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Freelance Writer Find One Today

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Freelance Writer: Find One Today!

Finding a freelance writer can be a daunting task, especially for the person who requires the skills of a capable writer, but does not know where to begin to look for one. Not everyone who says they are a freelance writer is one either. Sure, they may work freelance, but they are not skilled as a writer. Let’s explore some ways you can find a freelance writer who meets your exact specifications.

Internet Search -- Using internet search engine Google you can enter a few key words and see what shows up in your search results. Within your search parameters, enter “freelance writer” in quotes. Between the ads that show up marketing freelance writers (above and to the right of your search results) and the first ten or so search results, you should locate some decent choices. Click on the ads and the search results to be redirected to each freelance writer’s web site. From there, you should be able to determine if this person is right for you.

Article Directories -- Several of the major article directories on the internet feature articles submitted by freelancers. Freelance writers will typically showcase some of their finest works in hopes that you will read several of their articles and select them for an upcoming project. Visit Ezine Articles,, Article Sphere, and Go Articles to name a few, to peruse the works of each site’s high performing authors.

Paid Sites -- Some freelance writers have registered with paid referral sites such as Guru. As an employer, you can register on Guru too and place the specifications of your project online, and receive bids for your work. Make certain that the all the terms of your project are agreed upon before rewarding the project to a writer.

Unpaid Sites -- The most popular site for finding freelance writers is Craig’s List or craigslist as it is commonly spelled. Not just freelance writers, but graphic artists, web designers, you name it. Craig’s List is a high impact site typically ranking in the top 100 of all internet destinations!

Of course, any freelance writer worth their salt will list their own web site featuring samples of some of their best work. Spend a little time getting a feel for their style and ask for a quote before rewarding your project. If you need references, just ask.

Finding a good freelance writer can take some time and effort on your part, but by carefully choosing a freelancer you can find someone eager to give to you their best work. It may first take completing several projects together before you both are able to determine that your business relationship is a “fit.” Regardless, once you have a writer who “works magic” on your part, stick with him or her and you won’t be disappointed.
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BONUS : Freelance Writers: Publish Your Writing In A Blog

Are you a freelance writer or interested in freelance writing? Then you should consider starting a blog to publish your writing. While it is difficult for many freelance writers to think about publishing their writing for free, consider the three different methods you can utilize to profit from with a blog.

First, you can simply focus primarily on self publishing all your work to a blog (or blogs if you write in more than one area). The numerous pages of fresh, original content will be slurped up by the search engines and drive quality, targeted traffic to your blog. You can profit from this traffic by selling advertising, using third-party advertising services such as pay-per-click or pay-per-lead programs, or promote affiliate programs and products. If you want to focus simply on your writing and your audience then pay-per-click or affiliate programs is probably the easiest method to choose.

You can publish your writing in your own free ezine, newsletter, ebook, or some other informational product and use the blog to promote those products. You can still derive some profit from advertising or affiliate programs if you choose as well, but the additional informational products give you even more venues to profit.

You can publish your own ezine, newsletter, ebook, or some other informational product that is only available for purchase and use your free blog to capture leads and promote those products. Again, you still have the option to earn from advertising and affiliate programs on your blog in addition to your earnings from sales.

You can make a very nice living from giving your writing away but if you do not want to do that then you can choose to only give away a small portion and only share the balance of your work with paying customers. Either way you will have complete power and control over your own published work and you will reap all the financial rewards from your own hard work and talent.

Freelance writers should consider self publishing with a blog using one of these three profit models.

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