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How Article Marketing Affects Your Page Rank
Article marketing is essential to the page rank of your website. Although that is true in principle, it is not true in fact. Page rank applies only to individual pages of your website, not to the website in general. Page rank means what it says a ranking of your pages, not your whole website.
Larry Page invented the concept of Page Rank while at Stanford University and was later helped by Sergey Brin. The two of them eventually founded Google (named as a play on the word googol a very large number) and trade marked the term PageRank. It applies to the popularity of a web page based upon the number of other web pages that link to it. This applies on the premise that these links are due to the perceived popularity, or relevance, of that site to the search term or keyword being used.
Now, however, PageRank is a synthetic measurement based upon how many links a webmaster can contrive to achieve to any one page on a particular website, and has little to do with the relevance or popularity of that page. It is possible to contrive a high PageRank through a linking strategy that has little to do with the content of the page, or relevance to the keyword in question.
The emphasis that Google and other search engines gives to web pages with a high number of such contrived links, therefore, is open to question. There are indications that PageRank is becoming less important in the overall index listing of a web page. However, article marketing will never in the foreseeable future be overtaken by any other strategy in the search engine listing race.
This is because search engines are highly unlikely to relegate linking strategies to the graveyard simply because of reciprocal liking strategies. It is more likely, and might even be happening now, that links from one web page that are reciprocated with links from another are both negated. The only links that are included in the search engine algorithmic calculations will then be the genuine ones. Those that are provided by directories that do not demand a link back. Those that are provided by webmasters that copy your article to their web page as content.
In other words, it is likely that future Google Page Rank is determined by genuine non-reciprocal links that article marketing is the ideal strategy to generate. All links that the spiders see as being reciprocated will be excluded from the calculation.
BONUS : How Audio Books Can Help You Get The Best From Your Workout
There's no doubt about it. Audio books have made life a whole lot easier.
For those of us who like to workout to stay in great shape, audio books can help us achieve this with less stress.
No longer should you engage in workouts just listening to music or to the radio. Now, with audio books, you can kill 2 birds with one stone.
Below are exact ways in which you can use the power of audio books to maximize your workout.
One - there are educative audio books that will show you more beneficial ways of staying in shape. Many people who workout don't even know the right ways to do so. Instead of guessing it, there are great audio books that will help you out.
No matter how much you think already know about working out, there are audio books out there that will teach you much better ways.
Some of these workout related audio books come with calming music in the background, thereby making you stay focused and attentive during the workout.
Two - audio books during workouts help to take your mind away from the physical activity. Instead of concentrating on the pain of the workout, you will be concentrating on the message contained in the audio book.
This will allow you to stay longer when working out. If you usually jog for, say 10 minutes, with an interesting audio book you will be able to increase the jogging time to, say 30 minutes or more.
Three - there are specific audio books that talk about the importance of staying in shape and looking great. Such audio books can be great during workouts.
They help to give you more reasons why you should stay at it working out, instead of giving yourself excuses why you shouldn't.
For example, audio books by motivational experts such as Anthony Robbins who was previously overweight, but now has lost weight and looks great, can influence you on the need to workout, even when you don't feel like it.
These books will help you to understand why you should workout to lose weight and realize that if Anthony Robbins could do it, you can do it too.
Four - for those who might want to give up their exercise when it gets difficult, an inspiring audio book during exercises can influence and motivate you to keep at it.
So, if you have always had a problem with sticking with your workout, get some great workout related and motivational audio books, such as Anthony Robbins "Awaken The Giant Within" and "Unlimited Power".
Not only will these helpful audio books help you mentally, they will help you stick to your workout plan. And eventually you will look great physically and feel great mentally.