s needs. Even more importantly they could help you get across the point that you are a perfect match for them.

There are many avenues for you to pursue while looking for a resume and cover letter. As was mentioned before, you can always hire someone to help you write your resume and cover letter. Or even better they will write your resume and cover letter for you. This is a costly service though and not one that I would recommend. You don’t really know these people, you only spend a small amount of time with them so why trust them with the most important tools you need for a job.

An easier less expensive route is to check out your local book store. There is usually a whole section dedicated to books geared toward people looking for help writing that perfect resume. While these books will offer samples, they also arm you with the knowledge you need to write a good resume and cover letter yourself. To me this is the greatest advantage with a how to book, it educates you. You can’t put on price on that sort of education.

Lastly, the easiest way to look for resume and cover letter samples is your computer. Walk into any computer software shop and you will find a variety of programs that will help you with your resume. It’s almost like having a professional resume maker but without the expensive cost. These programs guide you step by step through the process. If you really don’t want spend the money on software, don’t worry. There are plenty of sites dedicated to helping you write that perfect resume. Most of the time they will cost you either a small subscription fee or nothing at all. The only downside to this is that sometimes they don’t go into as much detail as say a book would. They are not always as organized as a book would be either.

As long as you are looking for resume and cover letters samples to assist you in your job search, which can only benefit you. However looking for them to copy and pass off on your own could mean sudden death in the job hunt.
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BONUS : Lost In The World Of Article Submission?

There are hundreds of theories on what makes the internet tick. How will one consumer find you on this big thing called the Web? Any webmaster knows that it is the most important element to finding and keeping traffic flowing to their website. Yet, it is not always all that easy of a problem to solve. Let’s face it, there are hundreds of webmasters out there trying to do the same thing that you are. So, you have competition beyond reason.

Although it is quite difficult for you to get your website traffic up if you don’t know how, if you do, then it’s rather simple. There are many benefits to you from simply writing and submitting articles to article submission websites. This simple process can generate a steady flow of traffic unlike any other. It is quite amazing the results that you can get from this very easy process. Here are some more details for you to consider about article submission.

First, understand how it all works. You write an article, presumably about your product, service or website. Normally, you will want to insure that it is writing without the suggestion of, Come here. I’ve got a great sale for you. This type of article will most likely not be used or it will not even be allowed into publishing. The article should be crafted surrounding whatever is going to pull your customer in. The goal is to have them click and locate you.

At the bottom of your article, you will use a resource box to include your information. Who you are and what you can do for the customer. You will also have the most powerful part of the entire article there. That is of course your website link.

All of this is submitted to an article submission website which will then publish it. Anyone who wants to can pick up your article and place it onto their own website. When they do this, they are required to use the entire article and the resource box on their website. That means that now your website link is on every website out there of every person that picks up your article. This could literally be thousands and thousands of websites.

So, now that you have your articles written and submitted, you can count on receiving some traffic. The more well written the article is, the more attractive it is for other webmasters, the more it will be picked up and used. That means more and more back links to your website. This is of course an excellent way to insure traffic to your website.

When you take this to the next level, article submission really can translate into a lot of traffic. For example, now that you have written one well written article and got some action off of it, you are ready to do this again and again. That’s because you can write any article and get the same results. So, now you don’t just have one article out there generating traffic for you, but you have five, ten, or twenty doing the work for you.

Article submission websites are an excellent way for you to generate traffic to your website. You probably will not find a better location to find such a virtually free way of getting your website out there. It really makes a lot of sense and it’s quite simple.

Part 2 - Do You Know The Value Of Article Marketing?

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