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How Spelling And Grammar Is Important For Good Article

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How Spelling And Grammar Is Important For Good Article

The articles are the life and bread of a website that is dealing with traffic for revenue generation. The quality articles will be responsible for the traffic on the website. There is also another side to this where you can change the fortunes by simple adding a few keywords to the otherwise seemingly normal article to make it more innovative. But to do that we need to address that elusive question in how spelling and grammar is important for a good article to be written.

The question on how spelling and grammar is important for good article can be best explained with a case study. The low ranking websites are so because they are not optimized to the latest in the offerings as required for the higher-ranking positions. Then there is the optimization of the algorithms by the search engines to search for relevant data as well to see if the website that are being searched are really the ones that must be displayed in the results. The articles demand for decent grammar in the least as well as the spelling as they will determine the page ranking when the websites search around for relevant sites with their optimized searching algorithm.

An article is primarily defined as pieces of information that appear in periodicals such as newspapers and magazines. They provide in-depth information on a range of issues as warranted by the website owner. This information is then available to the internet for all to see and download or use. If the website is showcasing products, then the articles give in detailed product description with good grammar for the use to understand and also reasonably good spellings to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines thinking that these websites are not genuine and only misleading the users.

Articles can be either written or pointed to using the live links available from the article directories for gaining hits with the search engines. The spelling must be quite a basic thing to do these days with sophisticated tools and editors. It is not enough if you write an article alone but the quality the article must be visible which will ensure that your page is visited the users themselves and hence brings down the need to further optimize your webpage when the user has already saved the webpage to his/her favorites. The content of the article is also important as much as the SEO and other optimization strategies. Without quality of content, users don’t take a second chance and will quickly switch over to another website regardless of the information being already available in your site.
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BONUS : How Starting Your Own 'country Club' Can Skyrocket Your Revenues!

My mom was visiting recently and during our mother-daughter shopping time I noticed something interesting. Almost all of the stores I made a purchase at asked me if I'd like to get on their mailing list. That's very smart.

However, the WAY in which they did this made a big difference in my answer. I said NO to almost all of them because they simply did not make it enticing for me. I mean, who WANTS more junk mail? So if you simply ask me if I'd like to be on your mailing list, the answer will usually be NO.

But one store in particular got me. First of all, it was a designer clothing store I loved. Second of all, they didn't ask me if I wanted to be on their mailing list. They invited me to become a "VIP Client".

Say the words "VIP" to me and my ears perk up. It of course stands for "very important person". And in general it indicates a level of advantage and prestige. Suddenly I WANTED to be on that mailing list, especially when the salesman explained to me it came with certain benefits, such as early notice on new arrivals, a personal shopping service, and private trunk shows.

And you know what? I would have even paid to be part of that - to be regarded as a VIP.

You see, people WANT to be part of something special like ezine advertising. The example above was free. But don't underestimate how much your clients or customers will PAY to do that, either.

Example: A friend of mine recently shared he pays $15,000.00 a year to belong to the President's Club of a local playhouse, even though he and his wife could attend each show there for just $150.00. Why would even a loyal attendee want to pay 100 times more? Special treatment like preferred seating, valet parking, invites to VIP functions, private restaurant for members only, networking with a higher level of people, etc.

Another friend of mine pays for membership at a private nightclub here in Los Angeles up on Sunset Blvd. for many of the same reasons (but more so, I believe, because it impresses his dates ; )).

My marketing mentor Dan Kennedy taught me there is a segment of virtually EVERY customer or client group or market who will happily pay FAR above standard prices for convenience, status, and special treatment.

I call it "country clubbing" your business. Why be the driving range with an hourly charge when you can be the classy six-figure membership club down the street? You can offer both of course, but look at what will skyrocket your business FASTER, with less transactions and higher quality clients.

One example of this is my private Platinum Mastermind program, which I launched in 2006 due to overwhelming demand for my personal coaching. This group of 15 serious small business owners each pay $15,000.00 a year to have greater access to me than anyone else, and in a small group setting where we meet 3 times a year at luxurious 4- and 5-star hotels and resorts.

My Platinums are, essentially, VIPs in my world! And because I maintain a bit of mystique about the group, people seem to want "in" even more. (One of my members got cornered in the ladies room at my last Online Success Blueprint Workshop by several attendees who demanded to know how they could get into Platinum!)

I share this not to impress you, but to impress upon you that in YOUR market (yes, *yours*) there IS a percentage of folks who will gladly pay MORE - much more - for a higher level of service or treatment. Remember, you're not trying to please EVERYBODY, just the select few who can afford that level of service.

So now, take a minute or two and consider how YOU can start your own "country club" for your clients and customers. Whether it's a VIP level of service or a private client group that meets a few times a year.

To get your wheels turning, imagine this... if you can get 10 people to commit to some type of program that is just $10,000.00 a year, that's an extra $100,000.00 this year for YOU!

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