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Important Resources For Writers

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Important Resources For Writers

Many believe that they can become a writer if they were given the chance. However, it is not as easy as some people would like to believe to be a writer. For the most part the life of a writer is difficult and stressful. Getting noticed by the publishing community is nearly impossible and your book must be prolific and unique to even shake a possible publishing deal from an agent.

The main problem that people have when they begin writing is the fact that they do not know where to start. This is very common among new writers as the process of writing can be confusing to those that have never attempted it before. This is why there are now so many places that offer writers resources in an attempt to garner the hope for the next generation of authors to hit the world’s bookshelves. These places hope they can foster the dream of writing for many people and bring about the best in the new literature that will be available to the next generation.

If you are considering a career change to author then it is best to start out small. Before tackling a novel, which can take years to complete, try the short story market. For all intents and purposes a short story is nothing more than a very short novel and gives a new writer the ability to get their feet wet. Learning to create interesting characters and plots is all part of the game. For this it is best to join a short fiction forum. A short fiction forum is a discussion area for writers of all walks of life. New and old gather to discuss the in and outs of writing short fiction. Most often you will find that there are places to have your work critiqued and also get some helpful suggestions on things like endings and plot structure.

Another valuable resource for writers is the new software that has hit the market. With writers in mind many software designers have brought out programs that help the writer to organize ideas, create plots and also manage the characters involved in the story. The programs are very easy to use and offer the new writer a chance to keep everything straight and they are far superior to the standard word processing programs. There is much value in software packages like these especially for the new writer. The best part is that many of them are free and can be downloaded right from the internet.

There are many resources available to writers the world over and they are easy to find. The many websites that are dedicated to writers and writing are invaluable tools in helping the new author learn the craft.
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BONUS : Impress The Examiners With Your Application Essay!

Some state that people enjoy speaking about themselves. I should presume such people never sat in front of a blank sheet of paper having to submit their essay next morning. Everything changes when you are left with a crucial question face to face. Instantly all the facts seemed so reasonable before disappear all of a sudden. I understand that application essay may cause you a lot of agitation, as it suggests a deep self analysis. But it should be that way and no other. Yes, I agree with you that the essay will require a lot of effort and concentration of you. Believe me, this effort is worth taking. Because the writing process is so absorbing and rewarding.
Start your work on essay with defining the topic, statement, or the main idea you want to convey to the reader. Choose the topic that is really important for you. The examiners search for students who will contribute greatly to their educational establishment. An ideal applicant should possess some valuable and unique experience. We look for personalities, individuals and exceptional people. And your essay must demonstrate that you are the one.
A good essay is an effective essay. It reveals both professional and personal aspects of applicant’s personality.

We expect people to construct and prove their point of view on some definite subject with the help of the acquired knowledge and experience. If you think you have no valuable experience, write about what you have. But make the reader appreciate the significance of your expertise. You can present something trite and ordinary in a completely new way. Write how your past and your origin influenced your personality development. You may also show how you can contribute to educational process due to the acquired experience. Before writing properly, think of the details and the order of their presentation. One of the pledges of a successful essay is a capturing introduction. It can be a short bright story, quotation, a question or a scene description. In the body of your application essay develop your point of view with well grounded arguments. I also advise you not to give standard answers. And remember that the commission values sincere replies most of all. Be sure to stick to the main pointduring the whole process of narration. Also do your best to make the most of limited length. If you are describing a
concrete situation that influenced you, illustrate it with details. If you are writing about your character features, give an example how you applied them in concrete situations or how you developed them. Don’t forget that examples enliven your essay and too theoretical essays are always so boring to read.
Very often I have to read the essays, where a person gives a lot of opinions on the target subject. But he just forgets to speak his own mind. I want to emphasize that the teachers want to see the reflection of your personality in the essay. Not someone else’s, no matter how great he may be.
Probably it is your first serious written work and that is why mistakes are inevitable. It is natural. But examiners will forgive you some slight mistakes. But after finding some blunders in your work they will give up your essay as a bad job. I strongly recommend not to:
Write about something difficult to prove
Provide the examiner with another version of your autobiography
Pretend to be witty and humorous
Pretend to impress the reader with your rich vocabulary
Make general statements
Rely on computer spelling check.
Write what is not true
Composing a good essay, please also avoid:
• Numerous unnecessary repetitions
• General descriptions without analysis
• Careless interpretation of facts
The essay should end with a conclusion connected with the introduction and proving the main thesis of your work. Writing a conclusion does not mean the end of your work on the essay. Now you are to check your creation in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, logical structure, etc. It is a good idea to give it for reading to anyone whose opinion is important for you. Their comments may be helpful. And now YOUR application essay is READY, you can share your experiences in writing an essay with everyone! I have been checking applicants’ essays for more than 12 years. I read about 2000 essays every year, but I am in no case tired of it. Because I have an unquenchable interest for people and a good essay gives me an insight into a person’s inner world. I am always stunned by the diversity of the opinions. And one day I will be glad to read what you have to tell me in your essay.

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