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Learn To Write Articles Reason 1 Content Is King

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Learn To Write Articles - Reason 1: Content Is King

Anyone who wants to make money online with their own website should learn how to write articles because "content is king". If you want your website to appear in top positions in the organic search engine results, you will need to make sure it contains plenty of pages of unique, valuable content.

If you are not accustomed to writing, you probably think you would not be able to write worthwhile articles for publication. If you are really unable to write your own articles, you could employ a ghost writer to write articles to order or you could invest in PLR (Private Label Rights) articles. Having articles ghost-written to your order is the better solution but can be expensive.

If your budget won't stretch to hiring a ghost-writer, buying good PLR articles would be your only real option. There are two points to note here:

1. They must be good PLR articles, the more expensive kind which are sold on a limited edition basis. Don't waste your money on cheap PLR articles that are offered for sale to thousands of people and which read as if they had been written by a drunken foreigner.

2. PLR articles should not be used just as they come, they should be re-written to at least some extent (25% change to the content at the minimum, although more is better) but, of course, if you don't want to do any writing at all, this is not really going to be the answer for you.

It is far better to learn how to write articles, and I believe almost anyone with normal literacy skills should be capable of producing good articles with a little effort and some practice.

Why do people assume they can't write articles? The main reason is that writing articles is an alien activity for most people once they have left school or university. Most of us never have to write anything longer than a text message or a greeting in a birthday card, and writing articles is a skill we have to learn from scratch. This is where younger people (particularly if they are still students) have the advantage: they are quite used to essay writing for school or college, so they can easily adapt to writing articles.

If you are up for the challenge of learning how to write articles, there is no shortage of resources to help you: just doing a simple search online will locate numerous articles on the subject of writing in general and writing ezine articles in particular. You can also download (free of charge) my book, Ezine Article Writing - 10 Steps To Success, from my website. You can work through all 10 steps at your own speed but, first of all, I would recommend studying the chapter about how to structure an ezine article. Once you understand how to structure an article, and have completed your first article, becoming proficient at article writing is just a matter of practicing.

The hardest article you will ever have to write is article number one.
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BONUS : Learn Why You Should Have A 3-tiered Strategy For Article Submission

You've heard a lot about how much writing articles can do for your internet marketing strategy. You now understand how writing articles can help position you as an expert in your field, gain valuable targed traffic for your web site, and quickly multiple your site's text links.

Now you have convinced yourself to take the plunge into article marketing and you have a few articles all lined up and ready to submit -- and you are overwhelmed by the sheer volume and variety of article directories available. It is easy to simply go with the big dogs and forget the rest, but that is a big mistake. You really need to have a 3-tiered article submission strategy. Select a couple of the big dogs, but also add some medium-sized directories and some smaller, newer directories to your list for regular submission as well. There are several reasons why this strategy can be much more effective in the long run than targeting the large directories alone.

The mega-directories carry a big punch in terms of link power and recognition. You can almost watch the reader numbers climb on your articles. But because they are so big they also get a large volume of submissions every day and your articles very quickly move from the top page of the directories new submissions list and even from the top page of the topic listing.

Medium-sized directories don't pack as big a punch as the mega, but their text link value is still strong and they usually have a solid reader base. They have been around long enough to build a loyal audience and clientele. However because they are not as big their submission volume is lower than the mega so your articles retain top billing longer -- and becoming a top article or top author may be an attainable goal for the part-timer.

Small and/or new directories usually don't offer nearly the level of power of their larger brethren, but a quick study will reveal whether or not the directory is regularly maintained and promoted -- and you know that will mean the link power currently exists and will grow in the near future. Also with new and small directories you can easily achieve top author status and your articles will stay at the top of the ranking longer -- they may well pass directly from "new" status to "top" status which rarely if ever happens at a mega directory.

That is my current strategy for article submission and I hope you found it helpful.

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