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How To Write Cover Letters That Work

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How To Write Cover Letters That Work

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett

Frequently there is confusion about the exact meaning of the term "cover letter".

That's because when most people use that term, they don't realize that there are TWO main types of cover letters. There are "document transmittal cover letters", and there are "resume cover letters".

Some people have even gone so far as to name ALL letters “cover letters”. That’s plain wrong of course, but there are some actual books/ebooks that have been published referring to cover letters as if all types of letters are cover letters. Go figure?

A document cover letter is a letter of transmittal that explains and conveys an attached document to a second party.

The types of documents that this type of cover letter is used for typically include: reports, plans, legal papers, applications, manuscripts, contracts, travel documents, booklets, manuals, brochures, product samples, photos, artwork, etc.

A document cover letter is normally a short one-page business letter that very briefly explains the attached or enclosed document(s) that is being sent. It only contains the essential information such as why the document(s) is being sent, what the recipient is expected to do with it, and any applicable deadlines.

When most people use or hear the term "cover letter" they are thinking of resume cover letters.

Resume cover letters are used for one purpose only; to convey a resume or curriculum vitae to a prospective employer.

A resume cover letter is normally a concise one-pager that introduces you, explains why you're writing, summarizes your key skills, abilities and experience, and asks the recipient to get back to you. Its main purpose is to capture the attention of the recipient enough to get that person to look at the attached resume with interest.
Of the two types of cover letters, by far the most commonly requested at my Writing Help Central Web site is the cover letter for a resume or curriculum vitae.

When drafting a cover letter for a resume or c.v., there are a number of important rules of thumb to follow. The following list is an adapted summary of a similar list in my eBook "Instant Home Writing Kit".

Address It To A Specific Person
Even when sending an unsolicited resume to a company you should take the time to find out the name of the appropriate person and write the letter to that person. At least it will reach their office. Resumes sent to "Dear Human Resources Manager" are almost always a waste of time. Name someone specifically and it will at least make it into an in-basket.

Keep It Short and Focused
Remember, your resume already says it all. Keep the letter short and focused and don't repeat what is already in the attached resume or c.v. Never exceed one page in a cover letter.

Be Enthusiastic
Express your interest in the job and the new company with enthusiasm. Show that you really want the job, and that you would really like to work for that particular company. Giving a specific reason or two for your enthusiasm wouldn’t hurt.

Focus On Needs Of the Employer
Throughout your cover letter make it clear that you are interested in the needs of the employer. You are there to help them. You are part of the solution. Try to make this the subliminal message of your entire letter.

Show That You've Done Your Homework
Demonstrate a good knowledge of the company and industry for which you are applying. A one-liner, or a phrase or two in the appropriate place in your letter that shows you are interested, and understand the company's problems, will give you instant credibility (i.e. do some simple Internet research).

Use the Appropriate "Buzzwords"
Every organization has its own ways of doing things and its own lingo. Look through key documents such as annual reports, corporate Web sites, etc. Try to spot key words, terms, and phrases that are often repeated. Every company has them. Use as many of these "hot buttons" as you can in your cover letter - where appropriate of course. For example, if the "Message From the CEO" in the annual report mentions the phrase "action plan for the future" three times, make sure you work that term into your cover letter. Don't overdo it though.

Summarize Your Skills and Abilities
If possible, without making the letter too long, and without repeating the wording in your resume, summarize your overall skills and abilities in bullet-point form. This can make them stand out in a way that they wouldn't, buried in the resume or c.v.

Promise To Follow Up
In the final paragraph, clearly state that you will be following up by telephone in a few days to see if you can answer any questions. Make sure you do this. Industry experts say that over 80% of people never do this crucial follow-up and just wait for the phone to ring.

The challenge of course, is to try to address all of these points in a three or four paragraph letter. It can be done!
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BONUS : How To Write Effective Articles

A website is only as good as its content. If people don’t want to read what is on your site, then they will not use your services, either because they don’t trust you or don’t have the patience to sort through the content to find out what your service is. It is important to have well-written, direct articles on your site to keep user interest and generate revenue.

A simple way to get excellent articles is to hire a professional writer to develop them, but that can get expensive, especially if your site is just starting out. For many people, it is far more economical to write your own articles. But before you tackle this task, make sure that you’re up to it, because the quality of your articles can make or break your website or online business. Here are some tips to get you started.


Online, less is more. When you’re laying articles out on your site, try to put as much negative space in as you can. Break paragraphs up and try to keep it so the user needs to scroll as little as possible to read the entire article. Also, if you can, include pictures with the articles. The goal is to make your articles appear as short and text-light as possible, so users won’t be intimidated and not bother reading them.


A way to make the formatting easier is to keep your articles short. Again, the object should be to require as little scrolling as possible. The Internet is called the Information Super-Highway, not the Information Back Road. People are looking for as much from articles in as small an amount of time as possible, so help them out. Keep your sentences simple and easy to understand, without any unnecessarily long or academic words. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of writing like a child. You have to walk a fine line when writing for the Internet.


Try to organize your articles so that the paragraphs can be broken up very easily into sections under descriptive headings. This will make the reading experience much smoother and faster for the user by allowing them to pick and choose what they want to read, as well as helping them find a specific piece of information when they come back to your inspirational and enlightening articles. Do your best to make these headings catchy and fun, not boring chapter headings. They should draw the readers into the articles, not keep them away in fear of boredom.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a mandatory skill when writing any articles for the Internet. Basically, SEO is using the same keywords over and over again in articles so that they are picked up by search engines, giving your website a higher search engine ranking. Search engines dominate the Internet, and you won’t bring much traffic to your site if you don’t use SEO. There are a number of articles and sites online that can help you write with effective search engine optimization technique. One thing to be careful of is not to use to many keywords in any of your articles. 2.5-4% is usually a good ratio. Any more and the reader will get turned off by the repetition, which defeats the purpose of SEO.


Never accept a first draft. No matter who you are, it won’t be up to your potential. After you write an article, put it aside for a day and don’t think about it. Then come back to it with a fresh set of eyes. You’d be amazed at what you’ll pick up, both grammatically and content-wise. Ideally, it won’t be uncommon for you to write three or four different drafts of an article before you find the one that you really like. Never be content with your first attempt.

Anyone can write effective articles for their site without hiring a costly professional writer. All it takes is practice and research. Read everything you can online to see what the writing style is. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so find a writer or group of writers online whose work you admire and copy their basic techniques. Eventually, you’ll find your own rhythm for your articles. Having your voice on your site will add a personalized touch to your site that users will appreciate, because no one knows how to say what you mean better than you. The key is to just keep writing.

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