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Greeting Cards For In Between Freelancing

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Greeting Cards: For In-between Freelancing

"U.S. consumers purchase approximately 7 billion greeting cards each year, generating nearly $7.5 billion in retail sales." *

Have you ever wondered who actually writes all of those greeting cards you purchase? Sure there are staff writers who may develop themes and specific greeting cards. However, there are numerous freelance writers who have received checks for the use of one or more of their greeting card ideas.

"There are an estimated 3,000 greeting card publishers in the U.S., ranging from small family-run organizations to major corporations. GCA-member publisher companies account for approximately 95 percent of industry sales." *

With so many greeting card publishers it is easy to see that this may be a market worth looking at. Many freelance writers who have sold ideas to greeting card companies find the idea a profitable means of using their downtime.

When these writers find themselves without a pressing deadline or if they have a few moments to spare, they will often jot down a few creative ideas. When they accumulate dozen or so ideas, they send them onto a greeting card company for consideration.

"The exchange of greeting cards is one of the most widely accepted customs in the U.S. There are cards for virtually any occasion or relationship, and they are widely available. Approximately 100,000 retail outlets around the country carry greeting cards." *

Greeting card companies often pay $25-300 for accepted original ideas. One of the best ways to match your idea with a publisher is to conduct some research of your own. For instance some card companies only accept non-rhyming poetry while others only accept humor. Some want inspirational thought while others deal in the cliché.

"Nine out of 10 Americans say they look forward to receiving personal letters and greeting cards because cards allow them to keep in touch with friends and family and make them feel they are important to someone else." *

The majority of the publishers in the greeting card industry will not provide online submission guidelines, but will supply them to you with a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Find a publisher you like, check out their website and ask for submission guidelines. Expect significant rejection, but know that the ideas did not take much time to develop during a time when there were no other pressing deadlines. Then when an idea is accepted you have the knowledge that this is an easy add on to your existing freelance writing structure that resembles fishing, but has a prettier end result.

* Statistics provided by The Greeting Card Association
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BONUS : Hate Writing Articles?

Hate writing articles? Too bad. Read on.

Well Get over it! Your online or off line business will be DEAD in just months with out solid articles.

There are far more failures out there, than successes.

Writing articles will give your business the blood of success. Isn't that why you are in it for?

This is the wild west and you have to stake out your claim. Do you want your business to flourish?

Do you want to shape this business the way you want? Or leave it to chance?

Well get over the notion that you hate to write articles! Start short and sweet. Let your potential customer know why they should go to your site and do business with you. Or just tell them to go to your competition!

So what are your options? How can you make this work without the stress?

When I first started in business, there was a lot I did not know and did not want to do. Let me tell you, what a big mistake that was. It cost me money, it cost me time and a couple of times it cost me my business!

Don't let this happen to you! Stop right now and stake your claim for your future. Your business will only succeed when you take control of it!

There are a couple of solutions to this problem. If you have a lot of money go hire the best copy writer you can find. Or take a course given by one of the experts.

Writing becomes easier and easier every time that you do it. Become that winning copy writer. It is your business, so what was it that made you want to start it? Was it your passion? Well get out there and tell the world!

"The pen is mightier than the sword." Shakespeare Passion is what wields that sword, so write with your passion. Learn how and the world will beat a path to your website.

Help is out there, if you really want to give your business a chance. Get a good coach to guide you along the way. If you are like me you will see the value of good coaching.

Success of your business hangs on the ability to write good copy. Don't let your business die like so many others.

Take control, turn your hate for writing into your strength.

You're about to learn the real secrets to success online. Taking this next step is like getting a breath of fresh air to a drowning man!

Don't be a statistic, another business failure. Start learning what it takes to succeed...

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