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Find Your Aim

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Find Your Aim

It is natural that a human being should doubt in the sense of life. A person is a bio-social structure that is guided through life not by instincts but by social conditions. The only animal to kill and to torture the representatives of the same specie is a human being and there is nothing we can change about it, unless we forget about social consciousness or otherwise “Me” as Freud named it. The majority is subjected to degradation because of the absence of aim in life, a stimulus to develop. They are ignorant to various factors and prefer to go with the flow than to get their own way. Philosophers struggle over a question what humans live for. Having heard a lot of similar questions from my students, I’m convinced now that the aim can be as individual as collective.

How to find that goal to achieve? It is simple. Look inside and think over some of the positive features that are so important for you aren’t they worth living? When the life comes to the point where the burden of it is unbearable, it is time to reconsider the system of values you’ve established and find something worth fighting for. People that have obtained a goal never quit moving forward and finding new ways to become consolidated. It is quite time to think over the lifestyle and to discover something new and exciting. You have to make a promise to yourself that you are going to reconsider all the aspects you name negative and positive and try to transform most of the negative into positive. Maybe for the first time in your life listen to you heart and figure out the things you always wanted to do. Your inner desires can transform into real aims and develop a strategy to realize them. Your new aim is probably going to require extra expenses and you have to be aware of the fact and accept it with dignity. If it is more convenient for you, make up a list of things you would like to have and go through it alone or with your friends or family members. After that it is probably going to get reduced a bit, but some of the points you’ll see will be essential for you. You will not be successful from the first attempt and you have to be ready not to give up if the first attempt is a failure.

To realize your dream you have to be in a full strength to overcome hardships. Sacrifice some of your time to have rest and relax, despite the difficulties you experience at work or in your personal life. Create unforgettable moments in your life by planning your vacation to be miraculously fun and exciting. And what is important, never doubt that you can accomplish this much, that you are capable of doing miracles. The truth is one: you have your life to live and this is only your life and your choice you live, not exist to leave a trace in the history and if you prefer to go with the flow, it is not going to tell more about you as a person in the history. Share your success, be positive and focus only on pleasant and it may happen that life becomes better.
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BONUS : Finding A Pot Of Gold In Article Writing

If you have a website, then you have probably been bombarded by people telling you that writing articles is the key to successful marketing. However, unless you are a professional writer, article writing probably seems as unachievable as obtaining that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Well, you may not be able to find the end of the rainbow, but you can achieve the task of writing an article. Just follow these simple tips, and you will be well on your way to success!

First, choose a topic and stick with it. Whether you decide to write on marketing, business tips, or fashion advice, make sure that you know your topic well. Research your subject often so you are up-to-date on the most recent advice being given. After all, you do not want to appear unprofessional by being out of the loop!

Second, make a list. Many successful articles are Top 10, 5, 3 lists. Others, such as the one you are reading, are lists of successful tips. Most readers look at articles to increase their knowledge of the subject in a timely manner. Don’t drag on and on over your topic.

Third, set aside a time each week to write articles. Make yourself focus on the task at hand and dive into writing that elusive article. The longer you put it off, the less likely you will be to take the time to do it. If you feel an onset of writer’s block, take a deep breath and relax. Just start writing the first things that come to your mind to get your thoughts flowing. Soon you will find the words to say what you are thinking.

Overall, remember that article writing does not have to be a burdensome task. If you know your business, then you have plenty of advice to share with other people. Have someone else read your article when it is completed to have an outsider’s point of view.

Just as Dorothy found her way over the rainbow, you can find your way to writing a successful article. Now go put your pen to the page and show yourself what you can do!

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