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Make Friends Playing The Guitar

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Make Friends Playing The Guitar

Who doesn’t need more friends?
Making friends just got easier. The guitar is an incredible way to enjoy being with your friends because you’ve got something cool that everyone can do. This page will help you see why guitars are the magnet to attracting more friends. If you already know that you want a guitar, check out our guide to buying a new guitar page. Or maybe you already have a guitar and need to improve your skills, in that case start our guitar lesson 1.

The need for guitar players
Almost every band that is formed has at least one or more guitarists in it. Guitars have increased in popularity and need over the past few decades. Punk bands are now the largest type of bands around and they have guitars galore that range from bass guitar to lead guitar. Face it, guitars are cool.

Its no secret, the guitar is the friend making machine
The guitar is the perfect instrument to increase your circle of friends. From rocking with old buddies, to serenading the ladies, to campfire outings, a guitarist can always catch everyone’s attention. Guitarists end up being the life of the party. It’s a known fact that some of the most romantic scenes show being with a loved one, on the beach, guitar in hand, and singing a way. Thanks to the mobility of the guitar this scene can occur so many other places, such as: in front of a fireplace, candlelight dinner, picnic at the park, and on and on.

Benefits of playing the guitar
There several reasons why guitars carry such a popular pull. First, they are easy to learn, yet still offer a challenge because guitars take a lifetime to master. Second, they are transportable and convenient. Third, they are one of the few instruments that sound great by themselves and with other instruments. Fourth, this instrument makes you look good, by not requiring your face to be distorted by blowing into anything. Fifth, it’s an instrument you can share. Whether teaming up with your buddies and their guitars or just allowing your friends to sing along it’s still going to be a group involved activity.

Now it's Your Turn to Learn the Guitar
At any rate, the only way to know that the guitar is for you and your friends is to give it a try. Good luck and maybe this can be one of those things that you can look back on and say, “I am sure glad I learned to play the guitar”
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BONUS : Make Your Own Beats, Instrumentals, Tracks, And Demo Cds

Many people are making an excellent living selling thier samples, tracks, and cd's, on the Internet and off, even if they're not with a major record label. Just look around on the Internet. People are paying $30 to $60 for small beat and and sound packages, $50 to $100 for small loopsets and beatsets, $100 to $300 for Instrumentals, $100's to $1,000's for complete tracks and samples, and for the few lucky ones like Jay-Z and J D... "Money aint a Thing"! They sell millions of their cd's. There are thousands of people and even companies looking for new music everyday! Let them hear yours!

Whether you dream of Making It Big in the Music Industry, or are just interested in making some extra cash doing what you love, this article is for you. You will see the resources you need to make your own beats, loops, instrumentals, finished tracks, and complete demo cd's. You will also see the resources you need to make money doing it. With that being said, let's get to the part you are waiting for...

Part I: Make Your Own Beats, Instrumentals, Samples, Loops, Tracks, and Complete Demo CDs...

To do this, you will need a few things. First you will need recording studio software. Recording studio software is nothing more than a program that allows you to mix beats, melodies, chords, samples and loops to make your own customized instrumentals and tracks. They also allow you to record yourself as you sing or rap to your track and to make a copy of your tracks to cd.

You can find this type of software all over the Internet. Just do a search for "make your own beats" or "recording studio software". As you search, you will notice that on average, this type of software will run you between $50 and $200. Don't Buy Them (you'll see why shortly)! Now you're going to need beats, melodies, chords, samples, and loops to customize with your recording studio software, aka: soundsets and loopsets. Again, just do a search for "beats" or "loops". They usually come in packages of about 200 soundsets for $30 and 300 loopsets for $60, or 600 soundsets for $75 and 900 loopsets for $150. Don't Buy Them Either!

Alright, so at the minimum, $140 gets you the low-end studio software, 200 soundsets, and 300 loopsets... or if you want a little better quality studio software and more soundsets and loopsets, you can spend about $425 for high-end studio software, 600 soundsets, and 900 loopsets. That's everything you need to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and complete demo cd's. But why did I say Don't Buy Them?

Because you can get it all, the studio software and over 1,100 soundsets and loopsets for under 30 bucks with Hip Hop Starz Record Producer and Mixer Studio (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). This is an unheard of price for everything you need, and it is of such good quality, I have dedicated an entire page of my Snoop Dogg website to it. It is loaded with many features you will find on the high-end software selling for $100 or more. Also, they are currently holding a Win A Record Contract Contest with Doug E Fresh. Use the software and enter to win!

So now you know how to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and even complete demo cd's, and this brings us to our next part...

Part II: Make Money Doing It...

There are many, many ways to make money with your own music. The first thing you need to do, though, is break it down into pieces, or components we will call them.

There are 4 key components to any track, or song. You have soundsets, which are nothing more than beats, sounds, scratches, etc. You have loopsets, which are your soundsets when put together in a loop. You have instrumentals, which are completed tracks with no voice or lyrics. Finally, you have completed tracks, which are basically just instrumentals that include lyrics.

When you look at music from this angle, broken down into components, you will start to see many ways to make money with your own. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report, people are not only paying for completed tracks, they are also paying for the components individually. If you can create you own, good components, people will buy them.

Again, search the Internet for these components. Doing so will not only show you how much you can sell your components for, but also where you can sell them. As long as people are listening to music, there will always be a demand for it, and I can't see people stopping anytime soon.

If you are interested in learning how to make money with your own beats in more detail, I recommend you check out Bob Bakers website (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). Bob Baker is a writer, indie musician and former music magazine editor who is dedicated to showing musicians of all kinds how to get exposure, connect with fans, sell more CDs and increase their incomes through their artistic passions. He is also the author of the Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook, as seen in the major motion picture The School of Rock ... and in VIBE, Music Connection, Electronic Musician and American Songwriter magazines. This is the guy you should listen to. Here are some of the things you will find at his website...

- 197 Promotion Tips, Tricks, and Resources for Independent Musicians.

- 101 places to submit press releases, get reviewed, uncover PR connections and promote your music on the Internet. Supplies the exact website and email addresses for submitting your music news.

- The 29 most important elements in creating sizzling music publicity materials. Make sure your media kit gets noticed by editors, writers, booking agents, program directors, and other industry people.

- 50 ways to promote and sell your music on the Internet.

- And more, including his coveted Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook.

I hope this report has proved useful to you and I wish you all the best as you learn how to make your own beats, tracks, and even complete demo cd's.

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de Philippe-André LEVASSEURS

"Méthode Guitare Débutant Intégrale"
de Thierry BERNARDIN

"MĂ©thode Guitare DĂ©butant Essentielle"
de Thierry BERNARDIN

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