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Indian Writing Instrument Industry Moving Towards Global Exposur

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Indian Writing Instrument Industry Moving Towards Global Exposure

The Indian writing instruments market today is still on the path of discovering new niches with ergonomic designed products, promotional marketing items and luxury items but in the coming years it is bound to grow tremendously not only domestically but also in it's exports immerging as world leaders in Writing Instruments.

The stationery sector is a cluster of many sectors out of which the most prominent and important probably is the writing instruments Industry. The two most important tools of it are pen and paper. Other materials like pencil, rulers, writing pads, erasers etc also play an active role which are relevant items useful for commercial and office use.

Even with the advancement age and rule of technology the writing instrument industry still holds a large share of the market. Over a period this industry has seen growth in the domestic market and is now is all set to become an export oriented market. For long period China has said to be ruling the export market in Writing Instruments and as per the source China alone exports around Rs.5000 - 6000 crore worth goods. India had not entered much in the export field uptil now because its domestic demand was very high, at present India's current export share is barely RS. 200 crore but now the industry is planning to expand further in it's supply and infrastructure thus enabling them entry into the foreign markets. Foreign buyers of writing instrument also have been looking for an option. Uptil now they were buying their goods from china. Chinese pens are good looking and cheap but they lack long shell life and can't provide a good writing experience. India will serve to be the best possible option for them as it is the only country whose manufacturing cost is almost same as China.

If the Indian industries assure product life this is where the Indian manufacturers and exporters will have an edge over china. But the major hindrance of Indian writing industry to grow still remains i.e. though it is among the Asian leaders for supplying stationery it's international competition is threat to it's Writing Instrument Industry and may stunt the growth of the market within. Chinese revolution in stationery was indeed a threat to the other nations and India is no exception to it. China even today spoils the global buyers with innovative and inexpensive creations and is said to capture a huge part of the market.

Though slowly the writing instruments industry is achieving a well-developed and mature status and quality has also started playing an important role but still it may take few years more before the end of domination of Cheap quality Chinese product's rule in writing instrument sector. Innovation and top quality goods at competitive prices are the major and only implementations through which the Chinese dominance can be put to an end. New ideas and technological advances in the writing instruments sector should be put into practice to survive in this competitive market. Though gradually and slowly the market is recovering from buying these cheap goods and it is turning out to be a brand loyal market than the old conventional market, which use to live on substitute or counterfeit goods. Also the government's goal of reaching towards 100% literacy is bound to increase the demand. The Indian market today is still on the path of discovering new niches with ergonomic designed products, promotional marketing items and luxury items but in the coming years it is bound to grow tremendously not only domestically but also in it's exports immerging as world leaders in Writing Instruments.
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BONUS : Indispensable Elements Of A Powerful Law Essay

The law essay is one of the most frequently assigned types of the essays in colleges and universities. In spite of the fact that some of tutors provide their student with detailed and comprehensive instructions on how to design and write this type of the essay, many students still face huge problems in the completion of it. Here we provide with some of the most useful, tips on how to organize and compose the law essay.

One of the most common mistakes made by students in the composition of this type of the essay is that main question has not been addressed. Before you start writing this type of the essay, you should develop coherent and comprehensive plan. Try to avoid the generalities and stick to specific facts; logical and critical analysis is extremely important inn the completion of this type of the essay paper. You should not just provide your reader with the list of facts; one must analyze them as well. Apart from this, the main points and assertions of this type of the essay must be backed up by legal facts and footnotes to specific laws. Before you start composing your essay it might be advisable to look though some of the legal articles in order to gain the understating of current legal controversies and certainly to explore how your essay can be completed. Nevertheless you should not succumb to particular point of view, rather you should stress your own, do not be afraid if it differs from the assertion of modern scholars-remember that in legal profession law is always universally obeyed but it is rarely universally liked.

Yet, nevertheless, your law essay is likely to get high marks only if the topic as well as the subject is thoroughly researched and critically analyzed. Try to understand the main points of the arguments of your opponents, focusing on weak and strong points of their contentions. In developing and designing of your arguments stick to several important elements, the most important of which are logical and well-structured style and presenting of strong points in the supporting of your main thesis. In many cases the students try to compose some paper imbued with generalities and platitudes. Such papers might serve as the basic guide for general public, but they would be useless in presenting them to experienced and skilled law tutor. Remember that he is a professional in legal studies and would lie to receive the assignment which critically evaluate existing law problems, rather than informing about basic facts on well-known legal issues. If you follow these simple yet frequently forgotten rules you will bale to write the essay that met the standards set by modern law schools.

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