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Help To Understand The Freelance World Of Copywriting Services

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Help To Understand The Freelance World Of Copywriting Services

Companies are beginning to outsource many of their tasks and jobs to outside companies as a way to save money on overhead. One area in which there has been a growth of freelance jobs is with copywriting services. As more companies outsource their writing and marketing divisions, more jobs are created. There are great benefits to all parties. Copywriting attracts new customers and garners attention through the use of marketing techniques. The business profits and those profits trickle down to the freelance writers.

The idea of copywriting is to attract customers to whatever service or product the business is offering. Perhaps it is best to think of it in terms of advertising. We flip through a magazine and find an ad that draws our attention. Maybe it is a new comb or hair care products. The wording catches our eye and we stop to read the ad. This is good advertising copywriting.

Copywriting services are not limited to just advertising. There are copywriters who write nothing but articles. The articles can be for magazines, publications, or websites. Web copywriting is usually in the form of Search Engine Optimized (SEO) articles. An SEO copywriter offers copywriting services that are specifically written to search engines such as Google or Yahoo. When an individual types in words for a search, it will produce articles or advertisements that contain those specific words, sometimes in the exact order.

Copywriting services need new writers to help put out new ideas and writing. There are many places that offer writing jobs. These places range from an internet bulletin board for writers or may be at a job fair.

As our world expands and businesses turn to the internet more for their customer base, so too will the need for copywriting services. Companies must stay well informed of the market and do what they can in order to persuade or influence consumer purchasing. A good copywriting service offers solid work and a dependable staff to meet those needs.
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BONUS : Helping Clients Overcome “their” Writer’s Block!

If you write for a living, that is, if you write articles for clients you often have heard about writer’s block. Personally, I think the topic is overdone and simply something that comes about when the author is too tired, distracted, or simply not interested in the topic at hand (oh, yes…this does happen!) On the other hand, do your clients sometimes suffer from writer’s block? Okay, before you throw your hands up wondering how could this be, just think about it: do your clients always know what they want you to write? Am I making myself clear? If so, read on…if not, please read this paragraph again!

As writers, we can assume that when a potential client approaches us to write for them, that they always know which topics they want you to cover. Without sounding cheeky, only if this was always so! To put it mildly, you may have a client who wants you to write “X” amount of articles, which he or she will place on their own web site in hopes of building up SEO (search engine optimization, that is), and your part of the equation is to write interesting and compelling copy that will drive traffic to their site.

Well, this only works out if your client knows exactly which topics/subjects are to be covered, keywords used, and the length of each article. No, your client isn’t going to write the article, but they will certainly lay its foundation. No web content article can possibly get going without your knowing certain essentials including the topic and which keywords are to be utilized. Make certain that these building blocks are included with your proposal, otherwise you risk going down one path while your client wanted you to go down another.

Unless you have plenty of time to constantly rewrite every article I recommend that you uncover precisely what the client wants from you.

When I sense that a client isn’t sure which direction they want me to proceed, I then start asking several questions, including:

Do you have a topic you want covered? If so, what is it and do you want me to come up with the article title or is this something that you would like to do? Knowing this information will help you create the introductory paragraph and your topic sentence.

Next questions: which keywords do you want me to use? I try to limit my clients to a small group of 2-4 words per article. Additional keywords mean additional articles…why confuse your readers? Why kill SEO? As I write this article for you do you have 3-4 points you want me to make? All of this information will comprise the article’s body.

Finally, what sort of “call to action” are you desiring? Do you want readers to buy a product? Read something else? Call their representative? I leave the anchor links up to the client, but I try to bring the article exactly to the point where the client wants it to be.

If you have gotten satisfactory answers to each of your questions, you have helped your client get over their own case of writer’s block. Yes, to a certain point every client has already visualized what they want written (they bring you on because they don’t know how to craft the right words or are simply too busy to write for themselves). If they haven’t, you must help them answer the previous questions in order for you to write effectively.

If you don’t take the time to make certain that your client is sure of what he or she wants, you will have wasted time and delayed the opportunity to go to the next project.

I don’t know about you, but time is of the essence and we writers cannot afford to waste any of it. Nail down exactly what your client wants before tackling any project to save yourself time and to preserve your sanity!

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