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How Compare And Contrast Techniques Can Improve Our Life

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How Compare And Contrast Techniques Can Improve Our Life?

In our modern world, we frequently compare and contrast several things, facts, theories, events or personalities. We have been comparing different economical, social and political systems for ages. How we develop this process? How this technique is achieved and perfected? It can be achieved by comparison/contrast technique. One should show similarities in comparing several things, and one should point out the differences when contrasting. First step in the writing of comparison/contrast essay is the choosing of particular topic. However, do not try to choose incomparable things- the taste of lemon and the color of the wall, or the toughness of the ball. One should choose some events, figures and things that have many similarities. Once, you have chosen the subject of comparison you can start working on your compare/contrast essay. Second, you should enlist all things that you know about these subjects. After, you have completed this process try to identify differences and similarities. Third try to develop the main point of your argument. For example, if you compare the cat with the dog, you should indicate differences and similarities, by answering the following questions:

What I have learned about these animals?How does the cat differ from the dog?Once you have answered these questions, you may develop your argument. It may look like the following: Despite the fact that the cat and the dog are husbandry animals, nevertheless they have some similarities and some distinctions as well. Many students do not understand why this type of an essay is so frequently assigned to them. The answer lies in the fact that your tutor would like to teach you to develop your analytical and argumentative skills. That is why the compare/contrast essay is one of the most popular essays assigned at the colleges and universities. Compare and contrast essay is widely used in many other types of writing assignments. For example, one can use it in designing of the English essay.

This type of an essay is assigned to test your abilities to express yourself in clear, lucid and coherent language. Regardless of the topic of your essay, you should demonstrate your reader your ability to write on familiar and unfamiliar topics alike. Apart from this, you should clearly and unequivocally express your point of view on the subject you research as well as provide some proposals on the possibilities to resolve some controversial issues of the subject. You might also, answer such questions as advantages and disadvantages of the situation you research as well as describe the problem you research, why it is important to resolve it, and what effective steps should be taken to eliminate it. You certainly, may use some compare/contrast techniques in order to show differences and similarities between some points of the events, things and personalities you research.Remember, however, that it is vital almost indispensable for this type of assignment to connect your paragraphs with logical and convincing sentences; also do not provide any facts unless they are backed up by some evidence. And whatever topic you are assigned with, whatever subject should be written do not forget to check out your essay on grammar and spelling mistakes
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BONUS : How Do You Write A Book Report?

Some time or the other during our schooling most of us have been assigned the task of writing book reports. We have to live with book report assignments throughout our academic life, grade school, high school and college.

Book reports in grade school are easy as the writing is simple and most of the times the teacher takes an indulgent view due to the student’s age.

High school book reports are a different ball game altogether. Are they not? The teacher expects us to know what we are doing and the assignments too are more unmanageable. This is the time when we are expected to know how to write a book report properly without those irritating grammatical errors and fledgling mistakes.

Nobody likes remarks like “see me after class” from teachers but still every one of us has had to face them one way or the other during high school.

College, again, throws new challenges when we find that the concept of book reports is not crushed but haunts us under a different name altogether. Suddenly book reports are termed as essays and instead of broad stories the assignments become more focused on an idea that is a recurrent element in the book and specific themes. Instead of indulging in wishful thinking and hoping we were still in high school where things were easier, it is the time when we are required to unearth our talent if we have any.

If we really get down to doing it seriously, learning how to write book reports is pretty elementary. It is simply a matter of organizing and doing it chronologically instead of indulging in it in a haphazard manner. The best way of writing book reports is to work on it step by step. Without trying to make notes in-between, first read the entire book. Writing notes in between may result in loosing focus of the underlying idea the author wants to convey.

The second step is to decide on the focus of your report as per the guidelines of the assignment: depending upon whether the assignment is for a general summary or a focus on a particular aspect of the book, prepare a general outline and structure of the report.

Once the outline and the structure is ready all that is needed is to keep in mind the book’s major themes and start pouring your heart out on what you feel the book and the theme is all about. After all, a book report is all about enlarging the small issue.

However, if you are practically a novice in writing book reports and/or want to improve your technique, there are a good number of websites that can assist you in your endeavor.

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