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Hardcore was originally acclaimed as dirt, quick and bustling punk-rock, which emerged in the US in late 70-ies through early 80-ies. The hard-core bands, including Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Jerry’s Kids posed as founders of hardcore.

Until 80-ies, hardcore appeared to be peculiar of ear-teasing, short and quick songs of approximately 1 to 1.5 minutes with presence of social lyrics. This stage completed due to bands’ tendency either to split up or, to, simply, shift to different musical style. Those times hardcore is labelled the old school hardcore.

Some bands, including Earth Crisis, All Out War, Strife, following the old school hardcore, enriched their music with combination of slow melodies and metal elements, which, thus, committed to establishment of the new school of hardcore.

The others, like Husker Du, Meat Puppets and Embrace however, applying restrictions to "hardness" in their music, developed the new styles of grunge and emocore, respectively. The emocore boasts the peculiar features of emotional performance, melodic and soft back-vocal, minor chords as well as typical behaviour on stage.

The Bad Religion band, established in 1980, omitting usual now presence of slowness and duration in songs, posed as establisher of new musical trend through introducing professional beck-vocal. The style appears to lack in denomination, but is conditionally nicknamed as skate-punk (trifle lighter form of the said music is played by Blink-182 and New Found Glory), although it differs from traditional pop-punk, represented by Ramonez, Buzzcocks and Lookout records, both, in origin and style.

As the time passed by, the hardcore influenced development of such styles as fast-core, thresh core and crossover, however, the bands, following the said style failed to experience support of great audience, as their processors did.

Thus, a bulk of modern alternative music stemmed from hardcore. Notably, the old school hardcore is still in demand and keeps developing, irrespective of breeding more popular musical trends. A slew of bands still promotes the style worldwide among music lovers.

The styles encountered development of a parallel manner (they experienced step-by-step development from the very beginning).

It should be noted that a style, depending on social background and geographical location may posses original and unique nuances.
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BONUS : Have A Better Understanding Of Piano Music Theory

Having a solid understanding of piano music theory is something that will put you above the rest as you learn to play the piano. Musicians who can recognize chord patterns, note values, rhythmic structures, and scales are immediately more successful when it comes to learning new music easily and playing along with other musicians. This is because theory is the backbone of all music, and being able to understand these basic concepts is vital to learning and mastering all styles of playing.

If you are simply interested in gaining a new skill and enriching your artistic capabilities, learning to play the piano can be one of the most calming and satisfying things you do in your life. Music is a great way to escape from stressful things that are one your mind and focus on something that you really want to do. Finding the right musical instrument to play is a great way to try something new and experience music from a different perspective. Try out a few lessons and soon you’ll be hooked on the beautiful sounds you make while sitting in front of the piano.

Learning the piano while also taking piano music theory courses is a great way to incorporate theory while you are learning to play new songs. This way you can focus on the particular chords, notes, and scales that apply to individual songs. Understanding the mechanisms of each piece of music you play will become easier the more you practice and learn over time. Then you will be able to assess each song or piece of music before you try to play it because you will be able to understand the notes and rhythms within the music.

All it takes is a few music theory lessons and you will be well on your way to experiencing a difference in the way you learn and play the piano. You may also find that you are more confident when tackling new styles of playing or more difficult pieces once you have mastered basic theory concepts.

Above all, make sure that when you are learning online you move at your own pace. Once you have mastered one concept in music theory, then move on to the next. Piano music theory is essential to your growth as a musician, and it will help you succeed at playing anything you choose to tackle down the road.

At Hear and Play, we offer a variety of online courses designed to help you improve your piano playing skills including theory courses and programs that will help you learn how to play by ear. Contact us today at to learn more.

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