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How To Generate Repeat Sales With Your Self Published Book

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How To Generate Repeat Sales With Your Self-published Book

The most valuable thing you can collect if you are selling your book from a website when a visitor comes to your book's sales site is not their money... it's their email address and/or other contact information.

If you have no clue how to create a website, do not worry about feeling intimidated. It is actually a lot easier than you think. There is a simple site that teaches people all about creating websites for free at

You can also learn a lot by doing a search for a phrase at like "how to make a website" and "free html tutorial." You will find tons of very good free training that way and can learn how in no time. Anyone can learn the basics of creating a website in just one day.

Ok, back to collecting your website visitors contact information.

I know, I know you’re probably saying... "I'm an author. I want to write my book, sell my book and become a recognized expert. WHY do I need to get their contact information?"

The simplest answer is: Because you will NOT become wealthy from the sale of your book. You will become wealthy and achieve celebrity status through the ongoing relationship you build with your readers.

If you don't know who they are, how can you continue to keep in touch with them – and they with you.

If you're an expert on the subject and they already have your book, don't you think they'll want MORE information and MORE books from you?


Your book makes you an expert on the subject, your interactions and relationships will propel you to a recognized expert and position you for long-term success – not just a one-hit wonder.

The service you need to collect email and contact information and automatically respond to the person is called an Autoresponder.

There are paid autoresponders and free autoresponders. Normally the free autoresponders paste their own marketing message at the bottom of the emails you send out.

Not the best scenario, obviously, but if you want to do this will limited or no upfront investment then a free autoresponder service will work just fine until you start to see profits coming from your book.

The service I use is a paid service called Aweber. It is located at

Do your own research and find a company that meets your needs. I recommend this service because it's been around for a long time and many of my high quality marketing friends recommend this to their clients and wouldn't continue to do so if it was a shoddy service.

What should you do with your autoresponder service when you get it?

1) You should place at least 1 or 2 "sign up" boxes on your book's sales page. You can offer an ongoing "newsletter" or "ezine" (as it's called online). Or you can create a "special report" related to the subject of your book and offer it free to anyone who signs up.

The purpose of this sign up is to capture "visitor" information. This way even if the visitor doesn't order your book, you still have their contact information and can keep in touch to promote your book and yourself to them on an ongoing basis.

Maybe they won't buy your book, but because of your newsletter or special report, they might recommend your book to family and friends.

2) After and before your download page.

When looking at, we saw that after they took the person's payment for your book, they would send them back to your website.

The first page the person – now a client – should see is a "register" page. This page can simply ask for their name and email or you can have optional fields like address, phone number etc. Obviously the more information they are willing to provide the better for future contact with them.

This is a different list than those in #1. #1 is a list of people who visited your book's website who may or may not have purchased your book. These people are registered buyers.

History proves that it's far easier to get current clients to order more from you than trying to get someone who hasn't already ordered. Both lists are valuable – but this one is the most valuable to you for ongoing success.
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BONUS : How To Get A Book Deal - Without Being Scammed.

How to get a book deal without being scammed is a hurdle for any writers. Publishers Are Not Exempt From Questionable Practices.

Keep These Warning Signs in Mind

Charges a fee to read your manuscript.
You are providing the product for them to sell. Why should you have to pay to see if they are interested in your work?

Offers subsidy contracts
(you pay them to have your book published) when they promote themselves as commercial publishers. Are POD (publish-on-demand) publishers, such as authorshouse, IUniverse, and Xlibris, legitimate publishers? Yes as long as the author realizes the costs and the limitations of POD publishing. Publish On Demand books are rarely stocked in bookstores.

Bait and Switch
There are some publishers who hide behind the mask of respectability and call themselves ‘traditional’ when in fact they are a vanity press. How can you tell? Look at their websites, if the focus is on recruiting writers rather than promoting the books they publish, it’s a huge red flag.

Other publishers ‘will accept’ your manuscript and then come back a few weeks later and say that their list for the next season is full but they would dearly love to publish your book. You just need to share the risk with them by giving them some money.

A new twist is to tell the author that their project has merit but the author will have to find an investor to sponsor their title. The publisher isn’t asking the author directly for any funds but many authors shell out the necessary dollars rather than try and find an ‘investor.’

The publisher says that any fees you pay them will be completely refunded once your book reaches a certain sales level, usually in the thousands. Or that they will provide a comparable number of ‘free’ copies when the magic sales level has been reached.

A twist on rebates is that the publisher will match your monetary contribution in marketing efforts for your title. Publishers are supposed to market their own titles. The match most likely will not be in advertising dollars, review copies sent, or book tour expenses but the efforts of the in house staff. Efforts that probably won’t be focused specifically on your title.

How to get a book deal without getting scammed is possible for any author. Just keep these warning signs in mind.

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