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How To Write The Greatest Article Ever Written

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How To Write The Greatest Article Ever Written!

From the desk of: John Arrington
Sunday 11:02 pm

The first step to writing a great article is, to write about how to help your reader get what they want, and achieve their dreams.

The simplest way to start writing a great article is: Start just jotting down notes, sentences, paragraphs, as things start coming to you. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling at this time just take note. You will be bringing it all together later. Just get started. One way to help you with this simple task is to carry a small recorder with you at all times. When you think of something just record it and come back to it later and write it down. This is a great idea for those who have busy schedules. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a recorder a note pad will do.

Write about things that is important to your reader and offer them advise about how to improve their circumstances and how to achieve their dreams. When writing a article, write like you are talking to someone. You advice has to be helpful, not condemning. Write as though you are talking to them, not at them.

How To Get Your Article Read!

Write a short heading saying something like this: This information has been a great help to me, I thought it might be interesting to you also. Share with others what has worked for you. Your hearts desire as a writer should be to help others save time, heart ache, and money. And reach their goals in the shortest period of time.

Make sure your advice is easy to understand and easy to put into action. Don’t confuse your readers with a lot of do’s and don’ts. This is considered TMI (To Much Information). Stick with the facts. Talk about your reader, Not about you.

People want to learn about how to avoid pain and get what they want. The sure fire way to get your article read is to define the readers problem. Now tell them how to solve the problem. This makes reader begin to think and makes your article sticky.

I’m only trying to help those who want to become successful writers, just write from your heart. Reach out to your readers and truly offer information that will help them. Your rewards will come later. You only receive after you have given. You don’t receive before you give.

Be A Problem Solver!

Think of areas or problems you have had when you tried to do something. Then what did you do that made it a lot easier. Then what was your reward for solving the problem. Keep it simple, just the facts.

I guarantee if you practice what I’m revealing to you here in this article, you will in time become one of the most sought after Authors, but it takes time. But you must really want to help your fellow man and don’t focus on trying to sell something or sound like you’re a sales person. Article are not to be written in that manner. Make sure you have read the submission policy before submitting your articles. When writing just be yourself. A true help to man kind.

How To Become The Super Article Writer!

How to information is very valuable. People want to know How To do something. Just start taking notes as your thoughts start coming to you. Let your feelings flow. I truly believe that everyone has some advice that could help some one. And most people will offer many excuses like. I don’t know where to start or I don’t know what to say. No, I think the real problem is, they just don’t get started. If they would just start I think they would be amazed at their knowledge and feeling good about themselves because they truly helped someone more on with their life. Or become a better person.

Ok, now you have finished writing all your notes. Now its time to edit your notes and rewrite them as a draft. Delete the garbage and rewrite the strengths of your message.

Make Your Article Interesting To Read!

All this means is to make your article easy to read and understand. Try to keep your paragraphs short. Don’t try to crowd to much into one paragraph. And don’t be to serious because this becomes boring reading material. Be creative and write a funny sentence every once and awhile, but stay focused on offering advice about solving their problems.

Write With Seeing Words!

Use words that makes the reader see their situation and see the solution. It’s like writing in such a way that the reader see’s and feels the message being presented to them. Much like watching a movie. Write with feelings. Believe what you are writing about.

Now Sharpen Your Articles Appearance!

Now that you have rewritten your notes and edited the garbage and rewritten the strengths as a draft. Now its time to rewrite this draft one more time. That’s right, just one more time. But this time either add more to it or subtract even more weak words. This will be your final Super Article. Remove all the words with no strength or wasted words.

Now, read your Super Article over again. Is there some more weak words or can you improve it some more by adding to its strengths? Now once this is done let your family and friends proof read it and get their feedback. If the feedback is good. Start submitting right away.


You have just become a great author. Give yourself a pat on the back you deserve it.

I hope this article helped you with your writing career.
To Your Success,
John Arrington

Copyright 2006 & beyond John Arrington.. Reprint rights granted to all so long as this article and by-lines are reprinted intact and all links made live..
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BONUS : How To Write Well

Raising your level of writing needs you to focus on bigger things, like having your work published for example. This is a surefire way to encourage yourself to go beyond your current limitations and weaknesses as a writer. Taking the step from writing as a hobby towards writing professionally and having an article or a piece published is indeed a big leap for anyone. It needs a long-term commitment, discipline and an almost endless source of inspiration to be able to write constantly and creatively. Not only does it entail having to do intensive research, but it also pushes the writer to find a certain niche from which he can excel.

Moreover, you have to be able to gauge your own work and consciously maintain a higher level of quality as compared to when you were just writing on a journal or your own blog. This leaves the question of how one learns how to write well. How can you raise your level so that it is up to par with what is asked and required of you as a professional writer?

There are different ways to find your way towards fulfilling your worth as a writer. Some of these are the following:

1. Find your niche. You have to be able to know what you are capable of writing about. You have to know where to focus your attention to, what topics to write about, and what genre of writing you are going to start with. Some may find poetry as your strongest area, while you may feel that writing feature articles are where you are at your best. The important thing is that you are able to decide where to concentrate. For a writer who is just starting, you have to be the master of your specialized craft before branching out to other areas and other genres.

2. Educate yourself. You were not born with all the information already lodged in your brain. Read and refresh your mind by going through printed materials about the topics close to your heart and the areas where your interest is more attuned. Learn from the best in the business; study their style and their delivery. From those lessons, you can create your own unique style.

3. Write from the heart. The next important step is to start writing. Pour out your soul and write from an intelligent yet emotional perspective. Show your strengths as a writer and highlight these in all the lines that you write.

4. Edit and correct your article. Check if the facts add up, review your references, and see to it that you don’t contradict yourself. Give others a chance to critic your work, and be open to suggestions without sacrificing the content of your work.

The above-mentioned ways are just rudiments of how to write a good article. These will help you get started towards your goal of being a good writer and being able to write well. Mastering all these things however does not necessarily mean producing a best seller or getting all the accolades you dream of. Perhaps the true measure of how good a writer you are is the patience and dedication you give towards writing a well written article or book, for even the great ones did not receive praise immediately. So hone your craft and be patient in doing so, as even the longest journeys start on a single step.

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