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Acoustic Guitars The Best Tuners

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Acoustic Guitars - The Best Tuners

Tuning your acoustic guitar is the first step in your guitar playing career. Whether by skill, talent or technology, you must be able to get your guitar into tune.

One common obstacle to learning to tune a guitar is a certain natural resistance to aquiring new knowledge. This reluctance is present in everybody to some degree. The prospect of learning to tune a guitar by ear can fill some people with a sense of dread.

Before we start to tackle the job of tuning, we need to get straight which string is which. The first string is the narrow string nearest your knee as you sit with the guitar in playing position. The sixth string is the widest string, and it is closest to your chin.

And the tuning goes like this:
1st string is "E"
2nd string is "B"
3rd string is "G"
4th string is "D"
5th string is "A"
6th string is "E"

The guitar pitch pipe plays the notes when you blow into it so you can compare the sounds with your guitar.

A tuning fork, when you bang it on your knee and hold it on the body of your guitar, sounds the note you get when you play the harmonic at the fifth fret of the fifth string. Once you get this note right, you tune the rest of the strings to the fifth string.

If you have tried the methods of tuning guitars using a pitch pipe or tuning fork, and still feel less than confident in your guitar tuning abilities, then you could think about acquiring a guitar tuner that has a visual aid to tuning. You can always test your skill from time to time by tuning your guitar without the tuner, and seeing how accurate you have become.

You can also use a keyboard instrument to tune your guitar to. Start by finding on the keyboard the E note below Middle C. Then GO DOWN ANOTHER OCTAVE to tune the sixth string on the guitar. This is because the guitar's music is written an octave higher than it actually sounds compared to a piano!

The electronic guitar tuner is the simplest way of tuning your acoustic guitar. You pluck your guitar string and watch the indicator on the tuner to see how close you are to the correct note. There are also guitar tuners you can get for free on the internet that work the same way.
Online Guitar Tuners often play the notes to you, and you use your ear to see if your guitar is in tune.
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BONUS : Advantages of Learning to Master a Guitar

Sure you can be the life of the party or someone who is really adored by music lovers or, the list goes on. You can play really good music through the strumming of your guitar. And people would scream out “Encore!” That would be really nice isn’t it? Do you like the idea? Well, read very carefully as this article states some of the most exciting and fulfilling advantages when you have learned to master the techniques and chords in the phase of guitar music.

Advantage #1

Playing a guitar enhances your brain to work and to initiate such signals that commands your hands on mentally memorizing where to put your finger on a particular fret, pressing on the right chord and engaging in the proper manner of strumming.

Advantage #2

The pleasure of gratification is satisfied. Thus, your self-esteem is working its way through your personality. A book once said, a psychological book to be exact, that men has to satisfy basic needs to be able to advance to his self to the highest level which is the self-actualization. Something like that.

Advantage #3

Let’s face the fact that a guitar is one of the most convenient instruments there is. You can’t bring your drums wherever you go. It would be exhausting on your part to carry a drum set around your campus and constantly beat it. It can cause so much distraction. Whereas if you have been a full pledged guitarist your whole life, you could play music where you can.

Advantage #4

Being able to drag your guitar around town, might as well earn something from it. A talent like that would not go on unnoticed. Playing along the streets of downtown is not really the idea but if you consider it, then yes, you could try. You could ask some of your friends to back you up.

Advantage #5

You, yourself, is a unique individual. Out of ten people only one becomes a pure musician. And by some luck, that person is a guitarist. Or can be someone with pure musical talent who can play not only the guitar but similar instruments or some percussion ones. Some say it is taught but real talent comes from deep inside. It is that spirit within you that makes you distinct.

Advantage #6
Nobody can call you a loser with no specific talent. Yes, you could flunk all of your exams and miss every graded recitation during class hours but when school or house parties come, you are the star. Even an A+ won’t top the popularity you can get from being an artist.

Advantage #7

You are the “it” guy. Everyone can hate you or mess you up. But the moment you have learned to become a master in your own craft, everyone will recognize how good you are. Even those who never or didn’t know you will find an effort to. People will love you for the talent that you are.

More advantages are viewed just by playing the guitar. Playing is one thing but mastering is another. So if you are still struggling to play such tunes, don’t give up that dream. Even though it’s just a hobby or past time, who knows, with such skill, it could take you to new heights. Something brighter. Something more intense. Something close to Hollywood.

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