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Learn How To Play The Guitar Left Handed

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Learn How to Play the Guitar Even If You’re Left Handed

Most individuals are right handed but it doesn’t really matter if you’re a left handed individual. There are things that some right handed people can do that lefties can’t do but when it comes to playing a guitar, even left handed people can do it too as long as their determined and motivated. Learn how to play the guitar even if you’re left handed especially if you love this musical instrument.

To be more inspired, you need to know some famous left handed guitarists. Yes, there are actually many left handed guitarists like Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Albert King, Dick Dale, and Paul McCartney. These guitarists used re-strung guitars as well as left handed guitars and each of them have their own styles when playing the guitar. You can find more about them and their playing style by reading magazines or simply surfing the net.

A lot of information can be found online so you’d better start surfing the net. By knowing their stories, you will be motivated to learn to play guitar even if you’re left handed. Being a lefty should not be a hindrance if you really want to learn.

If your a beginner, you should know that you have several options to learn to play a guitar. First, you can use guitars that are used by right handed people. You don’t need to re-string it, simply leave the strings as is and then try to play the guitar upside down. Now this may seem difficult and so you can opt for the second option wherein you re-string a guitar.

However, this is not very easy if you plan to play an electric guitar especially when using the tone and volume controls. The best option for most left handed individuals is using the left handed guitar because you don’t need to re-string it or play it upside down.

As a beginner, a huge portion of your time will be spent in looking for the best guitar in your local music stores or even in online stores. You need to prepare some money when purchasing a guitar especially if you want a left handed guitar. You see, left handed guitars are rather expensive because these are specially designed for lefties. Go for quality guitars that are sold at a reasonable price if you don’t want to break your savings. But once you learn to play the guitar well, you can now experiment in using different guitars, even right handed re-strung guitars.

Beginners are advised to get left handed guitars to learn all the basics of guitar playing easily. You need to memorize all the notes, chords, and other guitar playing techniques. Strumming is also a problem for some lefties but with practice and patience, you can learn it fast. Depending on your learning attitude, you need to choose the appropriate learning method.

When learning to play a guitar, left handed individuals should always remember to purchase first a left handed guitar. You need to invest on the guitar so that you can practice more often and you don’t need to borrow every time you want to play the guitar. Then, find the guitar learning method that suits you.

After doing these things, you can now start and learn how to play the guitar even if you’re left handed. Good luck and who knows, in time you may become one of the best guitar players in the world.
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BONUS : Characteristics a Lead Guitarist Needs

Being able to play a guitar in front of a crowd efficiently and magically is not the ultimate dream of every artist. Though beginners often state that they only wanted to play some music, it just doesn’t stop there, especially if you see yourself going somewhere. He somehow should see himself advancing to being the lead guitarist of a band. Involving himself in a band is one thing but playing as the lead is another.

Why is the lead so important that the band wants to keep him and respects him? Because he calls the shots. He decides on the music the band must play. In other words, he is their leader.

A lead guitarist is someone who, aside from the vocalist, establishes rapport amidst the crowd. He is responsible for getting everyone’s attention and at the same time being able to entertain them with his skills on the guitar and somehow satisfy them with their need for loud, soft, hard metal, or jazzy music. A crowd pleaser.

This is a good opportunity to let the artist in you sparkle amidst the limelight. But first, you have to start working on the most important thing that you must consider before entering such commitment, yourself.

After you’ve decided which path you’d go, either a rock star or a blues type of a guy, you have to double check if you are really capable of stating your name and plunging into the career of your life as a lead guitarist. One must possess and observe:

a. A goal
Most guitarists don’t really know what they want that may lead to a dream or frustration. You need to set goals for yourself. Set a time frame when you’ll be able to see the path you have to tread. A goal is like a road. Help this goal inspire you to push through elevating your career.

b. Right Attitude
Aspects like this require a great deal of persistence. If you want to see yourself on top of that stage with lights and all, you must have the potential to play the part. Your confidence must shine. Never let your energy spill. The crowd must never take advantage of you. You own the stage, remember that.

c. Practice
Just because you have that part on being the lead doesn’t mean you have to stop practicing. This should give you more reason to keep playing. It would be a disgrace if you’ll be the reason for inappropriate unpleasant remarks. Without religious practice, you can expect to see your career fall apart.

d. Skills and knowledge
What good are you without your talent in guitar mastery? Aside from the basic conventional way of playing the guitar, you have to figure out a way to exhibit other tricks that will definitely blow your audience away. One typical example is Carlo Santana. He is considered as a music genius for his impeccable way of manipulating a guitar. Sometimes, not one, but two at the same time.

e. Flexibility, Discipline and Respect
Joining a group or band demands its members to be flexible enough to cope with the pressure, stress, and sometimes the attitude of the other members. Discipline must be maintained to gain cooperation and tranquility while respect must strictly be imposed within the group. These three important elements are the keys to a successful working relationship.

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